well skool sucks man im in 7th grade 8)

I’m so old, that if I stop moving too long, moss begins to grow on the side of my body that is facing North…

Just call me “Old Mossy”… :mrgreen:

I like to think of me as a “Bald Eagle”… 8)

I’m 64, but when I fly, I’m still 18…

Youre 14 in 7th grade :shock:
Im 15 and im in 10th grade :shock:

Old Mossy :wink: you don’t look as if you were 64 :wink:

yeah i started skool late by a year…or two…most definitly one…yup.

Over Seas In Combat at 14 ?

Well hard times call for extreme measures…

Well hard times call for extreme measures…[/quote]

And extreme waltiness as well it would seem :wink:

I know, Ive already asked him to change it, but he seems to ignore my kindly old mans advice. Still you never know, maybe he will soon eh!

just really who would take it seriously that i am over seas in combat, and i recieved your pm firefly i just got a pop up that it arrived must be the snowy weather here thats slowing things down :x

Anyone who reads the forum, because there are many young men not much older than you who are !

Not to mention a fair number of people who have recently been in the sandpit actually being shot at…
<not including me - just making that clear before I turn into an accidental walt>

ok ok if u want me to change it just say so.

Is that understandable ?

just really who would take it seriously that i am over seas in combat, and i recieved your pm firefly i just got a pop up that it arrived must be the snowy weather here thats slowing things down Mad

First off its not something that you should be posting, I have a few Buddys that did not come home .To see things like what you are post below your name just strike a nerve to me and its very disrespectful .

PLT.SGT.BAKER, acording to this rule and considering my emboldment in Gutkowski’s post, you are requested to change asap your “location”.

Thank you.

And by the way, try to comply with this rule:
(In fact please read the entire topic about the rules).

ok srry if i offended u guys in any way i’ll change it.

Mate it’s so hard for you to post in plain English?

Maybe we’ll open a thread with posts like yours (we have as well threads in Russians and posts in Spanish). What you think?

Location: Chicago ILL

Thanks buddy. :smiley:

sure thing.

I’m 17 and I become off age the 6th of April 2006 :slight_smile: