It matters? Anybody have 17 in your heart. (And into his mind, too) 8)

Ty Baker

Well i am 13 years old :oops: a bit small :cry:

I’ve always believed that you’re as old as the woman you’re feeling :wink:

Looks like I’m in my second childhood then :cry:


Looks like I’m in my second childhood then :cry:


Your wrong, so very wrong :shock: I think we should call social services

16 here…feelin’ like 5. Something says ‘setback’ . :smiley:


I’m 35…

Looks like I’m in my second childhood then :cry:


Your wrong, so very wrong :shock: I think we should call social services[/quote]

I just KNEW someone would take it that way :stuck_out_tongue:

Put it this way:When I was 11 years old I was more interested in Airfix than Anatomy :wink:

Looks like I’m in my second childhood then :cry:


Your wrong, so very wrong :shock: I think we should call social services[/quote]

I just KNEW someone would take it that way :stuck_out_tongue:

Put it this way:When I was 11 years old I was more interested in Airfix than Anatomy :wink:[/quote]

Although Airfix was appealing stealing girl’s knickers from their changing room was for me always more fun. Especially when you tied them on a line and attached it to the school minibus so when it was driving around it was followed by girl’s knickers!

LMAO! thats great, Good job on those wise words:P

Oh yeah iam 15:D

I’m 25 and i’m still having a lot of fun :twisted:
I’ve finished univerisity 2 years ago, so I got to work for ONLY 40 years before I retire…

Nice ONLY40 years:P

I´m a boy…36 years… :smiley:

Im 14 about to turn 15 :slight_smile: im a young one :slight_smile:

Turning 26 right now…but looking no more than 20. :smiley:


I am a 16yr old female turning 17 next yr, you may know my brother (thats if you live down under aka australia) his name is Kristopher Bos, anyhoodles I am passionate about history especially WW2 seens it was the big ass war in history. I am also interested in other wars but this war happens to be me fav. I love weaponary, and of coarse anything to do with it, such as games, skirmish, basically anything.

For more information please seek my profile or get off ur arse and ask me.

Thankies! =D