Hysteria and Tantrums

no,this is a ww2 forum,if the rules allow this,its sure that the member who are always in off-topic having mindless discussion (me one of them :lol: ),then we will be leaving the ww2 idea of this forum,im not agree,since this will welcome members without interest in ww2,when thats the first idea of the forum.

but of course,all those members who dont post often in the ww2section,and post in off topic,because they arent interested on the centre of this forum,and have fun with stupid discussion,aren`t useful for us,but for sure they will but yes!.

easy :mrgreen:

the topic of the Forum is WW2,
But Erwin would like to see more discussion of WW2 in the “off topic” section, ecxcuse me whilst I Patronise you.

Thankyou, I have explained I am present because I would enjoy the forum and reading the other threads however as i have nothing to offer in “those” threads I do not post there. I do not even post

“great post”
Im a cunt trying to boost my post count" or anyhting else.

I hope this has deflated your Bolshevist arrogance.

Wtf os bolshevist? (if that means the communist,you`re wrong)

and i want more ww2 topics and posts in ww2 section!,not in off topic.

The offtopic is very full.

and respect me,or i will not respect you.

btw,im the most arrogant here,but you are the second!! :mrgreen:

Wtf os bolshevist? (if that means the communist,you`re wrong)

and i want more ww2 topics and posts in ww2 section!,not in off topic.

The offtopic is very full.

and respect me,or i will not respect you.

Putting a fee on “off-topic” by which, you need to earn the right to post there, will only add to the number of bone smiley posts that can be found in the WW2 threads already.

Losing your respect is not a great shock to me and earning it is as easy as recommending you for a medal and telling you you made a good post. Read the Medal recommendation thread if you arent sure what I mean. If you want to limit the off-topic then you should stop stop posting there. I will do a count of your posts if you like and remind you where you made your legendary post count! (in a weekend if I recall)
I am not campaigning against off-topic so it is not hypocritical of me to post there freqently.

Kettle Black pot

im not against off topic,im helping the on topic!,the ww2 section,that is the most important,and btw,if we do this,there will be a lot more of topics,that will get old,and then be remaked because the olds are in the other page,and there are some unnecesary topics.

btw,you never had my respect since your actitudes to this forum,when you do something to make this better,i can give you tea,medals and a hug,maybe money too :roll: .

but you have to help the site.

Cheers for your big post number

Ill give you alot of posts, its only fair you gave us the Islands back!

you will?,i have enough posts,you gift ironman lots of posts!.

and you have the islands!!!,i want them,but you have them!.

bluffcove,do you live since the 82??? (me not :lol: )

On reflection I agree that maybe a prescribed number of posts wouldnt make a diffrence I suppose. I just thought it may put off the casual Troller, but I suppose they would simply carry out their agenda in the ww2 topics.

Ah well…

Please stop fighting!


Post deleted due to irresponsible moderation

Im afraid you turned this in a falklands thread.
sometimes,the truth is unkown.
i think accepting the first theory or information isn’t very recommendable.

btw,can you explain me the rest of the topic?,i don’t understand :twisted:

poll edited for making it peaceful,if you do polls like that,they will always vote the things you want.

erwin maybe you could jsut write our posts for us, or give us scripts?

maybe like a show trial… Ever heard of those? Im sure you can find some information at www.Libreopini…maybe not there actually.

Can we just change the name ofthe site to “Erwin Schätzer says” ?

If I’d have wanted to post that bloody question I would have done !

FYG Erwin, I have NOT turned this into a damn Faklands thread - but it looks like you want to !

Will you just keep your sticky fingers out of things you do not understand for once ?

Jussus, I hae just about had enough of dealing with children !!!
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Im 21,im not a children.
if i am a children then bluffcove is,because he is 21 too.

everybody is someones child.
You however appear to be more childish! (I presume - to say anything myserlf would be presumptuous)

you are very childy too,and don’t take that as offensive :smiley:

I had originally posted this in the ‘Site Feedback’ forum, but was edited by a megalomaniac.
I trust it will get a more mature reception here.

I have noticed that some people are getting particularly het up about things on the site.
I would like to put my ha’penth worth in.

Historical fact is just that.
Pure and simple.
Nothing added, nothing taken away.

No amount of whinging or wheedling will change it one jot.
So what is the point of bitching about a historical fact ?

I am asking because a member has had topics containing such locked because another member seems to be in denial about the said fact.

The thread was, as we all know, in the ‘Off Topic’ part of this site, and that the original discussion degenerated into mud-slingig is beside the point.

The fact that the Argentine army surrendered in '82 cannot be changed.
Nor can all photographs of the conflict be ‘disappeared.’

The point is that a person with powers to delete posts and lock topics has had a hissy fit due to being unable to argue his side in a discussion.

An example.
Let’s suppose that I were to take exception to the idea that in WWII the Allies had liberated the poor souls held in Bergan-Belsen.

Let us also assume that someone used a photograph of the happy relief of those tortured individuals in their signature.

If I locked their threads and/or gave them warnings, would that not put me in the wrong ?

Denial of history is an oft used tool of dictators, see Stalin, Hitler, Lenin, Amin, Pol Pot, Hussein, etc
They have all used this method of thought control.

If I deny the 1918 surrender of Germany but admit that Holocaust occured am I a better person than if I said the reverse ?

The pcture in question was a similar, (but colour,) version of this one:

Found it:

The person concerned seems to think that if the truth is hidden from enough people then it may be denied.
In the words of Heinrich Himmler, “The oft repeated lie will eventually be accepted as the truth.”

Now is this the action of a responsible moderator* ?

(In my opinion it is not*, but that is only my opinion and it is not for me to make decisions on the way the site is run.)

Just to make my point, I would not complain if another person used photographs of my countrymen surrendering.
That would be historical fact.
(Unless of course it was a falsified picture.)

  • I have been proven correct in my original post in ‘Site Feedback.’

Edited to add the colour photograph located at: http://britains-smallwars.com/Falklands/signing.gif