If England Was Join Up Too Europe What Will Be The Out Come Of WW2?

Hey Rising Sun, Whats up your ass to call me a moron? You getting your jolies calling me a troll again?. I’m a Staff-Sergeant now, and not a corporal, like the days you use to bash me, so if I have respect for your Great country, and you chose to downgrade it by calling me a moron, then I guess I won’t be taking my vacation in Austrailia this year afterall!..

I am pleased to report that my arse is full of a healthy quantity of the normal arse substance, being shit, rather like the substance of most of your posts.

As for calling you a moron, I’m just joining the chorus of mods to whom you normally suck up by confirming pdf27’s assessement of you. http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?p=135629

Sorry, Staff-Sergeant.

It may have escaped your notice, but the ranks here are bullshit.

I couldn’t give a fishy fuck if you were a field marshal and I was a civilian, or vice versa. Either way, it’s all bullshit.

As does ali j, who seems remarkably in sympathy with you. Some might even think you’re the same person. And the more you try to deny it, the more we’ll all think that you are the same person.

Thanks for that, as the Americans you so love say, heads up.

I’ve alerted the national tourism authorities and the national treasurer to expect tourist arrivals and tourist income to be negative this year, and to budget accordingly for the few Japanese and Germans who persistently visit our shores to see what their grandfathers failed to capture. :rolleyes:

I cant believe you talking too me like im normal.
Normaliy you guys are picking on me or you call me a Troll:shock:

Amazing how you post a couple of minutes after I respond to Herman.

And there I was, thinking you two were the same person. :shock:

And, just to inform us all, please post links to all the instances where you have been called a troll.

Because that sounds like a Herman moan, not a Dudette whinge.

Bit of a problem separating dual personalities in the one person, isn’t it?


Why are you watching this thread a few minutes after my last post?

Has ali j gone to sleep?

As I recall Mr.Rising Sun, it is against the forum policy to use fowl langauge. If i may refer you to the terms of refference if you require a refresher on this issue. Furthermore, I still have a direct comment from the honourable Mr.Firefly which indicates that the use of fowl languahe is not tolerable. I can print you the Super Mods words for you if you like.I have never used vulgar language on you and I respect the same. If you have a disagreement with me, then please be polite and professional in your response and i will understand your view better in this respect, then by use of degrading swear words. I have noticed you also used this type of uneducated language in your attack against panzerknacker when I read that thread. Just because you have been around longer than most of us, doesn’t give you the right to use the fuck word to me, or anyone else. I am talking to you as a human being and we are not animals. Talk like a professional and not like a sewer rat that doesn’t know any better. You are a well educated person, smarter than even me, and I have admitted that in the past, so don’t show your immaturity and unprofessionailism by using that nasty fowl language again. there are children who read these threads too in case you didn’t know. Set an example for the sake of the children. Maybe take an anger management course or get an airconditioner to cool off (I heard Austrailia is hot so I don’t blame ya for getting hot headed at times). If you can’t afford an airconditioner then ask your welfare worker the next time you have your file update, if the social services department can buy you one…just a thought)

As does ali j, who seems remarkably in sympathy with you. Some might even think you’re the same person. And the more you try to deny it, the more we’ll all think that you are the same person.

First of all, if your so smart, which you are, I am sure you can ask george Eller or PDF or the Admin rep to trace the email account for Aly J, and you will surely see that it is not the same as mine. She apparently resides in Austrailia so I highly doubt I could be using 2 computers to imitate her, nor could I have an account that is the same. Check it out and apologise when you find out the truth. Personally I don’t beleive Aly J is from Austraila, because I find it hard to beleive that there could be such a nice person living on the same island as someone as rude as you.

Thanks for that, as the Americans you so love say, heads up.

I am Canadian, and I think you know that, but I love America.

I’ve alerted the national tourism authorities and the national treasurer to expect tourist arrivals and tourist income to be negative this year, and to budget accordingly for the few Japanese and Germans who persistently visit our shores to see what their grandfathers failed to capture. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

Austraila is a Great country. It is a shame that you have to downgrade it.

I was trying to respond to your previous string, but I was not able to sort oput the quoye part from my words, Thus I had to edit it again, then I noticed I had grammer errors and I wanted to correct those as well, before you call me a moron for spelling mistakes; which I still haven’t been able to fix because you bugged me before I could finish the final draft. Trace the dam account if your so admirant that Ali j and I are the same dam person and put an end to it. God, you are so suspicious and rediculous. I don’t need to imitate anyone, as I am the One And Only Herman Meister!:shock:

Y aright RS, I get my kicks pretending I am a young female, that apparently is from Austrailia just to piss you off…right/…You think I would be so stupid to pick Austraila in the first place?(wrong question cause i’m a moron)…anyways say what you like but get real.What is a Whinge?..oh never mind…

I might have too call you Rising Moron for now on.
U r a real prick.What makes you think where the same person:twisted:

I don’t even kow wher that flaming devil looking symbol came from RS, but I don’t think your in her good books now…shame shame pants on fire…I am going for lunch now…
p.s. we are off topic about war stuff…lets not makes this personal ok>?friends RS?

Fowl language is clucking.

I don’t cluck.

Produce evidence that children, other than you and ali j, read anything here.

Mate, you know how easy it is to mask sources on the internet. I could do it to make you look half smart.

That’s Canada’s loss, and probably America’s as well.

Anyone who doesn’t love their own country is a problem to that country.

Mate, if you lived down here, you’d realise that I am actually a shining example of Aussie belief that doesn’t give a fuck about the rest of the world, just like Americans and other proud peoples take the same attitude about their countries.

Unlike you, we love our own country. And love it in preference to America, although we like America in most respects.

As we know that normal Americans love their own country and even might like Australia in some respects, as we would expect normal Canadians to love Canada and even like America or perhaps Australia in some respects.

But I’m buggered if I can understand a Canadian or anyone else outside America loving America while failing to express a greater love for their own country.

For a start, because you’re both outstandingly stupid in the same vein and are playing tedious tennis with each other.

Wait…R u saying that herman 2 and i are the same person cause i thought BRAVO 32 was a girl…and maybe i sympathy with Herman cause hes a nice bloke, not like you are…Have you thought about that.

I am not a nice bloke and I don’t think about it.

I know youre not a nice bloke…Rising Moron.

Herman may be schizophrenic, but at least he’ll always have each other…

I can confirm that the two of them are on different IP addresses, both of which are consistent with their claimed locations. Neither appears likely to be any form of proxy server.

Thank you…THANK YOU PDF, MY MAN!!!..
Ouch, what was that???..was that the sound of an apology coming out of RS’s arse, for his Gestatpo, paranoid fears that I was running a blog with 2 id’s?..LOL…Looks good on you RS, for opening your big mouth on a subject you were dead wrong about…I am glad the Honourable PDF put your sock in your mouth…Now you pissed off a new member (Aly J)… as well as me (well actually I am not pissed, as I am use to your insults)…And RS did you hear what PDF say’s…or do I have to write in Austrailian if you don’t understand Canadian language…he said that " Neither appears likely to be any form of proxy server"…hahahha you deaushbag, you thought you had me//LOL…ok now serious…RS can we please be friends now that this is water under the bridge?..I am sorry for calling you a deaushbag…Honestly, can we bury the hatchet…please PLEASE!!!

No ones perfect including R/S…OH MY GOD he can be human some times.:smiley:

Well not exactly Hitler and a good bit of the SS, might have boarded their flying saucers gone back in time and arrived 7,000 years ago and established a Nazi state after fighting the “First Battle of the Dogger Bank” ( ie when it was dry land ) with the indigenous tribes, that said your point is a good one redcoat, we are in major league bonkers territory here, in that the concept of joining Britain to the continent is such a huge change, that it is impossible to get any sort of traction in making an analysis of what the results would be, other than to say the whole history of the World would probably have been different.


Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer