If England Was Join Up Too Europe What Will Be The Out Come Of WW2?

Stop talking about youreself. YOU dont need to tell every body.
How old are you? I think youre going through men menopause.
And whats wrong with tedious tennis with each other.
I came on here too talk about ww2 and too learn, What you here for?
I give you a hint…Ifyou not in 2 ww2… why are you here.
To me youre only here to pick on people.

YA!..You big Meenie!..See what you have done know RS. You have tipped the balance of the hemeostasis that exsists in this forum. Lets all be NICE and learn from each other’s opinions and WW2 history. Please lets stop fighting RS. I offer you an Olive branch. We can not all be as smart as you (or as:D tightass), but we can all learn together and enjoy this wonderful Forum.

Sorry Herman…
If some one calls me stupid, im going to stand up for my self. I think hes like Hitler,
Very Racist. He only wants pure breeds on this forum.
Thats why im here too learn from other members and too get my input out, and friends that are in too what i like.

Please note that on page 127 of the Canadian-to-Everyone else’s English dictionary, the word is spelled D-o-u-c-h-e-b-a-g. Please make a note of this for all future use. Thank you.:mrgreen:

I hear what your saying Duddette!..but just keep in mind that we have to respect the officers because they got where they are today because they really know their stuff. I have learnt so much from those that I really don’t like. In life we have to sometimes overlook the small things that bug us and see the value in the content. I am not trying to chnage your views,; I just wanted to say that in time, you will see how valuable the officers like RS are in terms of their facts and knowledge of history.If I were as smart I wouldn’t be called a troll or moron by these people. Maybe they are bored with the forum and get their jollies name calling us new comers. I don’t know, but all the best in your opinions and I respect you and all that are in this forum. i also try and interject a bit of humour into my commenst at time, so I hope you know when I am serious and when I am kidding.Over and out Little Duddette!:smiley:

Just cause they know more than us, that doset mean they can pick on us little people, and us little people have got good information about ww2 aswell
When i first come on here, i wanted to befriends on here,dont forget he starts on people first. Cheers

Simple - USSR wouldn’t got these " Lucy spy ring " reports ( or whatever was the name ) , USA would think very long about joining the war while Japan make hit after hit , without second front in Europe and support ( both material and intelligence ) USSR will loose the war , and then it will become an easy part for the Nazi Germany to win the war because only USA left and you need only to defend the western front . Even if USA join the war without the british i doubt they would achieve much in the western front or in Africa .

Trolls I do.

Egregious idiots I do, occasionally.

But Herman was sniping at me in various threads before my most recent posts in this thread, along with his negative comments about mods and other members while trying slide out of them as supposed jokes, so don’t delude yourself that I or anyone else started on him first.

If you are in fact not Herman and are really a girl, and if being appalled at the prospect of you and Herman breeding with each other qualifies me as a racist, then I’m a racist.

Why would i lie about being a girl?And i think you only want people like urself on here.
If i do have kids ,they look better than you do:D

Well im sorry for accusing you ,i didt see those posts.Any way
I thought mods were supose too keep an eye on every one,not hurting there feelings,[me]:cool:

Whether your feelings are hurt is up to you, not the mods.

There’s nothing that can happen here that is worth feeling hurt about. It’s just words in cyberspace.

There goes Rising Sun again with his delusions and paranoia that I am still a girl, living in Austrailia pretending to be a man in his 40’s living in Toronto. Hello???..Like get over your paranoia RS…I am not duddette, nor do I want to be (No offence duddette). I am my own person. Didn’t the MOD already explain it to you that they already checked our sites and WE ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON???..and even if I had a friend that I called to try and bug you, what the hell are the chances that I would even know anyone in Austrailia?..I don’t even know wher ethe hell it is?..It’s an island somehwere out there…You pissed off a new member because you accused her of being me and that is not congenial to the way we treat new members. Stop accusing her and me of being the same person. …and for your info, I am married with children and I don’t breed with Australians…I like canadians and Americans…(no offence)…

WHERE?..where did I snipe at you in the past 1 month RS?..I don’t think so?..pls advise me specifically where I instigated anything against you…I want a link…and don’t go linking me to things from like 5 mths ago…show me in past 1 mth and if I have I will apologise to you…
…I don’t snipe at anyone…I mind my own business. I am not negative to Mods and what are you talking about…I even created a thread entitled MOD appreciation day…and I think I even created in the past a Rising Sun Appreciation Day…I even congratulated you on your promotion 2 mths ago…I go out of my way to be nice to you. I commented so many times how brilliant you are…I offered you an olive branch for god sake.What other members have I been negative too?..who??Lies all lies…I am innocent I tell you!..I demand a fair trial. This is how communisim started!:shock:

Can’t say I blame you looking at these two specimens of Australia’s womanhood!

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

This will do for an example, within the past week, never mind the past month. It completely misrepresents your, my and other members’ conduct.


No, pdf27 said

I can confirm that the two of them are on different IP addresses, both of which are consistent with their claimed locations. Neither appears likely to be any form of proxy server.

A proxy server masks the user’s true IP address by interposing another server between the user’s host and other internet users.

That is different to showing an IP address in a different country.

There is no way anyone can prove one way or another that different IP addresses means different people are posting, or that they live where their IP address is.

Oddly enough, I’m not the only member who suspects that you and ali j are the same person.

If I’m wrong, then I apologise to ali j.

Well the net is a funny place, once it happened to me that I thought I was engageing in romantic conversation with a twenty something female that I eventually worked out only after several days had passed and several hours of online conversation with this charming and sympathetic individual that I was chatting with an artificial intelligence computer programe, that certainly puts a new slant on the term cybersex! LOL

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

I dont care what you call/ say to me,but dont call me Stupid please:cool:

That will suck for you.