If England Was Join Up Too Europe What Will Be The Out Come Of WW2?

I hate too say this, but im no tipical book worm and i dont look like one either:o

It’s consistent with the recent absence of reliable information and informed challenges thereto (although I’ve been doing my best) on this site lately that, contrary to the proud proclamation that these are two specimens of Australian womanhood, I have been disappointed that in the interval since it was posted and now that nobody has seen the glaringly obvious fact that the character on the right is neither a woman nor Australian.

Has anybody heard of Rod Stewart? From England. You know, this bloke http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xikQ0c5KdZE No, the singer, not the guitarist who went on to another career with the Stones.

Jesus fucking wept, yet again!


Why don’t we just abandon any pretence at vaguely informed and intermittently intentionally humorous discussion about anything related to military history or even anything remotely based in fact and just smear our playlunches and kindergarten shit all over the cyber walls contemplating the endless possibilities of time machines run by people who might or might not have made agreements with aliens or whatever!

Fuck me roan!

I hardly think in the great scheme of things, that me posting a picture of the great Australian comedian Barry Humphries dressed in Woman’s clothes and the tacky Rod Stewart charactor who trades in wives like other people do motorcars and suggesting they are both Sheilas and representive of Australia’s womanhood, counts for dick. So I don’t see what you are getting so worked up about. I couldn’t imagine Sir Les Paterson taking the same attitude, probably try to shag the two Sheilas more likely.


Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Keep this thread, whatever the pretense of it is, on topic. Or else it will be locked, or dumped into the mod forums.

Well, I can tell you one thing, in case you haven’t noticed Mr. RS …If Ali J is 26 then why does she need her parents permission to read Mein Kampf?..You haven’t noticed that have you?..and would I be mentioning it if I were she?..Bone head, get real…do you really think I am that smart to out fox a server?..I don’t even know what an IP is. Based on my grammer corrections, my so called limited intelect as everyone calls me a Moron, do You really think I am so so extra smart that I am sending signals to Austrailia(where you come from) (like if I were smart, I wouldn’t pick YOUR country now then would I?), anyways sending sig:confused:nals all the way to Austrailia pretending to be a girl that is 26 but needs parents permission to read a history book(let alone a porno book)…and one other thing…have you ever noticed the time that i enter my comments?..I enter 8:30-5 Mon to Fri, Toronto Time…I have never ever entered a comment after that time nor on weekends cause i have a life…why don’t you check out the consistency of Aly j’s comments as they are probably based on Austrailian time…not that I looked, but I would imagine…and lastly there is no one else that thinks me and Aly J are the same because no one is as stupid as you to think that…(now I broke my 1 mth treaty with you-see you made me go and do it)…

Are those the only times you have access to your school computers?

Look RS, you get my point…I may not be the best of friends to some, but I have a good point if you read my last response…and no I am not in school …very funny…