If Market-Garden Never Happened

well from my part if market garden operation never happened i think there should be another operation which might be more successful . but i also think that the reason that this operation wasn’t a success it was that there were only 7 days for the airborne units to prepare

What would this operation be though? There is every chance that a different op would have floundered even worse than Op Market Green.

The time frame of the lead time is pretty much irrelevant. These units were on standby anyway. It wasn’t a matter of if they were to be called forward by when. Admittedly the plan for calling them forward didn’t actually involve calling them all forward in a oner.

My alternate would have bee focusing on the capture of Antwerp and clearing the ground covering the estuarys/channels to the port. As the one premier port of NW Europe in reach of the Allies (Rotterdam was out of reach in September and probablly for the winter) it was badly needed to resolve the supply problem. Even if Monty has tactical sucess in Holland, or Patton crosses the Rhine between the Ruhr & Strassburg it does not mean much in stratigic terms because there was neither fuel or artillery ammunition to exploit a bridgehead.

While the Mulberry port and Cherborg in Normandy were suffucient for the fighting there neither they or the other lesser ports like Brest combined provide for the Allied armys. Their location was to far from the Rhine for automotive transport to properly supply three army groups. Even Marsailles with its huge capacity was to far away. The Allied logisitcs planners had counted of restoring the French/Belgian railroads long before Patton or Monty reached the Rhine. As it was the distance from the beachhead to the Rhineland was covered in five or six weeks (the estimates had assumed twelve or ten minimum).

The supply shortages, particularly in ammunition were not resolved completely until November, after Antwerp was operating at a partial capacity, and the Franco/Belgian railroads were starting to haul significant cargo quantity.

well airborne units werent informed of the overlord plan until shortly before the invasion (at least not past a regimental scale), besides the reason that the british were given the Arnhem objective is because they had already planned a jump for that area that was scrubbed (the 101st was originally slated to go to Arnhem)

check historical facts before you make an opinion,rather than relying on a movie or a tv show.

If Market Garden never happened, and priority given to clearing Scheldt estuary, then Ike would have been able to focus on his broad front strategy with better logistics, and maybe even put us in a better position to defend the Ardennes.

The operation was doomed to begin with, there were just too many variables, obstacles, and bottlenecks (with the potential to stall the entire operation) to overcome in too little time, and the lack of contingency plans, not to mention preparation, (for example, 1st Airborne was basically fighting blind with the complete failure of their comm net due to faulty equipment) basically killed the op from the get go.

Of course, Monty the optimist will have you believe that its a success.

In my opinion if mg didnt happend i see germany possibly staying in it into 46 maybe into 47.