Infraction for Dietrich: Obvious Troll

There’s not much risk in Iraq for me either. :smiley: But seriously, the combat is now negliable, although there may be some resurgence, but it seems Shiite pilgrims and not US or Iraqi soldiers are the main targets.

Geez, I didn’t know the Territorials were being sent. :shock: I’ve talked to several vets of the Afghan campaign and I think I’d go in a heartbeat. But most of the guys I know were a bit dubious of the NATO/US strategy there. A lot of the American Reservists/Nat’l Guardsmen are actually from the New York City area and work closely with the Iraqi police and national Army…

Shedloads - roughly 1/3 of the TA have done at least one tour in Iraq or Afghanistan, and quite a few have done multiple tours. If I ever get my arse in gear and get through Sandhurst I’m practically guaranteed to be mobilized as a watchkeeper 2 years down the line.

Some of Stevey & friends comments in the Photo section of WW2inColor:

Admin (Wed 30 Jul 2008 10:44:47 PM CDT)
Do you guys want to get banned? Cut it out. I can block IPs and also delete your accounts. I really don’t want you both to be the first one in the history of this site. Come on guys, there are more worthy things to talk about!


IP bannings are in order…

I really wish ww2admin would do so. I saw that he was online a couple of times last night after all this blew up.

I really wish ww2admin would do so. I saw that he was online a couple of times last night after all this blew up.


Latest Dietrich incarnation - cheesebread
The IP Address is:
The host name is:

No Firefly has been in the UK, getting rather wet in the mountains of Scotland, the lowlands of Scotland, and Scotland in general.

Sorry about my absence, I usually try and peek in every other day but this week has been very busy at work. Partly due to what PDF alluded to, but oh for a wee spell in the desert! I need to see some sun.

Down to buisines, I agree, you guys need to be able to give out the odd immediate ban, I sugest that you could ban guys for up to 14 days as long as you have discussed it first. But, only GS or ww2 admin are going to be able to tweak this.

Pending an in depth reading of all his posts I have banned detrich for 14 days on your say so.


Quick update.

I dont seem to have the ability to do an IP ban, which is a pain. WW2 Admin has already banned Deitrich. I have now banned 3 of his aliases, detrich, hotchi and spetsnaz.

Im hoping GS can IP ban him, however. There are loads of other ways to post ot change your ip, so I suggest keeping an eye out for him and unaproving any suspicious posts or simply deleting any post that you know is him for definite.


From Dietrich in a PM to me Saturday night:

Also, I believe Stevey14/88 was supposed to be banned. Formal warning from PDF27 and later ban attempt by Nick.

I need to read all of steveys posts…

OK, what a mess! He is either fecking stupid or a troll. I only got about 20 posts in before I went into a ban rage.

I have banned him for 21 days from today. I toyed with making it permanent but good ole PK annoyed me and just to annoy him back I didnt ban him outright.

Anyway, look out for him trying to come back as somone else.

Id also like to add that Im none too comfortable with all those Nazi signatures and Avatars that seem to be cropping up lately, however, we have been there before…

Cheers dudes, sorry I wasnt around for the main party but at least I arrived for the sweeping up bit.

No worries FF, real life has to come first always. Cheers for popping in and sorting the bans out anyway.

Many thanks Firefly for clearing all this up.

Oh, just one thing guys. No matter how much they annoy you, please dont start abusing them. We shouldnt be editing their posts and calling them Cunts…

I know its infuriating at times, but remember what a Moderator is there for, and do it in moderation. Please step back from the brink, smile and get back at the bastards in our own special way.

I will be speaking to GS to get some sort of ruling that if 3 Mods discuss something and there are no super mods available then you can give a majority decision 7 day ban. thats should give one of us time to show up, assess the situation and take it from there.

Cheers back at’cha!

And yes, the Nazi-Chav bling is bugging me too…

Okay so here is the deal.

  1. I dont know enough about what is going on to really help at the moment.
  2. I can add all the logged ip bans to the list. (could someone put those in order or at least a sort of list. I hate repeats.)
  3. For the moment make changes according to what you think is right. FF is in charge and if you cant get a hold of him after a few days then do your best.
  4. I cannot promise im going to be around more so I will have to give you the powers to ip ban or…
  5. Im going to try my best but it seems to me more and more that I cannot keep up with this. Therefore I will be needing to train a replacement. This would mean FF… if he is not able (no sense in replacing me for someone that has the same absence problems) … then we need to decide what we will do.

Ill PM you about this post!

  1. Firefly sorted the problem out when he reappeared, everything’s fine now.
  2. Doing that now - next post will be all the IPs banned since your previous post on 16/Jul/08.
  3. We have been. The problem isn’t particularly lack of direction but lack of power - if both you and Firefly are out of contact the only power we actually have over a problem poster is to delete everything they write. That just doesn’t work in real life.
  4. If you’re overwhelmed then don’t feel like you have to come here and run the place. Real life has to come first, and Dani’s already done pretty much the same thing for similar reasons.
  5. I would suggest that if for whatever reason Firefly can’t be around all the time, anyone else you bump up to a higher level goes no higher than Firefly, possibly somewhat lower. In any case, I would certainly suggest giving Firefly additional mod superpowers - after all, not so long ago IIRC both you and Dani had that kind of power and it seemed to work quite well. Firefly has also over time demonstrated he’s pretty levelheaded and unlikely to abuse his superpowers, so I think the associated risks are minimal.

Beyond that, it probably would be a good idea to bump one of us three up to FF’s level or a bit below to ensure that there is always someone with the power to ban people for short periods of time about. Who that is needs to be purely between you and FF however

Thanks for the response General.

Sorry to hear that you may not be at the forums much anymore. I guess you are in a similar situation that Dani was in.

If changes are made, pdf27 is senior of the Captains and is here almost every day. Nick is here more often than myself.

I don’t have any problems with pdf’s suggestions.