Insider's Story of Hess' Flight

No this is the United Kingdom that has a 3 percent Muslim population.And this section of our population has the same rights as any other.

What would have been the status of Jews in the uk in 1940 if we had made peace with Hitler?I know what happened to the Hungarian Jews and they were Hitlers allies.

In fairness to Irving, he was quite a good historian in his earlier career but after he got onto the Holocaust denier road he became a rather poor historian, or so those of us who don’t accept Holocaust denial think. His supporters take the opposite view.

I don’t think it’s likely, but perhaps in time his research and views might turn out to have some substance. Although at best, or worst, I can’t see them doing much more than playing with numbers to no important purpose as for the purposes of crimes against humanity as a general moral issue it is immaterial whether 4.5 million or 6 million or 8 million or whatever number of Jews, and Russians, died under the Nazis.

There is the slight obstacle to your argument that Germany actually started the war in Europe and also declared war against the US after Pearl Harbor despite there being no US armed threat to Germany at the time.

Jews are adherents to a religion. They are not a race. There is nothing to suggest that adherents to any given religion are necessarily weaker than anyone else.

Care to expand on this?

With specific reference to how the ‘free labour’ was critical to Germany’s Depression era economy when there was virtually no ‘free labour’ and comparing this to the wartime resources diverted to capturing, transporting, accommodating, supervising, guarding and, somewhat pointlessly, working the ‘free labour’ to death as well as killing it.

Do expand on this.

Exactly what heinous things did FDR do without which we might not have heard of Hitler? Fail to stop the Munich Putsch in 1923, nearly a decade before FDR became President?

I can’t wait for this elucidation. :confused:

Your Constitution didn’t say anything about propping up the Shah and SAVAAK, but that didn’t stop America exploiting and generally ****ing up and ****ing over Iran for its own purposes and then moaning when the Iranians revolted and asserted their independence (not unlike 1776, but if there is one thing that American governments of recent memory can’t stand it’s another country exercising the same right to independence that America bases its own existence upon)

Care to share what you know about the documents America destroyed?

Then again, if you know what documents it destroyed there was no knowledge destroyed.

And if you don’t know what documents were destroyed, you don’t know what documents were destroyed and the knowledge they contained.

All a bit Rumsfeld, isn’t it? ‘There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don’t know.’ etc

Alas for your increasingly ill-informed; or idiotic; or quite possibly merely trolling, position, Napoleon didn’t try to march through Russia in the dead of winter. He launched his attack in summer, as did Germany with Barbarossa.

I think you have your hand on something that is making you look like a wanker at best and a troll at worst.

You’ve had an exceptionally good run in this thread with your nonsense.

Now that a mod has had a look at it, you would be well advised to stop it.

Wrong, France and England declare war to Germany on September 3 1939, not the opposite.
Furthermore Roosevelt’s Lend and Lease Law was a virtual war declaration on Germany, Russia only survived the struggle with that help, as it is recognized for the russian nowadays,

I wasn’t trolling - I was enjoying a discussion. I have not been flaming ,rude, or obnoxious and I research others points as well as mine. So you wish me to stop having a calm,civilized discussion ?

That was a large part of what I was alluding to .

Might this have had something to do with Germany marching into Poland?

Or did Britain and France do that as well?

Not to mention Britain and France staging the Gleiwitz incident, cunningly disguised as Poles cunningly concealing their true Nazi identities.

Get a grip on reality, for Christ’s sake!

So how do you deal with Ford and GM supplying materiel to Germany before Germany declared war on the US?

Was this a declaration of war by the US on Britain?

Selective and distorted ‘facts’ prove nothing, apart from the bias or lack of understanding of the person putting them forward.

Then answer my posts above with your research.

No, I wish you to stop spouting nonsense which borders on trolling, or just plain stupidity.

What do you mean? How is he wrong? We’re borderline trolling here…

France and England declare war to Germany on September 3 1939, not the opposite.

As they were obligated to do by treaty as German launched a war of aggression against the Poles after already illegally subjugating several autonomous states and getting away with it…

Furthermore Roosevelt’s Lend and Lease Law was a virtual war declaration on Germany, Russia only survived the struggle with that help, as it is recognized for the russian nowadays,

Why? If Germany can profit from war, why couldn’t the United States cashier on its armaments industry? And Lend Lease to the Soviet Union only reached significant quantities to make a difference well after America’s entry into the war. Your “Germany as victim” stance here is getting nauseating…

Oh, yes!

Unilaterally introduce facts and logic!

What sort of argument is that? :wink:

“Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race and we are a race.” - The leader of American Jewry in the 1930s, Rabbi Stephen F. Wise N.Y. Herald-Tribune, June 13, 1938.

…The Jews are divided into two categories, those who admit they belong to a race distinguished by a history thousands of years old, and those who don’t. The latter are open to the charge of dishonesty. - Nahum Goldman, former president of the World Zionist Organization

  “If Israel had not come into existence after World War II then I am certain the Jewish race wouldn’t have survived…I stand before you and say you must strengthen your commitment to Israel.” - former Israeli Prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

An editorial entitled “Some Other Race” in the New York weekly Forward (A very prestigious Jewish publication) urges Jews to list themselves on the U.S. Government census form as a race. It goes on to suggest:

“… On question eight [of the form, which asks about race], you might consider doing what more than one member of our redaktzia [editorial staff] has done: checking the box ’some other race’ and writing in the word ‘Jew’.”

  "You cannot be English Jews. We are a race, and only as a race can we perpetuate. Our mentality is of a Hebraic character, and differs from that of an Englishman. Enough subterfuges! Let us assert openly that we are International Jews." - Gerald Soman, Chairman of the World Jewry Fellowship, in its official manifesto, January 1, 1935. 

You can find this here :

Scientific Key Findings :

Key findings:

The main ethnic element of Ashkenazim (German and Eastern European Jews), Sephardim (Spanish and Portuguese Jews), Mizrakhim (Middle Eastern Jews), Juhurim (Mountain Jews of the Caucasus), Italqim (Italian Jews), and most other modern Jewish populations of the world is Israelite. The Israelite haplotypes fall into Y-DNA haplogroups J and E.

Ashkenazim also descend, in a smaller way, from European peoples from the northern Mediterranean region and even less from Slavs and Khazars. The non-Israelite Y-DNA haplogroups include Q (typically Central Asian) and R1a1 (typically Eastern European).

Dutch Jews from the Netherlands also descend from northwestern Europeans.

Sephardim also descend, in a smaller way, from various non-Israelite peoples.

Georgian Jews (Gruzinim) are a mix of Georgians and Israelites.

Yemenite Jews (Temanim) are a mix of Yemenite Arabs and Israelites.

Moroccan Jews, Algerian Jews, and Tunisian Jews are mainly Israelites.

Libyan Jews are mainly Israelites who may have mixed somewhat with Berbers.

Ethiopian Jews are almost exclusively Ethiopian, with little or no Israelite ancestry.

Bene Israel Jews and Cochin Jews of India have much Indian ancestry in their mtDNA.

Palestinian Arabs are probably partly Israelite.

Found here :

Clearly science and belifes have very litle to do with each other, however for me personally , it matters not what science says if someone ,or group of people adhere to specific belief. For them it is their reality and with respect to them, it can not be discounted by science.Therfor I shall address them in the manor they wish to be addressed.This is not a matter of being “wanker” or a “flamer”. Simply giving respect to their own beliefs.
However you were correct about Hitler/Napolian / Russia. I got their winter champaigns mixed up with the start dates of the respective wars. I still hold that attacking Russia in winter ,on foot, pure stupidity. He should have taken out Moscow in the early he was advised. By the fall he wold have had all ,or 90%, of Russia. The Russians looked upon Hitler as libertor and welcomed him. ( Yes Stalin was THAT bad )

Bugay NF L. Beria - I. Stalin: Under your orders… p.146.
"In units of the German army, deployed in the Crimea, there were roughly more than 20 thousands of Crimean Tatars”
“Azat Crum” (paper of Crimean Tatars 1942-1944)
20.03.1942 : “Together with the glorious German brothers that liberate Eastern world, we, the Crimean Tatars, declare the whole world that we have not forgotten the solemn promises of Churchill in Washington, his desire to revive Zhydivsky (Jewish) power in Palestine, his desire to destroy Turkey, to seize Istanbul and the Dardanelles , to raise a rebellion in Turkey and Afghanistan, etc. etc. East is waiting for its liberation not from Democratic liars and swindlers, but from the National Socialist Party and Adolf Hitler the Liberator. We gave an oath to make sacrifices for such a sacred task.”
10.04.1942: “With the arrival into the Crimea the valiant sons of the Great Germany with your blessings and in memory of long years of friendship we, Muslims, stood shoulder to shoulder with the German people, we took up arms and started our fight for your great universal ideas - the destruction of the red-Zhydivsky (Jewish) Bolshevik plague to the end and the last drop of blood…”
But its true that many were fighting against Hitler, 6 were given the Hero of the Soviet Union.

There is a very interesting PDF here if you care to read :

I will continue to answer your demand for facts of my opinions after I reread your requests.

They were needed, it was true. Their physical strength was needed for work on the land, in the stone-quarries, on the roads, and in the factories. And as long as that strength accepted the compulsion laid upon it obediently and without complaint, so long it had by German favour the privilege of life. - by Alexander Janta
Excerpt from “I Lied to Live; A Year as a German Family Slave,” New York, Roy Publishers,1944

As early as 1937, the Nazis increasingly exploited the forced labor of so-called “enemies of the state” for economic gain and to meet desperate labor shortages. - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Ostarbeiter Slave Labor

Germany faced a crisis at the end of 1941 because after it had mobilized its massive armies, a shortage of workers developed in Germany to support the war industry. Hermann Goering at first thought “the best thing would be to kill all men in Ukraine over fifteen years of age” but then realized working them to death was more useful for the German Reich. He decided to bring in people from Ukraine, called Ostarbeiter (east workers), to work in German war industries. A recruiting campaign in Ukraine was carried out in January 1942 by Fritz Sauckel for workers to go to Germany. “On January 28th the first special train will leave for Germany with hot meals in Kiev, Zdolbunov and Peremyshl” offered an announcement. The first train was full on January 22. - Ostarbeiter Slave Labor
by Andrew Gregorovich
So that being said - YES Germany needed and used slave labor for their factories ,roads, and so on.

Pearl Harbor: The Controversy Continues
by Sheldon Richman, December 1991

At 7:53 am. on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a Japanese force of 183 fighters, bombers, and torpedo planes struck the United States Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Some 4,500 Americans were killed or wounded. As news of the surprise attack spread, William F. Friedman, an Army cryptanalyst who had helped to break the Japanese diplomatic “Purple” code, said to his wife repeatedly, “But they knew, they knew, they knew.”

Meanwhile, the British doubleagent Dusko Popov got an incomplete account of the attack while aboard a tramp steamer. He assumed the Americans had been ready for the Japanese attack — it was he who had given the FBI the Japanese plans for the air raid. Popov would recall, “I was sure the American fleet had scored a great victory over the Japanese. I was very, very proud that I had been able to give the warning to the Americans four months in advance. What a reception the Japanese must have had!”


also HERE :

There are many such instances for this sort to be found. And since now I feel like I am doing your research for you - your turn - rebuttals ?

“They knew” what exactly?

Meanwhile, the British doubleagent Dusko Popov got an incomplete account of the attack while aboard a tramp steamer. He assumed the Americans had been ready for the Japanese attack — it was he who had given the FBI the Japanese plans for the air raid. Popov would recall, “I was sure the American fleet had scored a great victory over the Japanese. I was very, very proud that I had been able to give the warning to the Americans four months in advance. What a reception the Japanese must have had!”

Um, you mean Agent “Tricycle?” (We won’t go into the origins of his codename here :slight_smile: ).

According to Wiki, he merely informed the FBI that the Germans had some interest in the bases around Pearl, but no specifics were given as to when or how a Japanese attack would take place…


also HERE :

There are many such instances for this sort to be found. And since now I feel like I am doing your research for you - your turn - rebuttals ?

The rebuttal is that much of the “U.S. Gov’t knew about Pearl Harbor” stuff is typical, selectively edited conspiracy crap made up by pseudo-historians with questionable scholarship. The Americans DID in fact know an attack was coming in late November to mid-December of 1941, but they never believed the Japanese would have the audacity to attack Pearl Harbor and assumed hostilities would begin on the outer rim of the United States and allied European territories in the Pacific…

These are called “opinions.” Try not to confuse opines with facts and try not to think you’re dazzling us with cut-and-pastes from Google-mania…

He asked for proof of my opinions and I was fulfilling his request. I am not the one whom is having issues about the differences thereof. As for “dazzling” I could care less as I am here to hear and discuss opinions and glean a few facts if they are about.