Insider's Story of Hess' Flight

Using questionable internet links isn’t “proof” of anything, in fact it’s borderline spamming. This thread has nothing to do with Pearl Harbor or nitwitted conspiracy theories, and I suggest you do care, because your “discussion” seems to be more about derailing things…

LMAO I’ve never heard him referred to by that name :smiley:

Wiki is not a reliable source for info, so I rarely use it except maps and very basic info - then it is researched independently

Even conspiracies have some truth to them. That is what I am looking for. The public has been lied to for so long .Why be complacent with the info that was spoon fed to you ? Why not research for yourself what the truth is ? It might be one nd the same - but it might not. Never know until you look for yourself :slight_smile:

When asked for examples ,examples were given. I get it - you give not time to conspiracy theories. And I am not the one demanding details of opinions .I would very much like to go back to Hess’ flight as I too think this discussion has been derailed. Hess’ flight is much more important than this idiotic attack on me and my opinions.

I’m sorry but it looks to me that you need to face reality, GM and Ford supporting Germany???
this is the summary of the costs and beneficiaries of Lend and Leasing Law:
All told, Lend-Lease provided $50.1 billion worth of supplies to the Allies during the conflict, with $31.4 billion to Britain, $11.3 billion to the Soviet Union, $3.2 billion to France and $1.6 billion to China.
I can not find Germany on that account.
Anyone who is interested in this issue can find a detailed information about the thousands of tanks, planes,submarines,ships, aluminium, locomotives, etc, etc, etc that were delivered to the british and russians before Pearl Harbour.

What I’m trying to explain is that the Soviets invaded Poland as well as Germany,just two weeks after , then, why didn’t the allies declare war to the Soviet Union according to their will of protecting Poland??
Instead of that, they helped Stalin, a tyrant compared to whom Hitler was a rookie,

And if this was made in the sake of freedom, Eastern Europe lost it in the hands of the Red Army and was put in the darkness for 40 years, behind the iron curtain.

And for Mr. Nickdfresh, explain me what do you consider trolling, I can not find a proper translation for that word, but here we have been sharing ideas and information, if that is trolling, ok.

And for Tippokitty, you are in the right track, don’t take anything for granted, find out for yourself.
It’ is not that difficult to find the truth, it’s far more difficult to handle it ( as Jack Nicholson said in a movie) Try not filling your heart with any rancor or anger.


Mssr’s Kurt, and Typokitty, This thread deals with Rudolph Hess’ flight to England, not Israel, or Pearl Harbor. From now on, you will both confine your comments to that subject. Any further wandering in this thread will bring swift attention.