invade Russia at the end of ww2?

I’m still waiting for any of the Thug Club to explain how the US is to blame for the actions of the USSR after WWII or how the US could have pushed them out of Eastern Europe.

Make sure you provide historical references to support this assholian contention.

:lol: So now you’ve resorted to trying to undermine the conflict between American and German forces to support you ridiculous claim that the US could have pushed the USSR aside and taken over Eastern Europe, even though the USSR got there first. That’s sad.[/quote]

IRONMAN - the treaty of potsdam (influential with relation to Yalta in Feb 1945) discussed the partiition of Europe. The end of the war saw Germany and much of Eastern Europe under the control of the Soviets - Their satellite and “buffer” states (having been invaded 3 times in the last 35 years htey were understandably paranoid)
The Potsdam agreement made between the Allied forces if it had been upheld would have seen the Soviet Troops fall back to their pre-determined positions and the Western forces of France UK and USA advance to fill the gap. It would not have been a military matter to have advanced to Berlin merely a large scale paper chase in the Afetermath of the war.

It was thought un-necessary by the US to pursue this aspect of Potsdam and instead the Borders of control were settled on as being those that were in place at the end of Hostilities. This is the only Reason that the Western Forces never pushed through to Berlin It would not have been a fight to reach Berlin it would merely have been even handed diplomacy.

Invading Russia is another matter!


So, I’m still waiting for you, Bluffy, to provide historical references that show that the US is to blame for the actions of the Soviet Union after WWII, or that the US could have simply forced the USSR to give up the Eastern European nations.

Having trouble finding that evidence?

I never said the US were to blame. So I feel no need to show any sources supporting that view.

I said that It was not thought wise by anyone after the war to press on to take Russia. or even to recover Berlin.


Uh huh. So, you have not founf your proof yet Bluffy? Awwwwww.

Never said that the US was to blame.

that would be “YANK BASHING”
now whilst i have Yanked and I have Bashed I havent combined the two on WW2incolor. So i have no need to find sources to substatiate this

STOP trolling


OK, so now you are saying that the US is not to blame? Come on kid. Pick an opinion and stick with it. Don’t be wishy-washy.

I said:

It was not practical to press the advance because everyone was tired and wanted to go home, the plan had been for us western allies to go further west (POTSDAM) but that in the end we all threw in the towel got on the bus and left much of Eastern Europe for Jo to clear up.



OK. As long as you aren’t still supporting those contentions like you were.

ironman please go back and find the quote where someone blamed the US for not attacking Russia, instead of just blaiming everyone that posts in this topic for being anti american. which by the way is absurb, because many of the posters in this topic are american, and are more loyal to their country then you apparently are…

ww2fanatic thankyou, feels like the cavalry JUST arrived,


hehe any time… :lol:

Surely you don’t think that people believe that smack. Please, don’t allow yourself to suppose that things have to be stated in the plainest of language to understand it.

Come on now.

However, I suggest that we return to topic. How about we discuss why it was ridiculous for the US to consider attacking Russia at the end of WWII?

ah admitting defeat now, ironman?

That never was the topic.
and you havent shown where we said any of those things, this is absurd.



You are dillusioned.

i am dillusioned!? your the one making up quotes, and blaiming random people for being anti american. im sorry, but your the one who is dillusioned.

careful, He’ll accuse you of being a liberal next!

Your acting like one. You cant backup what you say so you resort to name calling. I have a big vocabulary too but I will not stoop to your level and be rude and obnoxious in my post.

That is most probably because I am a liberal…

A liberal that plans to make a living through putting holes in other peoples bodies. So dont suggest that Im in PETA or anything like that.