invade Russia at the end of ww2?

Do you think that Britian should have attacked the USSR at the end of WWII to stop them from doing the things that they did?

If they could have forseen that they were going to be the way they were, attacking the USSR might have prevented the Cold War. What do you think?

Once again this was the question:

Patton wanted to, but now it seems that would have been a big mistake. Although Russia turned out to be our enemy, we solved it peacefully, that is without any actually fighting. But if we had invaded Russia at the time, we couldve prevented the Cold War, and the almost devastating nuclear war that wouldve resulted from war with Russia. Im sure during the Cold War people were regretting not invading Russia during ww2. What do you guys think?

Now. I believe I have already answered the question. I have saisd the Western Allies would have won a war against Soviets. Some, like hosenfield have disagreed with me. However, at no point in all of our statements have I seen anything that contends to your premise that the Soviet Union is the direct result of US inactivity.

Now I will answer your question. No its absurd to believe the UK could have fought (thats fought - the correct spelling) the Soviet Union on its own in 1945. The UK was practically on its knees after 6 years of war. Now the partition of Germany was decided way before 1945. Unless of course you know diffrently?

ironman, are you just trying to piss people off? because it really does seem that way…

Hits the nail on the head, rather…

I go away for a week, and we get a thread involving Frionscam saying that people claimed things that they did not (to thereby create a rather pathetic straw-man argument), and posting the same paragraph from a less-than-definitive source over & over again.


Hits the nail on the head, rather…

I go away for a week, and we get a thread involving Frionscam saying that people claimed things that they did not (to thereby create a rather pathetic straw-man argument), and posting the same paragraph from a less-than-definitive source over & over again.


Yes you missed all the fun, he is gone now. Hopefully for good, alas I dont think so.

Mind you he is from the South of the US so hopefully its nothing to do with the Hurricane there as i wouldnt want his dad to be hurt.

OK, so you are no longer looking for a reason to blame the US for not attacking the Soviets at the end of WWII? BTW, you never answered my question: Do you think if the British had attacked the Soviets it would have changed things? Why didn’t they do that?

Nobody blamed the US for anything, the question was could the western Allies have beaten the USSR in 1945 if they had attacked them.

We have all anwered that, please see above MiopicMan.

Ignore the troll post. There was almost no support for the viewpoint that America was remiss for not attacking the Soviet Union. Thus, to bang on and on about how we are slating America for the same shows that TROLLINGWALT is trolling. Nobody with sufficient mental capacity to type could be stupid enough to actually think that the contents of this post prove that we are all out to denigrate the USA.