invade Russia at the end of ww2?

Just go back and find it please. Thank you.

Cant see it, please inform me of it.

ironman…just post the source.

Hold out your plate:

that source proves nothing. all it is saying is that the first public act of hostility from the soviets to the USA occured in 1948. but the US government knew well before that, that events like that would occur in the near future.

1948 is the earliest the US thought of the USSR as an enemy. Before that, they were a cold-shouldered friend. Not an ally any more, not an enemy either. Something different.

No. I know you want to try to somehow blame the US for something, like not declaring war on Russia (GOOD LORD) right at the end of WWII, but it’s simply dorkus. Listen to yourself. You are trying to find blame in the US for not declaring war on the USSR right at the end of WWII. You are a blithering idiot, and your ridiculous contention is transpearent. You are trying to blame the US for what the Soviet Union did because the US did not stop it, when in fact, the US could not have and would not have any more than Britain or any other nation.

Today’s anti-American disinformation is not the result of pardonable, correctable mistakes, but of a profound psychological need to make the U.S. the villain responsible for others’ failures.

Americans might ask themselves what interest the United States could have in plunging into the bloody quagmire of the Balkans, that centuries-old masterpiece of Europe’s matchless ingenuity. But Europe found herself incapable of bringing order by herself to this murderous chaos of her own making. So it devolved upon the United States to take charge of operations in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Macedonia. The Europeans thanked the Americans afterwards by calling them imperialists - although they quake with fright and accuse the Americans of being cowardly isolationists the moment they make the slightest mention of bringing their soldiers home.

While the U.S. is vilified and blamed, its financial and military aid is universally desired. America is the sole power at once capable of saving Mexico from economic collapse (in 1995), dissuading communist China from attacking Taiwan (repeatedly), mediating between India and Pakistan in the matter of Kashmir, and working with some chance of success toward the reunification of the two Koreas under a democratic regime. When the European Union sent a delegation, headed by the Swedish prime minister, to Pyongyang in May 2001, the delegation could find nothing better to do than grovel before Kim Jong Il, the criminal chief of one of the last totalitarian jails on the planet.

The fundamental role of anti-Americanism in Europe in general, and particularly among those on the Left, is to absolve themselves of their own moral failings and intellectual errors by heaping them onto the monster scapegoat, the United States of America. For stupidity and bloodshed to vanish from Europe, the U.S. must be identified as the singular threat to democracy (contrary to every lesson of actual history). Thus, during the Cold War, it was dogma among Europeans from Sweden to Sicily, from Athens to Paris, that the “imperialistic” power was America, even though it was the USSR that annexed Eastern Europe, made satellites out of several African countries, and invaded Afghanistan, even though it was the People’s Republic of China that marched into Tibet, attacked South Korea, and subjugated three Indochinese countries. A similar dynamic applies today in the war on terror.

Now take your “America knew and should habe attacked Russia!” bullshiot and stuff it up your hiney. Okey dokey?

Thats right the whole of Europe hates America :lol: . Try visiting Europe rather than making assumptions based on right wing radio.

Try not blaming the USSR’s actions on the US for not attacking them at the end of WWII, as if that were some kind of sensible thing to do.

Instead, biotch about why Britain didn’t save the world. Now shove that blather it up yer azz.

Not sure about the US, but Churchill saw the USSR as a threat from about 1943 and pressed for the Allies to press on and capture as much of eastern Europe as possible to stop it falling into Soviet hands. Unfortunately, the US President believed he could handle Stalin (apparently a common misconception in US politicians is that friendship will affect politics - is that true?) and Eisenhower ordered a feasibility study of pressing on and capturing Berlin which stated that the Allies would suffer 100,000 casualties (which is almost certainly wrong, since the Germans were so keen to surrender to the British and US to escape the Soviets. Therefore the attacks on Berlin never happened and the Cold War continued as we now know it.

It would have been catastrophic for the soldiers and the nations of all involved to have invaded Russia post WW2. This is why the invasion never took place. IT was not sensible to imvade Russia, it has nothing to do with “friendship.”

Neither the US nor the UK invaded Russia this is not a stab at the Americans. Get your paranoid delusional fantasy out of your sphincter and wise up! There have been no "anti American threads in this Forum apart from the ones you create by appearing in the FOrum as the very epitomy of a parochial small town isolationsist.

Why in “Gods” honest name are you using that website as a signature! The site supports intelligent design ahead of Darwin! FFS could you not find a more blinkered website from which to support your Bullshiot!

Yes I do think Europe has a “dislike” for America, precesily because of people like you! Havey ou got a passport? no! therfore it is fair to say you are parochial fortunately the other AMericans that I have met, have had passports and have actually vetured outside of their own nation to improve themselves and see other cultures, These guys were sound and just the same as the rest of us. I cunt a few of them amongst my close friends. But you… You… YOU ARE THE AMERICAN THAT EUROPEANS DONT LIKE.

Get a stamp n your passport for FKS Sake.

(Im not European Im British!..)

Try not blaming the USSR’s actions on the US for not attacking them at the end of WWII, as if that were some kind of sensible thing to do.

Instead, biotch about why Britain didn’t save the world. Now shove that blather it up yer azz.[/quote]

I would like to know what your agenda is mate?

How many forums have you been banned from now?

Do you get some perverse pleasure from spouting all this nonesense? I mean your supposed to be 44 arent you. Please show a little maturity about your posts. The word is Bitch, if you want to use it, use it.

ironman, how can you call me anti american? I LIVE IN THE USA. and i am not blaming the US for not going to war, I DONT THINK THAT THEY SHOULD HAVE GONE TO WAR. i am mearly saying that US officials, at the end of the war, and even before that, knew that russia was a bad apple.

Welcome to the twisted world of Ferrous-Hommus!

:lol: :lol:

WTF is this??? I have read nothing that Ironman wrote that should get him banned. This site need a BITCHING and POLITICS section and keep all this crap in that area. Just because you do not agree with someone is not a reason to ban!

I go to work for one day and come back to nothing but hate. :lol:

Or you could of come back from work and seen IRONMAN posting something that is proposterous, impossible or rascist. :smiley:
which do you pefer.

OPINIONS…OPINIONS are like A-holes…everyone has one. :? His views are what he believes and are his opinion. On the other hand maybe yours and other views seem preposterous, impossible or racist to him BUT that’s your right to have that opinion and his right to have his.

Once again I would advise you to read ALL that he has written before you spring to his defence.

quote=“Firefly”]Once again I would advise you to read ALL that he has written before you spring to his defence.

I don’t have time to read ALL of Ironman’s post’s or ALL of yours, but it would change nothing if I did, because they would be his and your opinion. Im sure you could find things I have written that you dont agree with and I could find things I dont agree with that you have written.