Is It Too Late For England

One point on an armed populace - 600 or so years ago the entire adult male population (earning under 100 pence per year) of the UK had to be armed, and had to spend nearly a day a week practicing with these weapons. I refer of course to Longbows - the Kings of the time decided that this was sufficiently important that they even made football illegal (Edward II, 1314) to ensure people spent enough time practicing archery.

Sure i have , but … if i forget say you … we call the BTR-80 as a “car” and T-72 as a 'tractor" :smiley:

It might be ‘too late’ for England in the European tournament, but there’s still hope for the World Cup.

Mate, if you have a BTR-80 for a car, why do you need other weapons? :wink:

Am I right in thinking that some reserve officers are also in the NG?

If so, doesn’t it create again the confusion about whose orders they follow in a difficult time?

Mate do you really think that 1500 is too small?
And what if the great part of them are childrens?
Besides no all of victims has been killed - usially seriously wounded in several times more.

Remember, “Guns don’t kill people, doctors


Please alert your friends to this alarming
threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of

I knew it mate.:)And my friend do clearly realise it too:)
In such state as Russia the doctors not just a killers but also a victims of state policy too:)
I try do no visit the doctors very often, only having serious troubles with health.
Ourt russian Peoples clinics are just the Camuflaged Death camps- the personal sometimes stoopid and criminally incompetented- i know few cases when mostly healthy people, after the “treatment” in clinics has been infected by quite other danger ilnees.
So i try to keep distance with our madical system as much as it possible.:slight_smile:
The our UGLY reformators-democrats-criminals ( and what’s a pity ,the best friends of America:)) have brought our soviet medical system till the complite degeneration.
Coz how could i call the situation whan the clinics brings more damage than the help for the peoples:)

how are you friend Chevan? keeping well?

I/m still alive mate:)Thanks for the care.
Coz our doctors celebrated New Years holidays and too drunk to “threat” anybody to the death:)
Howeve the alcohol was never not a problem for some of them to be admit for a “work”.

coz i drive in a car , but sleep in a home:)
Ask better our good friend tankgeezer - why he need the 20-mm anti tank rifle at home?:slight_smile:
To hit the attacking tank Abrams full of criminals?:slight_smile:

You have a home, comrade?

You never cease to amaze me with your Russian riches. Next you’ll be telling me that Russia is full of natural resources, and Mr Putin has only 40 billion dollars of personal wealth. :wink: :smiley:

Mate, unless you’re going to eat the target, you can’t have too much gun.

It’s like choosing a Lada Niva when you could have a BTR-80. :smiley:

Rising Sun, there are plenty of civilian uses for semi-autos. In fact you can still own them even in Australia if you are a farmer (for pest destruction). Hell there are even civilian uses for full-autos (like shooting matches or collecting).

What’s happening in Australia has nothing to do with public safety and everything to do with the personal agenda of John Howard and the media who are stanchly anti-firearms of all kind.

Name five necessary ones, that can’t be done by single shots or repeaters.

In fact you can still own them even in Australia if you are a farmer (for pest destruction).

I’ve had a bit to do with pest destruction (rabbits, kangaroos, wombats, pigs), and I and the people with me did it just fine with bolt action repeaters of .22 LR. .22 Magnum. .22 Hornet, .243, . 270 and .303. Aimed single shots are more effective than sprayed semi auto shots. The discipline in using a bolt action repeater and the knowledge that you can’t spray the scenery with rounds encourages accuracy.

Hell there are even civilian uses for full-autos (like shooting matches or collecting).

Having put the odd belt through an M 60, I can’t imagine what worthwhile civilian shooting match is likely to benefit from full auto.

As for collecting, I’m a bit sensitive about that as someone I know got killed, and a couple of my mates bloody near went the same way, because a disturbed man had access to a handgun from a collection. Thank Christ he didn’t have access to full auto weapons, or his crazy list of people to kill before he did the suicide by police would have been the worst massacre in this country.

What’s happening in Australia has nothing to do with public safety and everything to do with the personal agenda of John Howard and the media who are stanchly anti-firearms of all kind.

And most of the population, which supported Howard on this in one of the few instances of overwhelming public support during his eleven years in government.

Its amazing what one has to believe to believe in Gun control:

"That it’s safer with less guns, which is why lunatics shoot up schools instead of gun shows or police stations.

That outlawing the carrying of guns will stop people from doing so, just as lowering the speed limit stops reckless driving.

That the only way to end gun violence is to ban guns, just like the only way to end medical malpractice is to ban doctors.

That the dangers of guns outweigh their recreational uses, unlike alcohol and motorcycles.

That making it harder to get firearms legally will reduce their illegal use, just like making it harder to get a prescription will cut down on the illicit drug trade.

That one should judge all gun owners by the acts of a few criminals, just like one should judge all blacks by the acts of a few inner-city crack dealers.

That the same people who build illegal high-tech drug labs for less than $30,000 won’t build illegal low-tech gun shops for less than $10,000.

That your mini 14 without a bayonet lug and flash suppressor is okay to own but my mini 14 with those two features is an evil assault rifle.

That the “Reasonable” uses for guns are hunting and target shooting, but not self-defense. In other words, it’s acceptable to use them as toys but not as lifesaving devices."

HA-HAAAAAAAA, good one Chevan!

Do we outlaw the Alcohol or the vehicle or both??? You know it will be much safer if we do…

Alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes kill someone every 31 minutes and nonfatally injure someone every two minutes (NHTSA 2006). But there are effective measures that can be taken to prevent injuries and deaths from impaired driving.

During 2005, 16,885 people in the U.S. died in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes, representing 39% of all traffic-related deaths (NHTSA 2006).

In 2005, nearly 1.4 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics (Department of Justice 2005). That’s less than one percent of the 159 million self-reported episodes of alcohol–impaired driving among U.S. adults each year (Quinlan et al. 2005).

The quick answer is, its my right, and responsibility as a free citizen to provide for the common defence of my country, so, I must provide myself with arms to accomplish that end if the need should ever arise.Be the enemy foreign, or domestic. (I hope it doesnt) . The Abrahms Tank, or any equipped with Chabham armor would consider my Lahti’s fire a mosquito bite, but any other armored vehicle is fair game.I may not be able to kill a homogenous armored tank in 1 or 2 shots, but I can certainly make their day difficult. Armored cars, and such types of vehicles, A.P.C.'s etc. I can deal out in a shot or two.Their armor is much too thin to protect the fuel, and engines from the 20x138 round.
Add to that, I have it because I wanted it, as do many Americans who posess class III, and NFA weapons. the paperwork is a pain,mug shots, finger print cards, FBI background check, and before any of that happens, a positive endorsement from one’s local police chief, or county Sheriff. And, the transfer tax is not cheap, If I take it out to shoot, I must keep a certified copy of the form 4 with me, and not be out of sight of it while it is away from its storage place. (2 feet away from me next to my computer), and I can never loan, or leave it in the care of another, or move it across state lines without express written permission from the BATF.When I go to count potatos, the weapon transfers to my next of kin.(more paperwork)The time allotted for transfer is 6 weeks, but like any good gov’t office, the work load is so great, that 2-3 months may be required.
So now you all have a bit of background as to what is needed to legally posess a full auto, or atrillery piece in the Grand Republic.

Here are 6 reasons to own and shoot semi autos. Target shooting…collecting…self protection…Hunting…Investment and the biggie for us free Americans because the 2nd amendment on the Bill Of rights says so…

yes the above can be done with single shot’s but that’s like saying why does your car need to have the ability to drive faster than 25 miles per hour. Be careful next it will be any rifle SINGLE SHOT AND ABOVE with a SCOPE is a SNIPER RIFLE.

Quote:“The Reserves are federalized, but the National Guard is indeed the modern equivalent of militia…”

In the strict sense the Nat. Guard is not militia. Militia are comprised of civilians, who may come., and go ,as the need arises. They are not sworn to an oath, or signatory to any contract, as the Nat. Guard is. This is not to say that the Nat, Guard does not perform some functions of a Militia, but they are a constituted military organization, more along the lines of irregular forces.They are controlled at the State level, were Militia are controlled at the county, and municiple level.They are supplied by their respective agencies, and themselves.

The History of Gun Control

*Soviet Union established gun control in 1929. From 1929 to 1953, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

*Turkey established gun control in 1911. From 1915 to 1917 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

*China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1976 20 million Anti-Communists, Christians, political dissidents and pro-reform groups, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

*Germany established gun control in 1938. From 1939 to 1945 13 million Jews, Gypsies, mentally ill people and other “mongrelized peoples,” unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

*Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

*Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

*Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977 1 million “educated people,” unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and executed.

That amounts to more than 55 million innocent people who were slaughtered by their own governments - governments that had first rendered their citizens defenseless by restricting or confiscating their firearms.

A free man with a firearm has a fighting chance against any would-be gangster or criminal. An disarmed man does not.

Oh mate i did not guess even that your Militia is so good as you tell:)
Usially our russian Militia do not need any contract or oath to humiliate and beat the peoples as they want and when thay want in aim the “prevent the terroristm”.

Is it the stone at the my garden?:wink:
Well ok.
Firstly mst Mike not 20 but just about 2 were exterminated - we have been disccussed it already in other thread.
Secondary WHEN the political “dessident” HAD wearpon - this period called as CIVIL WAR much more danger stage of social life.
And were actually killed about 10 mln from a both side during that time.