Is It Too Late For England

Whom are you going to defend by the semi-auto?
Are you going to defend your house from a regiment of the Taliban?:wink:
Or you prefer to hunt the whole flock of ducks with semi auto?

Chevan, Iā€™m glad you are well my friend,its good to hear from you. Now to clear up a little thing, the bit about Dr.'s Vs. gun owners was a humorous email thats been going around. so all of you guys shouldnt take it seriously. :slight_smile: Someone mention about what good would full auto be in a public shooting match, and I can answer that by having you all go to youtube, and look for anything related to the Knob Creek shoot, or Knob Creek Range, Youtube is full of video about this gathering, happens twice yearly, and while its not the only such shoot, it is the best known. All of the weapons are privately held, and legal to own. even the cannon, tanks, and helicopters.

Mmmm, Duck soup.

Yea t so hard to own the wearpon in America.
But you still own it, righ:)?
ONCE i was going to buy the 5-charge semi auto hunting gun( coz one of my friend has tryed to involve me in a hunting), but as it has been appears - it need the special permission and safe.
So coz i a bit lazy - i just have desided to slake my hunting feeling by the buying the simple PNEVMATIC rifle with the OPTIC scope.And i soon forgot about duck hunting :)Now i a cruel sparrow killer;)
This is increadible thing - the tuned optic scope.Five little lead bullets - five sparrows.
I/m have enjoy , my cats are happy, the neighbourds are calm and Green Peace shut up:)
And all this in my back-yard:)
BTW you are very danger cool man wit you anti-tank rifle:)
I never will bring close at your house in my BTR-80:)
It could penetrate me throughā€¦

Well Chevan, if you managed to make it all the way to my place in your BTR, Iā€™d cook a fine dinner, and then you could teach me to drive and use the BTR.

#1. I will defend my family and myself with the semi auto. During the 1992 Los Angeles riots, When I left my family to go back to work to put all the fires out that these thugs were starting, I felt much safer knowing my family had a M1 carbine and an AR 15 they could use to PROTECT THEMSELVES.
Another thingā€¦down in Korea town and south central L. A. , the private business that didnā€™t burn or looted were the ones protected by the private business owner with his own semi autoā€™s , believe it or not the Police were not stopping them, it was up to the private citizen to protect his own property.

#2) Back in 1992 they were called the Bloods and Crips and others.

#3) I donā€™t hunt Duckā€™sā€¦What Iā€™m saying is a semi auto can be used for hunting, even if it only takes 1 or 2 rounds to bring some big game down. Its nice to have a historical rifle that can be used for protection and hunting and just having fun.

OK mate , just right after i will have buy the Mig-29 to fly at America:)
Of couse if you will have not buy the Patriot missile in ā€œyour rcollectionā€ till that time:)

As a side noteā€¦Do you know why the L.A. Riots stopped? I will give a few a chance to answer before I give reason they stopped.
Hint: it wasnt the police that stopped them.

It is a long drawn out process to aquire a legal class III weapon, but its worth the trouble, its not so difficult to purchase a regular classI handgun/rifle/shotgun though.
That requires one to be a qualified purchaser, (no police history of felonious acts, not dishonorably discharged from the military, or said by a judge to be insane, or mentally incompetent) and be of proper age,(18 yrs for rifle,or shotgun, 21yrs for any handgun) with regular State issued I.D. or drivers license.
Then its all a matter of what yo want. fill out the forms, 2 in this state, and wait the required 48 hrs.there is a background check done through the FBI computer network, and if all is well, you are cleared to purchase. pay the man, and in 48 hrs, pick up your firearm. All of the info on the papers, and in the computer check must match, and with the I.D. as well. The background check has filtered out alot of criminals, and other unqualified people who have attempted to buy guns, whether knowingly, or just mistakenly (not a resident of the state they are buying in, or visiting form a foreign land.)The cost of the check is paid by the buyer, and isnt very costly, about $10 USD.

mig-29? I think a fellow down the street is selling one,:),yeah, you can own fighter planes here too. (gotta have something to outclass the neighborā€™s tank,:slight_smile: )
down in Florida there are people who own fighters, and such types of aircraft, and park them in their driveways, an odd sight to be sureā€¦

Thatā€™s true if those thugs unarmed.
But if each of them have the the semi auto - i think that even the mashingun Mg-43 in top of your house did not make you feel safer for you family.
Coz if you could have a wearpon lagally - the bandits could also have it.

#3) I donā€™t hunt Duckā€™sā€¦What Iā€™m saying is a semi auto can be used for hunting, even if it only takes 1 or 2 rounds to bring some big game down. Its nice to have a historical rifle that can be used for protection and hunting and just having fun.

Is it will so nice when somebody could use your wearpon agains the other peoples?
For instance they could steal your gun, or even attack and wound you ( save god from it) and take your gun?

Thatā€™s is bother me mate.
The classI wearpon are most used in violence above the accidental peoples.
In fact the most of crimes have been commited by the enought simple firearms - pistols and shotguns.
Sure the classIII wearpon is used relaively seldom and thus it has a no such great threat for the sociaty.
Actually - you will not use your 2O-mm gun to rob tha Bank:)
Or you son could not bring it in school and open fire.

#1) You make no sense Chevanā€¦of course the thugs may be armed all the more reason to have the GREAT EQUILIZER, are you saying I will be safer WITHOUT a semi auto???

#2) Being that they are criminals and donā€™t play by the rules and probably wouldnā€™t turn in their banned weapon, I would feel much safer and more apt to protect my family with a semi auto that a single shot

#3) There you have proved my point, the criminals will ALWAYS HAVE WEAPONS.

Please tell me my friend Chevan, with my L. A. Riot story that the best you can come up with? The criminals will have them tooā€¦thatā€™s my point!

Hey this is not fair:)
The everybody could guess with the hint:)
I knew it without hint- you stopped the thugs coz you killed them all:)
have i guessed:)

Oh i love Florida for that the everybody could have the OWN army in here:)
While i.m going to fly in Florida - could you check please my friend - have somebody of the admirers of wearponry in Florida the AAA- rocket defence systems.
Not i want to say i fear- but looking like boldly mst Mike ready to shot in everything that moves and seems suspected- i would feel safer if no one hot head in Florida will not shot by the missles accdentally at my Mig-29:D;)

#1) Yes you are rightā€¦But the politicians tell us that the assault weapon is the weapon of choice for criminals. Most assault weapons are too expensive for the average thug. All the crime scenes I have been too, cheap pistols and shotguns were used. Soā€¦after they ban the semi autoā€¦What do you think will be NEXT?

#2) Because they are regulated, no reasonable gun owner is against rules and regulation 's regarding firearms, just do try to ban them. Although thatā€™s what they have do here in the peoples republic of kalifornia. When I go to count potatoesā€¦my son will no be able to own my AR15 or mini 14 if he lives in Kalifornia. I will never be able to own a historical piece of history that is full auto in Kalifornia, another reason to leave when I retire in 7 years. :wink:

#3) can you imagine how much damage can be caused with 5 gallons of gasoline and a couple road flairs. Letā€™s seeā€¦fill up a 2 1/2 gallon water extinguisher with gasoline pressurize with airā€¦that will squirt about 30 to 40 feet then light it upā€¦

Good guess Chevan but you are showing your ignorance now. The Riots stopped because the Welfare checks were not being delivered because the Postal system would not deliver to that area because it was to dangerous. When the thugs realized their FREE MONEY was not being deliveredā€¦the riots were overā€¦

I understand how you must feel not being free like we are here in the good ol U.S. of A. so please feel free to keep showing you ignorance.

I would not shot everything that movesā€¦I would be and am very polite and nice to everyone thatā€™s polite and nice to meā€¦but make no mistake about itā€¦I will protect my family and shot those thugs dead if needed.

No i just wish to say you will be not safer ONLY WITH semi auto:)
Coz if you house will attack by band of insolent criminals - there is no guaranties that YOU R wife could protect themself, and there is no guaranties that YOUR firearm in the allien hands will safe for the others peoples.

#2) Being that they are criminals and donā€™t play by the rules and probably wouldnā€™t turn in their banned weapon, I would feel much safer and more apt to protect my family with a semi auto that a single shot

Far not all of the criminals play by donā€™t the rulles.
Just the finished killers and maniacks who has nothing to lose.
The most rest of the criminals - thiefs and robbers are aimed only inthe money and private
property- but not in killing of peoples.
So now just imagin what if the avagare girl is robbing by the small criminals- if he armed and she open the fire from her ladyes pistols- have you the guaranty he could win?
Thus the tupical criminal incident could turned out into the drama with murdering.

#3) There you have proved my point, the criminals will ALWAYS HAVE WEAPONS.

Please tell me my friend Chevan, with my L. A. Riot story that the best you can come up with? The criminals will have them tooā€¦thatā€™s my point!

Oh now yo see we are friend already:)
Befor this thread you did not wish to notice me even whole two years:)
What could be a interesting life sometimes.
Well i do undertsnad your feelings, really.
You are just a natural hunter- you will never use the wearpon in evil aims, right.
But the other 80 mln peoples who wear or keep the wearpon could not be so hard like you right?
This is a enough really good proven statistical fact - in the countries where the firearm is forbidden for free wearing - the social violence has a lower rate.
I know in the USA there are the states where the firearms forbidden- so could you find the statistic of social violence in the different states for comparison?

You have not been on this site for two years. :slight_smile: Im just being polite, your the one with over 2000 postsā€¦when did you wish to notice me???