Is It Too Late For England

pdf27, I live in New Zealand. But as far as I can tell its the same in Australia… no fun with fireworks for us.

On the Daily Mail, I kinda gathered that; but it was a satrical post anyway so what the hell.

In the UK I would say the amounts of fireworks being used during Bonfire night and the New Year has increased, if anything, its the Bonfires which are disappearing :frowning:

LOL…Where I live fire works are illegal and banned…even safe and sane, go figure. I’m not saying that stops anyone from shooting them off though. Gotta love the mowapa Indian reservation just north of Vegas…:wink:

See thats what I mean, when I was growing up we’d have a huge bonfire in the backyard with a Guy on the top. Now days with higher density housing and a ban on fires in our backyard thats not possible. Never mind the PC crowd going apeshit over the idea of burning an effegy of a person. This change took less than 10 years!

LOL…Where I live fire works are illegal and banned…even safe and sane, go figure. I’m not saying that stops anyone from shooting them off though. Gotta love the mowapa Indian reservation just north of Vegas…

And here we come to the crux of it; where there’s a will, there’s a way.

UK: Alcohol and Fireworks OK, guns mostly banned
US: Alcohol previously banned, Fireworks banned, guns OK

Interesting set of priorities.

Bas - people tend not to burn Guy Fawkes any more, not from any PC thing but simply because he doesn’t really mean anything to anybody any more. Last year they apparently had Cherie Blair in Lewes…

I would like to say that in most states fireworks are legal.

Actually, I live down the street from them practically LOL…:smiley:

There have been some rival gun club organizations that advocate for tighter federal restrictions on firearms as a balance to the freedom of ownership and the responsibility to society to keep strict controls on what are in effect hazardous materials…

Well, doing an experiment with a control group would be highly cuntroversial as scientists overseeing experiments with rats shooting each other would be very difficult to manage and the placebo bullets would be just cruel. And the animal rights activists would be appalled!

In any case, the states with the most ‘liberal’ gun laws and with the most leeway in regards to use of force for self defense (Texas) tend to be the most violent states in the Union. This despite the fact that they still put the most people to death per year…

In short, while I support peoples’ rights to “bear arms” (but not to arm bears), the best way to reduce crime is through education and jobs…

No. They’re armed. And I’m not sure about Virginia, but I suspect they may consider the Campus police to be under the jurisdiction of the State Police if it’s anything like NY…

The Boston Globe
…The majority of campus police departments in the nation’s four year colleges, including Virginia Tech’s, are already armed, but officials at some small colleges for years have staunchly opposed the idea even as their police have requested arms. The big schools in Massachusetts, including Boston University, Northeastern, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tufts, and all five campuses of the University of Massachusetts, have armed police. Most colleges in the State College system also have armed police forces.

#2) LOL…How do you know this? How do you know so much about tickets? Wow…hard to have a discussion / debate with an EOE

Because I’ve had a few. But this is no secret that most get off their first few offenses with a minor parking violation. In Virginia, they’ve gone the opposite way and have imposed massive fines into the thousand$ for “aggressive driving.”

The times I’ve been busted for speeding tend to be when I’m the only one on the road, which is idiotic since that is when a speeder poses a danger to no one but himself…

Of course, the police pretty much also ignore rush hour traffic here like everywhere else…

#3) Oh really? look in your morning paper, how many private citizens are selling cars from home and how many are selling guns? Be truthful now… :slight_smile: look in the recycler, penny saver and compare the two.

Um dude, if I sell or buy a car as (or from) a private owner, I still have to go to the DMV and provide proof of insurance, a license, a vehicular inspection. I highly doubt there similar control for firearms…

Yeah, there are certainly no shortage of fireworks here in July and even over the entire summers. And they were as technically illegal where I grew up as they are now. But the police mostly ignore it on the Fourth of July…

A case in point.

Vigilante shooting that left two dead divides Texans
Ian Munro, New York
December 31, 2007

JOE Horn does not look much like a vigilante. Overweight, with ruddy cheeks, he might pass for cherubic if not for the fact he is 61 years old. Besides, cherubs don’t kill people.

This will be a tense holiday period for Mr Horn, who will soon learn if he is to face a grand jury in Houston, Texas, to decide whether he is to be tried over the killing of two burglars he saw raiding his neighbour’s house.

The case has divided Texans into those who see Mr Horn as a hero, and those who see a reckless killer. It is more complicated still. Joe Horn is white. The dead burglars, Miguel Antonio Dejesus, 38, and Diego Ortiz, 30, were black Colombians.

Mr Horn rang police on November 14 when they broke into his neighbour’s house. He was recorded telling the emergency operator he was going to confront the men even as he was told numerous times to stay inside his home.

He may have been emboldened by a law that took effect in Texas on September 1, giving people a stronger legal right to defend themselves with deadly force in their homes, cars and workplaces.

“Hurry up, man, because I am not lettin’ 'em go,” he said. "I am going to be honest with you. I am not lettin’ ‘em go … If I go out the front, I am bringin’ my shotgun with me … I can’t take a chance on getting killed over this. I am gonna shoot, I’m gonna shoot … "

The emergency dispatcher told Mr Horn repeatedly not to leave his house, but he was adamant, telling the officer: “I have a right to protect myself, sir … and the laws have been changed in this country since September the first, and you know it and I know it … and a shotgun is a legal weapon.”

Warned that he could be hurt, he replied: "Wanna make a bet. I’m gonna kill em … "

Mr Horn appeared immune to the warnings. "They got a bag of loot … here I go, buddy. You hear the shotgun clickin’ and I’m goin’ … " The emergency transcript also detected Mr Horn instructing the burglars that they were dead if they moved. The sound of several shotgun blasts followed.

Police spokesman Captain Bud Corbett told The Age that Mr Horn’s defence was the age-old issue of self-defence and that he was not relying on the the new so-called Castle Law. Mr Horn instead was saying that he was in fear once he was confronted by both burglars.

Captain Corbett said Mr Horn’s comments during the emergency call were not necessarily relevant to what finally happened.

“One can have a specific frame of mind one minute and a different frame of mind the next,” Captain Corbett said.

"The frame of mind he has while he is in the house may not be the same state of mind when he was standing seven to 10 feet away.

“It was the deadly force statutes that were already in place (before September 1) that he was relying on when he says he came around the corner and came face-to-face with those people and they are on my property at that point.”

Mr Horn’s account is that after he ordered the men not to move, they tried to run in different directions.

The bravado that seemed to fire him up before the shooting had left him when he told the dispatcher in evident panic: “I had no choice … they came in the front yard with me, man … they came right in my yard.”

Further robbing the dead men of public sympathy was the revelation that both were in the US illegally.

Police in Pasadena, Texas, handed their investigation report to the district attorney’s office the week before Christmas, but investigators were still waiting for the results of final forensic analysis of the scene.

“I have not heard of any physical evidence that contradicts (Mr Horn’s) account,” said Captain Corbett, who said it would be left to the district attorney to decide whether to put the case to a grand jury.

Sources in the Harris County district attorney’s office yesterday indicated it was likely the case would go to a grand jury, but just when remained unclear. For Joe Horn, the wait goes on.

I reckon game should be armed.

It’d even things up.

One reason I gave up shooting animals is it wasn’t a fair contest.

Now, if the animals could shoot back with the same firepower and accuracy as humans, we’d soon find out who really enjoyed getting out in the bush because they really love what is commonly called hunting, i.e. for most people wandering around the scrub until an animal blunders into sight (or in the case of the current Vice President of the USA, you mistake an earth bound armed human for a quail - DER!) or, on game farms, game is just about driven down the so-called hunters’ muzzles.

After all, arming game is just extending the self-defence argument to other living creatures.

We could even give whales Long Lance torpedoes, to even things up with the Japanese.

I think I’ll write to the Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia to gauge their support for my cunning plan. :smiley:

NRA member Dick Cheney is presented with a gun by the NRA. :smiley:

You say its harder to get a car than it is to get a gun…Anyone with the money can open up the paper and buy a car from a private citizen…and drive away with it after the cash changes hands…Right? So your BS strory about guns being easier to buy than cars is just ignorant and your showing signs of Ironman like postings.

In your earlier quote you said nothing about registering the car to make it legal to drive on the public highway…But Ill humor you. I’ve been on many accidents where the car is not registered, the driver has no license and the car has no insurance.

So someone’s first FEW moving violations are reduced to a minor parking violation. That is not the norm with moving violation tickets so count your lucky stars if it happened to you.

I’m still waiting on an answer from your Ironman like post that said criminals targeting houses that have huge collections.

Um dude, you’re going to have a problem with that kind of crap…

In your earlier quote you said nothing about registering the car to make it legal to drive on the public highway…But Ill humor you. I’ve been on many accidents where the car is not registered, the driver has no license and the car has no insurance.

And the people are severally screwed, with jail-time following or at least probation…

So someone’s first FEW moving violations are reduced to a minor parking violation. That is not the norm with moving violation tickets so count your lucky stars if it happened to you.

I’m still waiting on an answer from your Ironman like post that said criminals targeting houses that have huge collections.

Dude, I’m the one like Ironingman, really? Actually, as a mod, I’ve received complaints about your Ironman like “polemics.” I pretty much ignored them since I hate censorship. But seriously, you throw around the I word like that. You’d better back it up…

Are you a vegetarian RS ? Do you buy chicken, beef or pork at the supermarkets? People who complain about hunters and then go into a store and buy meat are just paying someone else to do the dirty work for them.
I guarantee the wild animal has a much better chance then the cow being lead into the slaughter house and at least it lived free before it became someone’s dinner…but were way off topic now…:slight_smile:

Oh really …why is that?

And that’s not counting the park car they usually run into…


Because I was modded here. You can hate me for being a “liberal numbnuts,” but this is the site where you need to show a little respect. If I was actually Irondouche, you’d be frivolously insulting the powers that be with little evidence to back it up…

In any case, I could care less personally. You can say whatever you want and I have a thick skin. But seriously, good luck with that shit…

And that’s not counting the park car they usually run into…


Again, throwing around silly flame bait? I haven’t had an accident in over ten years, at least where I was at fault…That puts me light years ahead of Dick Cheney…

I KNEW YOU WERE GONNA SAY THAT…Well then you shouldn’t be in a debate then. If you cant stand the heat stay out of the kitchen… I’m debating Nickfresh…not nickfresh the MOD…So that’s how you do it…when your gettin slammed in a debate…you pull out the IM a MOD? maybe we should got to the top with this…

Silly flame bait??? What the heck you talking about there?? I’m talking about people gettin in a wreck without any insurance or registration, not sure what your talkin about.


Say what exacty?

Well then you shouldn’t be in a debate then. If you cant stand the heat stay out of the kitchen…

What heat?

I’m debating

No, not really. You aren’t…

Nickfresh…not nickfresh the MOD…So that’s how you do it…when your gettin slammed in a debate…you pull out the IM a MOD? maybe we should got to the top with this…

“Slammed in a debate?” Firstly, there’s not much of a debate.

And you called me a notorious trollio, with no evidence and a supreme indifference to irony…

Silly flame bait??? What the heck you talking about there?? I’m talking about people gettin in a wreck without any insurance or registration, not sure what your talkin about.

No, actually you implied that I do this, trying to derail the thread with silly off topic rantings…


How did Dick get into this? Well, he shot a donors face off while hunting. I guess the donation was too low to get the “not gonna shoot your face off and you get a coffee mug” level…

Ill spell it out for ya…stay with me…:wink:

I said:
I’ve been on many accidents where the car is not registered, the driver has no license and the car has no insurance.

You replied :
And the people are severally screwed, with jail-time following or at least probation…

Then I replied:
And that’s not counting the park car they usually run into…

Then you come up with this:
Again, throwing around silly flame bait? I haven’t had an accident in over ten years, at least where I was at fault…That puts me light years ahead of Dick Cheney…

The I said;
Silly flame bait??? What the heck you talking about there?? I’m talking about people gettin in a wreck without any insurance or registration, not sure what your talkin about.

You ended up sayin:
No, actually you implied that I do this, trying to derail the thread with silly off topic rantings…


Well Nick, how do they know