Islam is rising up taking our world.

Sadly the Civilised world doesn’t seem to be having much say in the matter, it’s the colonies that are getting all pious. The problem is that they seem set on dragging the rest of us along with them.

I suppose that’s what comes of exporting several hundred years worth of religious nutters to places like America and Australia.

What are you talking about? Muslims are pressured a lot more in Europe than in any other part of the world. The bombings in London happened because of this.

And I think we are all aware of the crime and death in this world. Since you turn on the news everyday and hear “Suicide Car Bomb kills eight people” or “Unkown explosions break out across Palestine”.

I spend a lot of time in New York and when I stay there, the Jewish and Muslim neighbors get along fine.

No, what the hell are you talking about? The UK has been a haven for extremists purely cos our pussy-arsed courts won’t deport the bastards back to their (Muslim) countries of origin cos they might have electrodes attached to their dangly bits. We have had these suicide bombings in London purely because we DIDN’T apply pressure to the muslim community to out their extremists and then deport them!

All over Europe governments have been bending over backwards to accomodate Muslims, particularly in the UK. Have you seen the guidance to Police in the UK when raiding Muslim houses? It basically amounts to giving them enough time to destroy any evidence!

I think you’ll find that the biggest pressure anywhere in the world on Muslims is from other Muslims (different sects etc), and that is in predominantly Muslim countries.

In what way are they pressured in Europe? We are pressured to bend over backwards to accomodate them! We are told to tolerate the way they treat their women because it’s their culture. We are told that Muslims breaking planning regulations is OK “cos they don’t know any better” whereas we have to tear down the garden shed we didn’t get permission for. We are told that Muslims are not protected enough under “incitement to racial hatred” laws so we need “incitement to religious hatred” laws as well, when it’s clear to all that only the Muslims have been pushing for this legislation, and the MCB admits as much.

You’ll find that the majority of muslims mix absolutely fine with the majority of the native population and there are no problems. It’s only the extremists on both sides of the fence that are an issue.

Further to last,

Why, if they are so pressured here, did they either:

  • Their parents/grandparents move here as economic migrants and then stay?
  • They claim asylum here?

If they were as “pressured” as you say, then why in both cases would they not go back to their countries of origin, where you say that they are less “pressured”???

edit - grammar

It’s seriously like all of you are just thinking about the government, and what they do to help everyone. When it comes down to it, the common middle-class man can be someone’s worst enemy. Who cares if the government has laws protecting muslims, if the job employers that might not hire them, or the racist bastards that live down the corner calling them dirty names.

And if people are pressured to be tolerate to every other nation, then there wouldn’t be hate everywhere now would there?

(My italics)

Are you taling the mick or do you really think you can force people to like one another ? :shock:

The real world doesn’t work like that, there’s something called ‘human nature’ that makes people push back against such ‘pressure.’

Cuts, do you even understand the context of my posts? That’s pretty much what I just said, the only excuse you have is if english is a second language to you =/

God, it’s like you’re reading only half of it or bits and pieces.

Aah, youthful socialist idealism comes through again! If only the government /forced/ people to be tolerant, everything would be OK!

No, seriously, do you really think that middle-class males are the people going around and “pressuring” muslims? I think you’ll find that you’re very, very wrong there. It’s the chav scum that are doing these things, not your average middle-classer.

Muslim immigrants are more protected by law in my own country than I am - in fact, I am part of the most discriminated against sector of society - white, male, heterosexual, middle-class, car-driving, non-city living, firearms owner.

Are you taling the mick or do you really think you can force people to like one another ? Shocked

Of course you can! All you need is New Labour, a couple of big concerts, and Madonna shouting “Lets change the fucking world”.

Oh, and a brightly coloured rubber wristband.:lol:

I am part of the most discriminated against sector of society - white, male, heterosexual, middle-class, car-driving, non-city living, firearms owner.

Cheer up, you could drive a 4-wheel drive AND shoot cute little bunny wunnies as well as targets.:shock:

Face it, your just a metrosexual poof! :smiley:

Twat! :smiley:

A meterosexual wouldn’t own an SLR - he’d own some trendy poofy H&K mousegun that’s about as much use as tits on a fish :twisted:

I read your post in full, it was couched in an interesting form of English, something I don’t tend to comment or complain about given the international nature of this site.

Do you think I took your words out of context ?

Anyway is that a yes to taking the mick, or a yes to you believing that people can be pressured into liking one another ?

People cannot be pressured into liking each other!!! It never happened, It never will happen unless punishable by death!!!

It never will happen unless punishable by death!!!

It won’t happen then either, people will just pretend! You can’t scare someone into liking someone, in fact they’ll probably just end up hating them more as they resent being under that threat.

Yeah, even then if punishable by death I meant a big extreme consequence not really death, because Ganiva convention and what not says not to, and the bible says not to judge :?

The Geneva convention has bugger all to do with the death penalty for domestic crimes. It is concerned with the treatment of prisoners of war and civilians in wartime, IIRC.

Even if not, death, but, say flagellation or being forced to ride through Oxford street naked and tied upside to a horse, you cannot punish people into changing the way they think and feel.

To do that you have to be far more subtle.

:shock: Wasn’t it you who thought that English wasn’t my first language ? :lol:

think about this; we adapt to there culture, bit if we went to one of there countries we have to adapt to theres, so basically they’re stubborn pricks

FOR EXAMPLE; the French ban that scarf thing the muslim woman wear in Public Schools and theres a big uproar of the muslim community in France


if we were in Iran and a woman didnt wear the scarf thing, they could kill her for that, even if u r a tourist

so these stubborn pricks need to stop thinking about themselves and adapt to other cultures if they move to other countries or they can piss off back to there own shithole country

Actually Minimal you’r e wrong there, while the good old Guardian Council quite likes it’s capital crimes, not covering up (for women) is not one of them, certainly not for non-muslims. I believe the standard punishments range from a fine up to flogging or imprisonment for Iranians and deportation for foreigners.
A few years ago Ireland played a football match in Teheran (this is before that pillock Bush spouted off abouth the “Axis of Evil”, of course :roll: ) and the authorities had no problem with letting the female Irish supporters into the match, provided they wore headscarves. On the other hand female Iranian supporters (including the sports editor for an Iranian newspaper) had to watch it on telly lest the first-hand sight of men in shorts turn them into ravening nymphomaniacs. :roll:
BTW does anyone not find this sort of thing as proof that religious rules are written by men and not Gods? Gods (having done he original design work) would know that women don’t think like men and consequently don’t get the same sort of “urges” that men do and therefore assume that women also get.

I don’t blame the muslim community in France for getting upset over what was nothing more than a petty little law aimed specifically at them.
Mind you I really feel sorry for French Sikh men, who by their own admission don’t half look daft with long hair but no turban. Strictly of course, the French should make Sikh boys get their hair cut as it is the uncut hair and not the turban which is the religious symbol but then i doubt that they make them drop their pantalon to check that they aren’t wearing kachs (like boxer shorts, another Sikh religious symbol). :twisted:

Edited for punctuation.

Dindn’t the law on scarves also affect christians wearing crosses?

It was an attempt to remove all religious symbols from school.