Islam is rising up taking our world.

exacly, we have to adapt to there cultures and we respect it

so if they move out of their country why cant they adapt to the other countries culture and customs instead of bitching about it???

the Western world is toosoft on the Muslim community

Yes, BUT can we really stop terrorism…the answer is no , its inevitable.
Every time a muslim or al Quaida kills a innocent human being they think they are doing the right thing and will be rewarded by Allah and that dead person will be reincarnated.
U.S.A is a fairly large Christian country, thats a good reason why the Muslims hate it.
Christianity is looked as to be Evil to the muslims and it says in the bible, that in the end of days the Enemy will demonstrating saying they are the good chosen race and christianity is from the Devil.

While not exactly being forced to like something, or some culture, Ale does have a point here. We have been forced to say nothing in case anyone can take offence.

The most recent example of the madness that is PC here is the campaign to stop kids making Mothers/Fathers Day Cards. This apparrently offends Gay and lesbian parents!

You can still think what you want in this country, but you have to be carefull saying what you like.

Its more like - forced to let tinpants minorities rule the roost…

The best thing would be to make all religions disapear. As you can see, there are only problems with them.
If Ww3 is fought between Christians and Muslims, beware, because those fanatics (even the Christians, like the US President nowadays) are f*cking crazy and will do everything to defeat the others, without caring about anything…

I don’t blame the muslim community in France for getting upset over what was nothing more than a petty little law aimed specifically at them.

Rubbish, all the law did was ban the overt wearing of religous symbols in schools. By all accounts there was just as much fuss from the Church in France over the legislation as there was by the Muslim community, but it wasn’t deemed as newsworthy.


funny how there was no cry in the Jewish community as they welcomed this ‘equality’ in France, but the Muslims bitch about it


funny how there was no cry in the Jewish community as they welcomed this ‘equality’ in France, but the Muslims bitch about it[/quote]

That’s because they (the loony ones in particular) don’t want to be equal, they want to get special treatment (e.g. to live under Sharia law & not the law of the land).

umm i think im a little late for this one and if it has been put down as off topic please by all means do but this statement is wrong. Christains do not hate Jews. We share the same God but they are still waiting for God to send his son but he has already come. This is the big difference, they still follow the Old Testement and Christains have the New Testement. My church supports many missionaires including many in Isrial. There are also many programs helping the Jews who need it and most are run but Christains.

I do however know that Islam is on the rise. Christains and Isam are the only relgons that send out missonaires and more and more Islamic missionaires thoughout the world.

Historically though, Jews have copped far more grief from christians than muslims, it wasn’t really until the rise of Zionism that that changed.
The crusaders tended not to discriminate between jews and muslims when they were on the rampage, the Inquisition was as nasty to jews as protestants, the Russian Orthodox patriarchs actively encouraged anti jewis pogroms with as much fervour as anti Tartar ones and until relatively recently protestantism was fairly anti-semitic
The recent enthusiasm for Israel amongst the more “fervent” evangelical protestants, particularly in America seems to have more to do with fullfilling Biblical prophecy than any great liking for Jews. Indeed if the god-botherers have their way and Ragnarok ( :twisted: ) is really upon us then Revelation seems to suggest that the jews are amongst the first to get the fire-and-brimstone treatment.

I do however know that Islam is on the rise. Christains and Isam are the only relgons that send out missonaires and more and more Islamic missionaires thoughout the world.

Christian or muslim;i hate missionaries.they treat people like spear chuckling tribals.i guess Jehovah’s witnesses are the worst.they are annoying beyond comprehension.

I don’t blame the muslim community in France for getting upset over what was nothing more than a petty little law aimed specifically at them.

i don’t think i can agree with this Man of Stoat said,they want to live under sharia.we have the same problem here in Turkey.

There is a difference between telling sharia fanatics to sod off and restricting what people may wear because it demonstrates religious faith. French jews and christians were not really inconvenienced by the law, it only really affected muslims and Sikhs (although there are so few French sikhs that they probably didn’t register).
I also believe such prohibitions are counter-productive, particularly when trying to apply them to teenage girls. Banning the scarf is probably likely to make it more attractive to them rather than less.
This is not to say I agree with Islamic dress-codes as I think they are based on a pathetic passing of the duty of self control from Islamic men onto women. I can also see a good reason to ban burka type clothing and scarves that cover more than just the head and neck on health and safty as well as indentification grounds.

I said the very same thin some time back. You attacked me for it. God, you are such a hypocritical twit.

Oh dear, please provide your link.


It affected religious Jews (wearing a Kippa) and e.g. Christian nuns as well (they are not allowed to wear their habits in government buildings anymore as well.


As for the original question of the thread:

I don’t see the pastor as a fanatic. He is probably reacting as a highly religious man to circumstances that he sees in a simplified light. It’s a reaction to the volume of terrorism propagated against western nations by Muslim terrorists over the last 40 or so years. If those acts of terrorism had not happened, or if the extremist muslims did not have the agenda of destroying the west, then I’d say he’s a fanatic for making up a conflict that is not growing, which it is. But since the conflict has grown, and because the Muslim extremists have greatly stepped-up their terrorist efforts, there is no basis for considering him to be a fanatic.

I said the very same thing some time back. I got attacked for it by the Brit Thug Gang. :lol:

Why are you banging on about the same stuff you were banned for?

Three posts in 7 minutes on your specialist subject (hating anyone who isn’t white and American) eh Rusty?

Sorry dude. That’s incorrect. I’ve never said a racist thing on this or any forum. Now, before you go off, try to understand the difference between racism and religious solidarity. Give it some though, then open the mouth. it works in that order, for most of us.

Religious solidarity? Against who exactly?