Islam is rising up taking our world.

What about visiting over without having to see your friend Abdullah? Get us a visa invitation and the permit of abode. Just a joke…
Seriously speaking, I, too, doubt Muslims would take the Old Blighty over. Did the Communists? And then, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and many more of the Communism founding fathers, and anarchists and all that, they lived in London and had their centre down there. That did not make England turn red, in a manner of speech, did it?
Never been to England but been to the English quite a lot. It’s all mind-your-own-business and get-off-of-my-cloud kind of attitude, very much like my own, btw.
In a jocular strain again, and talking about the pastor, I fain would like to see a pastor, a rabbie and a mullah hanged together and dangling from one and the sake tree-branch. What do you think, mates?
Do all those religions and all those ministers of creed belong in our world of rocket science, nanotechnologies and archaeology. 'on my word, they don’t! IMHO

Hear! Hear!
StalingradK, apparently, forms his views of the Jewish-Muslim relations by the Palestine news reports.
I’d say, the Jews have always been on much shoddier terms with the Christians than with the Muslims - I live in Azerbaijan, a Muslim country, and I will know.

Nothing can change a human nature bettern than a heavy ribbed truncheon. Preferrably, black or dark-green. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aah, youthful socialist idealism comes through again! If only the government /forced/ people to be tolerant, everything would be OK!

No, seriously, do you really think that middle-class males are the people going around and “pressuring” muslims? I think you’ll find that you’re very, very wrong there. It’s the chav scum that are doing these things, not your average middle-classer.

Muslim immigrants are more protected by law in my own country than I am - in fact, I am part of the most discriminated against sector of society - white, male, heterosexual, middle-class, car-driving, non-city living, firearms owner.[/quote]
Yes, sad but true - a middle-class male is the most dangerous creature in the world. I’m not joking. The middle class gave birth to the British colonial army, the Nazis (leastways, supported them) and gave power to Napoleon. You should know it, since both the French and the Germans gallopped through your country in all directions when they had that whim of conquering the world. Now, you might be fearing that the Muslim hordes would be doing the same. Rightly, too.
Don’t know of protection of Muslim immigrants in Holland, but there should a bit of reality about your statement. Political correctness and liberalism is killing Europe, imho. Ever read Oriana Fallacci, boyo? Get a decko of what she writes: very much in your style.

Right said, mate. Only, aren’t you a little bit idealistic?

No, what the hell are you talking about? The UK has been a haven for extremists purely cos our pussy-arsed courts won’t deport the bastards back to their (Muslim) countries of origin cos they might have electrodes attached to their dangly bits. We have had these suicide bombings in London purely because we DIDN’T apply pressure to the muslim community to out their extremists and then deport them!

All over Europe governments have been bending over backwards to accomodate Muslims, particularly in the UK. Have you seen the guidance to Police in the UK when raiding Muslim houses? It basically amounts to giving them enough time to destroy any evidence!

I think you’ll find that the biggest pressure anywhere in the world on Muslims is from other Muslims (different sects etc), and that is in predominantly Muslim countries.

In what way are they pressured in Europe? We are pressured to bend over backwards to accomodate them! We are told to tolerate the way they treat their women because it’s their culture. We are told that Muslims breaking planning regulations is OK “cos they don’t know any better” whereas we have to tear down the garden shed we didn’t get permission for. We are told that Muslims are not protected enough under “incitement to racial hatred” laws so we need “incitement to religious hatred” laws as well, when it’s clear to all that only the Muslims have been pushing for this legislation, and the MCB admits as much.

You’ll find that the majority of muslims mix absolutely fine with the majority of the native population and there are no problems. It’s only the extremists on both sides of the fence that are an issue.[/quote]
Man, aren’t you Dutch? Why is this “we had that bombing in London”? You might very well feel a part of a common Europe, but I doubt the Brits do! Open up your eyes, hey! :smiley: You’re on the Continent! :smiley:

I said the very same thin some time back. You attacked me for it. God, you are such a hypocritical twit.[/quote]

OK, so this was a while back, but I’ve only just spotted it…


REASON: Misrepresentation of what a named member has said to deliberately provoke a response (if I’m wrong, provide a link), and an ad-hominem.

It is happening, imho. But far from holy.
What is ruining your discussion of the subject in this thread is political correctness seated very deep in some of you, and the absence of insight in the others.
If you hated fuzzy wuzzies, you’d not say openly “I hate’em!”
And this makes the whole affair insincere. You are the creatures of the world of “the underprivileged” instead of “poor”, “the afro-origin” instead of “negroes”, et cetera. Of the Europe where you’re not allowed to smoke in the street and where you’d not chat up a girlie for fear of being prosecuted for harrassment.
Do you want to see a camel pissing in the central square of your towns? Answer this question before you go on making high-brow statements.
Believe me, it would not be Nazist to answer this question frankly.

Чувак, давно ли ты уехал в Австралию? Ты не помнишь, как все было в СССР?


Right said, mate. What you’re talking about is acculturation, meaning, cultural adaptation and re-alignment.
Suggested reading for you all: Oscar Spengler, Goumilev, Oriana Fallacci, Arnold Toinby (this will do for now)

Removing blankets and napkins from over their heads is doing a good thing - for them. Puts some modern civilisation into them.
Being different is not the same as being mediaeval, eh? Can you imagine a European woman carrying a chastity belt? They hijabs and paranjas, their stupid pilgrimages are the same.
They can refrain from eating pork, they can pray - IN THEIR HOMES! They cannot but do in Rome as Romands do.
Then again, I cannot understand a man who wouldn’t enjoy half a bitter! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I fully agree with you, mate. Türkiyeye İslam ilana kanat kibi gerek :smiley:
Turkey has done just as fine beating religious bygotry down as the Bolshies had. Only, the Bolsheviks were trying to eradicate religion as such - as a result, it burst out again as their ideology collapsed. They should’ve offered another ideology, then. A more viable one.

Ironman et al
What a load of codswallop! We all here don’t have to read your squabblish dispute. Get clubs and get together somewhere and sort it out between yourselves, why don’t you?
I’ve been following this squabble and it’s making me vomit.
Care for some enlightened discussion, lads?

Btw, can anyone tell me what “splinter cell” means?


A little bit of joking

A little bit of joking[/quote]

What the hell - splinter cell ?- stay on topic…

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