Islam is rising up taking our world.

I did not create this thread nor have I said anything objectionable. I will post my opinion on it the same as you.

However, it is my contention that the “pastor” is not a fanatic. Is he not in the business of spreading the Christian point of view? It’s a part of his profession for crying out loud. In fact, Christianity compells Christians to do so. The Bible specifically and explicitely calls Christians to that task. Would you call a Muslim preacher a fanatic for preaching the spread of Islam and denouncing other religions? I don’t think you would, because that’s the way religion works and always has. So why is a Christian minister a fanatic for spreading pro-Christian ideology, even where it clashes with that of other religions, and a Muslim preacher is not?

Calling him a fanatic is like calling a soldier a gun-toting murderer. It’s a minister’s profession to minister and spread their religion. Now, if he were acting out violently on his beliefs, then you might have a basis for thinking him to be fanatical.



I agree Commando Jardovski. Firefly, where is your hateful banter at him for such an opinion? Good Lord! I see it now. He’s not… an American. :wink:

What a load of pish. He was reporting something he had heard, you on the other hand my friend were banned for racist stereotypical views. It has absolutely nothing to do with where you come from.

One Is heresay, the other is statement.

Oh forgot to add, if anyone is interested in why the reformed ironbob was banned simply look back this whole thread and make up your own minds.

Actually, nothing could be more truthful!

He stated that he though a religious war was starting up and you didn’t go after him for it. You are being hypocritical! You are transpearent! You are exposed!


He stated it yes. But that was all he stated. You on the other hand stated far more than a religious war. You stated racists remarks and broad observations on a selected group, much like you bang on about certain members broad statements about the US.

a parallel if you will.

Jordovski wrote “I hear that The catholics and protestants are fighting in Northern Ireland”

IRONMAN wrote “I hear it is the Job of all Protestants to kill catholics”


Again, I have never made a racist remark. You confuse racism with religious solidarity. As for the “certain members”, I assume you refer to the Thug Gang that trolls from thread to thread to follow me and go after my posts… the Dorken Few? The Dozen Dozen?

Come on. Laugh a little man. We don’t have to be at each other’s throats.

Again, I have never made a racist remark. You confuse racism with religious solidarity. As for the “certain members”, I assume you refer to the Thug Gang that trolls from thread to thread to follow me and go after my posts… the Dorken Few? The Dozen Dozen?

Come on. Laugh a little man. We don’t have to be at each other’s throats.[/quote]

hmm, maybe you should read your own posts, after all why do you think you were banned?

Again, I have never made a racist remark. You confuse racism with religious solidarity. As for the “certain members”, I assume you refer to the Thug Gang that trolls from thread to thread to follow me and go after my posts… the Dorken Few? The Dozen Dozen?

Come on. Laugh a little man. We don’t have to be at each other’s throats.[/quote]

hmm, maybe you should read your own posts, after all why do you think you were banned?[/quote]

Again, I have never made a racist remark. You confuse racism with religious solidarity. Truly, you do not understand the differnce between them?

Religious solidarity, - for which religion I might I ask?

Living with a cleric, Im fairly sure that He doesnt beleive all Muslims want to kill Westerners! Though of course, it might be that he is a splinter cell of the “true religion” and that his Ordination, Canonisation, and 25 years of serivce have blinded him to the true path of Christianity that I am only too sure you will now reveal to us!

Go on what is religious solidarity in this context!

And would you agree that whilst your comments mightnt have been racist, they wre purposefully inflammatory?


Again, I have never made a racist remark. You confuse racism with religious solidarity. As for the “certain members”, I assume you refer to the Thug Gang that trolls from thread to thread to follow me and go after my posts… the Dorken Few? The Dozen Dozen?

Come on. Laugh a little man. We don’t have to be at each other’s throats.[/quote]

hmm, maybe you should read your own posts, after all why do you think you were banned?[/quote]

Again, I have never made a racist remark. You confuse racism with religious solidarity. Truly, you do not understand the differnce between them?[/quote]

Well I honestly dont care what you think! I would be careful on what you say because you fuck up this time and you are gone for good. So thats fine if you want to go down in flames but im not going to argue with you on this issue anymore. AND YOU KNOW EXACTLY WTF IM TALKING ABOUT

Sandworm - TOP POST!


a Smiley is not a response -


Surely the hypothesis that Islam and Christianity will go to war/are at war, etc. Depends very much upon the supposition that the only factor causing conflict is religion?

There are a host of other factors which could be equally to blame for the rise of ‘Islamic’ terror…

Firstly and most obviously, the Israeli/Palestinian issue. Most ‘Islamic’ terrorism over the last 40 years has been carried out by Palestinian groups, and has been directly related to the issue of two groups of people wanting to live in the same place. Whilst religion has played a part in this, the most fundamental cause of the schism is that two groups want the same land, and they merely happen to be defined upon religous grounds. The Falklands conflict would be an example of the same kind of war/conflict, except that in that instance the protaganists are not defined by religion but by nationality. (Which is not in this case a religous construct.)

Economic factors also play a part. Without wishing to go too far into it, we have a situation where much of what happens to be the Islamic world could also be defined as the ‘Essential Raw Material Producers’. (Oil bearing Middle East) The entirety of the Islamic world also resides in the ‘Raw Material Producers’ section of the world. (This would encompass non-oil producing Islamic areas as well as non-islamic 3rd world nations) As a result, there is an element of conflict as the ‘consumer’ nations (in this case the Christian West) and ‘producer’ nations have undergone a long period of economic and sometimes military conflict to ensure that one or the other gets the best deal. We are also in a phase where the ‘producer’ nations are realising that the ‘consumers’ need the product just as much as they need the custom, and that they resent having to live in a buyers market.

As a quick, ‘off the top of my head’ pair of examples, I hope these illustrate that the “Muslim-Christian” conflict only exists as such if you define the players in purely religous terms. If you define them in economic terms, then it becomes an economic conflict, if you define them in national terms, then it becomes a conflict of two blocks of associated nations. Obviously, I am not trying to show that there is no religous element to the conflict, but in my opinion, religion is largely a provider of convenient rhetoric and a sense of shared group identity, rather than the fundamental key to the issue of ‘Islamic terror’. This I would put down largely to the Israel/Palestine issue and widespread economic resentment.

To skim over the further detail I could go into, I do also hold that the economic performance of the Islamic states (and many African ones) may be in part due to the fatalistic and caste ridden cultures and religions found there, which do not quickly translate into capitalist success (it is happening slowly though.)

I also would not like anyone to suggest that my comments contain any implied judgements of the rightness and wrongness of anyone involved. (This is before everyone accuses me of being an apologist for Islamic terrorism by blaming it all on the nasty capitalist west, because I’m not.)

Again, I have never made a racist remark. You confuse racism with religious solidarity. As for the “certain members”, I assume you refer to the Thug Gang that trolls from thread to thread to follow me and go after my posts… the Dorken Few? The Dozen Dozen?

Come on. Laugh a little man. We don’t have to be at each other’s throats.[/quote]

hmm, maybe you should read your own posts, after all why do you think you were banned?[/quote]

Again, I have never made a racist remark. You confuse racism with religious solidarity. Truly, you do not understand the differnce between them?[/quote]

Well I honestly dont care what you think! I would be careful on what you say because you fuck up this time and you are gone for good. So thats fine if you want to go down in flames but im not going to argue with you on this issue anymore. AND YOU KNOW EXACTLY WTF IM TALKING ABOUT[/quote]

Well I’m glad you are reading it, that’s for sure, so you don’t go off threatening someone for saying something they haven’t! Now why don’t you do something about the nationailstic bashing on your forum instead of biotching at someone who doesn’t like it.

Not like you charged us of blaming america for not invading Russia,

throughout we all agreed a Russian invasion was a bad Idea, but hey your a fucking troll dont let the truth get in your way you wanker.


Ahhh! The sweetness of recanting. I love it. Bluffy has now recanted his sinful ways. I forgive you my son. Go in peace. Piss on people no more. May God have mercy on your Tinker Toys.


Where do you presume the right to threaten the Chief Mod here? I suggest you take his advice or begone!

What advice? You presume that I will discuss things differently with someone because they are a mod? You mean, if someone says something sarcastic to me, you think that because they are a mod that I will respond differently?

YOU might.

What advice? You presume that I will discuss things differently with someone because they are a mod? You mean, if someone says something sarcastic to me, you think that because they are a mod that I will respond differently?

YOU might.[/quote]

Yes thats exactly what I presume. If you havent learned why you were banned ( oh and by the way hes from the US) then you havent reformed.

Ergo, why come back?