Italian Army

Italians did not want to fight ,they go in fight becouse they must.I think that.

Yep pretty much what I said

Italians in africa

Edited by Dani for removing a shocking gif.

according to colonel hans von luck of the 21st panzer division, he said that the Ariete division and some of the italian divisions were brave fighters, but had horrible officers and terrible equipment. the insane lack of NCOs made Italian units difficult to control and prone to retreat…

The Ariete division were in the top ten of division in afrika (or africa)

I’m just wondering guys, are these soldiers below from the Italian army ? They look quite well:

I think then they are italians ,helmet is italian i think,

Clauss, can you get rid of the video on your post of Italian soldiers in Africa please? It’s not Italians, it’s Afghans, in Afghanistan, and to be honest I doubt pictures of parts of people flying round are what most people want to see.

Clauss, BDL is right.
Please remove the gif.

sorry guys Dani removed pictures ,i not seen GIF i think that is only picture ,i not watch my post . :oops:

They don’t look Italian to me, more like US made M3’s

If that lighter coloured stripe, V, thing is light blue I believe they are British Honeys (US M3).

There definately M3 Honey’s. So unless there captured M3’s being used by the Italians, then the Counts caption is wrong

Well, not to judge anyone’s bravery, but while reading (ok, I see eyes rolling around :roll: . just stop it! :wink: ) memoirs of Polish pilots from Skalski’s Circus, they mentioned that the members of the Team (Polish Fighting Team-PFT) were the first of the Polish fighter pilots to encounter the Italians fighters ( in Mecchia 229- an excellent fighter plane on par with the Spit). Apparently, the favorite tacticts of the Italians when they noticed the PFT Spitfires coming at them was to roll the plane and bail out - before the first shot was fired. I am not joking (or being mean, or making fun of, etc), I really read it. Also, the soldiers of the II Polish Corps (of the Monte Cassino fame) did not considered Italian units as anything even remotely as good as the Germans.
Now, having said all that, I’m sure that a big part of these events was due to the fact that many Italians REALLY did not want to be in the war, and definitely not on the Axis side.

The Italians in N Africa in 1941 surrendered in droves to the British, hundreds of thousands, the British were so outnumbered they only had 1 guard for about 500 Italians![/quote]

And they didn’t fair much better against the Greeks, who lacked British mechanization, firepower, and an air force…

yeah, you see what is ment to be seen, as those movies were made to glorify peoples fight aginst faschism. for us younger it was allways funny hov a single man with mg42 could take down 100 german infantry and 10 stukas without reloadnig :lol:[/quote]

Yup, these are funny, but the fact remains that in 1939 Polish Army, underequipped, overmatched, and attacked from behind by Soviets still managed to inflict enough damage (see other posts on this forum) to the mighty Germans that they had to stop and lick their wounds for 3 or 4 month before attacking Western Europe. Hmmmm, maybe shooting down 10 Ju87s without reloading isn’t that far out? I know of some fighters in the Battle of Britain getting 3 or four of’em in one flight…