Japanese war crimes so bad?

Okay all of you,no ganging up now.This is not a chat room where you can rant, and tantrum against each other. this is a reasonable, and intelligent site. there are expectations of behavior that are spelled out in the rules. Even if you are not very old, all are expected to comport themselves in an adult, and thoughtful manner.
This is no place for childish behavior, so please do not engage in it. Not everyone is a native English speaker, and despite what some believe, English is a very difficult language to use if its not your native tongue. To be clear, this is not directed towards anyone in particular, but lately the timber of the posts, and thread topics on this site are trending toward the juvenile. Should things continue in this vein, Admin. will most likely begin issuing cautions to those in need of them… This is just a friendly heads up, so relax. (but mind what I say so I dont have to go :twisted: on anybody)

The jap war crimes were horriable, have you read about Changi? The stravation and disease. Just ask a POW who survived jap concertration camps.

From what I’ve heard in the Philippines (my Missus comes from there), the behaviour of Japanese troops depened much on the individual unit commanders. Some let their troops rape, steal and murder, while others kept them under tight control, and also managed to keep the dreaded Kempetai secret police out of their area of command, and actually went on friendly terms with the local population (e.g. marriages between Japanese soldiers and Filipino women).

One thing though is that Japanese soldiers were from recruitment on abused and brutalised, e.g. beatings and other corporal punishment was very common in the Japanese army.
Also, the Japanese military leadership had a doctrine of letting the troops live of the land, with minimum supplies, in a way which was common in Europe until the end of the Napoleonic wars, to simplify their logistics. Thus Japanese soldiers in the field were forced to steal food to survive.


Very bad. One in three died cause bye staravation and disease and other causes.


Only one third died?
What a kind human Japs, in the Eastern front about 60% of soviet POWs died in Nazis labor/concentrtion camps.

To the extent that anyone can work it out, it was about the same or even worse death rate (60%) for Asian slave labourers used by the Japanese on the Burma Railway and elsewhere, but they don’t count in most Western histories which are focused only on the Westerners’ experience. Which pretty much reflects a lot of the attitude of Westerners to Asians at the time, without which we might not have had the war in the first place.

The Asian labourers died in large part because they were just huge groups of individuals who lacked the cohesion, organisation and discipline of the POWs, so that they didn’t have organised food, support and health systems, such as they were, to support them under Japanese rule.

Did you know that the japs chop off pows heads when there still alive.
have you ever heard what happend to aussie pows in japans camps before?:shock:

DO you mean the Allied POWs did have the anything kinda organisation, support and medical service in Japanese camps?

like the nazic killed the “partisans” in the East?Look what they did in Yugioslavia.
It was a common their tactic here.SO hardly Japs can exceeded Nazis.

have you ever heard what happend to aussie pows in japans camps before?:shock:

And did you hear about Gas Chambers of Aushwitz that have been initially tested with Soviet POWS?

They were still soldiers, sailors and airmen subject to military discipline and, more importantly compared with the Asian civilians, used to working as an organised group rather than disorganised individuals.

The health aspects go well beyond medical services but get down to field hygiene, leadership and obedience to orders.

Australian POWs in some places on the Burma Railway survived better than British POWs because of the simple measures that Australians were banned from drinking water which had not been boiled first to kill disease and because they were required to dip their mess kits into boiling water to kill disease before being served such food as there was, which was also cooked to kill disease.

The medical services did the best they could with the very limited resources available, such as using sharpened teaspoons to scrape out infected tropical ulcers and using adapted non-medical tools to amputate limbs without anaesthetic, although the Japanese had Red Cross supplies which they could have made available and some of which they stored till the end of the war.

There were some legendary doctors from various Allied nations on the Burma Railway (and in less awful but still poor circumstances in camps such as Changi) who worked tirelessly with few instruments and almost no supplies in disease ridden conditions. They were in constant battles with the Japanese (often Koreans) to try to prevent very sick men being forced to work under terrible conditions. The doctors on many occasions suffered beatings, imprisonment, and the risk of execution by the Japanese in trying to protect their men.

While the POWs existed under appalling conditions with appalling medical services, they were vastly better off than the Asian labourers who had no organised leadership or any of the other benefits of military organisation and medical personnel.

Probably the most important factor in survival was having mates. They could look after each other in various ways, sometimes quite small but critical to survival such as feeding men too ill to move and otherwise tending to them until they recovered enough to work again.

The Asian labourers generally lacked all these advantages as they were individuals brought randomly together without any group organisation to ensure that everybody got fed and often without mates to support them, not to mention lacking medical services.

The relative number of deaths shows the difference.

In all, about 13,000 Australians worked on the railway, among some 60,000 POW and about 200,000 conscripted native labourers from various Asia countries. Some 2646 Aussie POW died among the 13,000 POW deaths in total, and at least 80,000 Asian labourers. The lower rate of deaths amongst POWs can be attributed to the presence of about 150 doctors, many British, 43 Australian, with some Dutch and one or two Americans, and the many medical orderlies, mostly volunteers, who worked on the railway, spread from Thailand to Burma, and who treated the injured and sick, and gradually developed systems for minimising infectious disease.

Hi Chevan
This thread is about japan and not germany, the point is, every one nose about the nazis and the jewish people and not much is said about japan.
Did you hear what happened to aussies pows in japan pow camps, aussies pows could of passed as jewish holurcast victims.

No, they couldn’t.

The motivations, processes and effects of the Nazi treament of Jews in the Holocaust had no similarity with Japan’s treatment of Australian or any other POWs in WWII. Which can readily be demonstrated by the absence at the end of the war of about six million Jews who were alive when it started, and the growth by about one per cent of Australia’s population over the same period from the seven and a half million at the start of the war.

Please, please, PLEASE, PUHLEASE stop posting drivel. Better still, just stop posting!

Yes youre right about six million jews compared with the aussie but still they were skilitons when ww2 finshed. And im allowed to post if i want to. I can go and get proof to proof it.Any way can you please please please stop posting 3 pages full at one time.

So it seems, which is dragging the board down to an unprecedented level of published ignorance for a serious military history site, and it’s all your own work.

You can go and stick your head up a dead bear’s bum for all I care, but it won’t alter the fact that you’re posting crap.

know. im aloud 2 post if eye wont 2 expesully wen I no 3 pages uv knowing stuff wot u doant. An eye can proof it if u wont from mi tyme lyfe photto buk of whorl wore II witch proofs efferyting eye say wif picshures an efferyting about efferyting wot ever hapend in da wore

LOL…That last post was hilarious RS…!

Oh shit, I forgot im talking to RS- I better roll out the red carpet.
You actually sound like a normal man typing how you did, i like it better than youre old way.

It isn’t customary on military history sites to advertise that you have your period.

Then again, nothing you’ve done is customary on a military history site, or useful.

RS, How would you know about periods. You need to know women first but what women would volinteer to go with you.hehehe.
Oh i forgot you must of look it up on the internet, the only way of you knowing about women.

That would make two of us, kitty cat.

I dont need to look women up on the internet, i can just look at myself.