Japanese war crimes so bad?


Hi Herman, Was that post for me or for RS im not sure.

For RS, cause he is calling you Kitty Kat…

I cant complain about being called Kitty Kat. Its better than being called troll or dum.

the Japs did commit genocide. just like the Nazi’s. I posted this somewhere on here. [UNIT 731](UNIT 731)

Terrible though they were, the Japanese actions at Harbin weren’t genocide, which refers to the extermination of a racial, national, ethnic, or religious group. http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10007043](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAp8bSdE5MQ)

well the difference is the Nazi’s we’re mainly after the Jews. the Japs didn’t care about race. they murdered em all.

Holy cow !
judging from that video, Dr. Mengele and the nazis were nice guys compared to the japanese…:shock::shock::shock::shock:

Hey everyone.
Put it this way.
Both had bad war crimes but express it in there own way.

Germany- Starvation and Gassing.

Japan- Starvation and Decapintating pows heads off when still alive.
If you dont agree, theres no need to be rude towards me. Cheers

You obviously don’t know much about Nazis terror in the East.
They also pretty didn’t care about race when they mass killed the peoples for instance in Poland or Ukraine.

The Nazi-Germans and their allies probably murdered more people than anyone. However --with live vivisections of Chinese by “Unit 731,” and the fact that China (under Japanese occupation) suffered the highest per-capita death rate in WWII-- I think the Imperial Japanese get some style points…

And the Japanese did indeed care about race! Everyone elses’ was subhuman according to them!

And how about vivisection of prisoners in Concentration camps?
The groups of soviet POWs, jews was rounded up for medical experiments.
The one of such “experiments” that i’ve read, was when group of polish girls( probably jews) have been specialy infected with Gas gangrene.The other “experiment” was to learn how many people can survive without FOOD or ( other case) WATER.
So i seriously doubt that Japs might excel Nazis in “medical experiments”

And the Japanese did indeed care about race! Everyone elses’ was subhuman according to them!

It was so familiar for Nazis - everyone else was subhuman.Even the peoples who colloborated with them.They thought everyone non-germans was second-sort peoples.Even their ally kinda Romanians, who alwyas were feeding worse than the GErmans soldiers.

Was that just deaths during the period, or deaths caused by the Japanese?

Given the Chinese population, a per capita death rate probably would have dwarfed anyone else’s in absolute numbers as well.

Do you have any comparisons?

True, but the Nazis used inferior others who allied with them in the same way that the Japanese used inferior Koreans (admittedly under different conditions as Korea was a Japanese colony as distinct from a recently occupied country) and others from occupied countries.

Ubermensch of any national or ethnic origin never had any trouble using untermensch to achieve their aims.

The Holocaust was a crime against humanity which started before and continued during the separate event of WWII.

War crimes were different and, in general, related to military activities and the treatment of military personnel during and after action.

P.S. Do you think it would have been possible to starve POWS when they weren’t alive and that there would have been much point to decapitating POWs when they weren’t alive?

I see youre point RS ^.
But they the pows some were alive when these war crimes where committed.

Mate there were no border between jewish Holocaus and mass murdering of civils, pows and other “low races” on the East indeed.
The figure of killed civils ONLY in the former USSR were about 10 mln ( pluss about 2 mln of victims of holocaust).
Did you hear that among prisoners of Aushwitz there were a essential part of soviet pows.They were treated to death also.
Besides some actions of SS and police on the occuped territories of East were DISGUSTING( kinda mass burning the civils alive in barracks) Those peoples were FAR not ONLY jews but mostly simple peasants.

There are many ANZAC pows who don’t ask much,just an apology from the japs,but the little yellow bastards still refuse. Looking at japan today it makes you wonder who won the bloody war.The japs did everything in the name of there bloody emperor who should have been tried and hung.

All this is interesting…
In Japan, this rascist aspect of the Great Pacific War is almost never discussed.
Mostly, they focus on the Military taking over the democratic Government and spewing propaganda around as well as the “Heroes fighting for a lost/flawed cause” theme.

  1. The Japnese Emperor was intentionaly left alive by the GHQ so that the Japanese citizens wont start something like a Gurella movement.
  2. Most Japanese soldiers fought, like most other combatants from most any war, for their family and country.

Now, cut the crap, OK?