Karabiner K-98.

Were there any reports of its effectiveness using the 7.92 or of failures to hold the pressure of it?

“One batch was already converted [to 8mm Mauser] in World War II (around 1941), but never saw troop service”, as said in the wiki article of the Carcano. In other words, there were no reports of it.


Were there any reports of its effectiveness using the 7.92 or of failures to hold the pressure of it?

According to that link:

[i]Inutile dire che la prova di quest’arma in poligono, ha denotato il carattere “burbero” di questo moschetto di soli 3 Kg di peso e 920 mm di lunghezza, con una canna di soli 415 mm, che camerato per la potente munizione Tedesca, da uno scossone ed un rinculo veramente poderoso, un bel calcio di mulo sulla spalla!

Per via della presunta fragilità che gli si attribuisce, il sottoscritto ha sparato diverse munizioni con carica piena, senza riscontrare il ben che minimo problema, a parte un forte mal di spalla alla fine della sezione di tiro.[/i]

Is idle to say that the test in shooting range of this weapon had showed some of its “bitchy” character, with just 3 kilos, 920 mm overall lenght ,a barrel of 415mm and chambered to the powerful german cartrigde it give a hefty reacoil like a kick of a mule in the back ¡In regard of the alleged fragility the one who write this had spended seveal type of full load rounds, without found any minimal touble…more than a mauled shoulder at the end of the shooting session.

( Sometimes to be half italian is useful hehehe)

Any one know where to buy some german guns

Try your local gun store, a look in the advertisement section of Shotgun News magazine.

Here’s mine!!!

If you want more photos please PM me! :smiley:

dude thats awesome mines a luftwaffe kar98

Nice.One of my favourite guns.Here is one,with a beautiful scope