How have you guessed:);)?
I meant that it was Stalin who chosen the date of 17th of September 1939 to attack Poland.
So it is obvious that for Poles the date of 17th of September is the best for honouring the victims of Soviet atrocities.
We as i said this date is just pure POLITICAL.
Besides why do not call he date of 17 sept s date of atrocities?
As i know the Polis army was fully defeated till tis date, and soxviet ws aimed take back the lands of Western Ukraine and Belorussia?
DO you realize it?
Why you still blame the Soviet imperial ambitions , but deny the Polish OWN imerialism?
SO date 17 sept has NO relation to the Polish victims - this could be the character date for Ukraine, but not for Poland.
By the way, who do you think you are to tell Poles that it is a bad date for presentation of “Katyn”?
Chevan, USSR is dead. We don’t listen to Moscow anymore. Please, realize it
I know it perfectly. You listen ONLY Washington today. And this bother me , believe it.The polish Kachinsky’s policy toward the Russia was disgusting.Even the old polish TV films was banned.
I tell you not about “whom Poland should listen”, but elementary mutual respect it needed for the all of us.
Why? It’s simple
Because it is truth.
So why this “truth” has a lot of logical mistakes and documental disclaimers?
WHay the germans steel shells were found out in mass graves that has been started for production only in the summer 1940?
And What about evidence of poples who saw the Polish prisoners in spring-summer 1941 in a building of road near the Katyn forest?
There a lot of thing to discuss here, so i have to say that the “truth” is more deeper than seems.
I personally never deny that this could be the NKVD who shoted the poles. Very likely, thay killed a much more peoples especially during the Red mass terror.
We don’t need to lie, we don’t need to keep our archives closed, we don’t need to make absolutely stupid theories in order to divert world’s attention from obvious Soviet crimes.
We just can tell our story. And Wajda in fact did it.
So why Waida do not craet the films about victims of famine and cruel treating in Polish comcentrations camps in 1920-21?
There were died about 18 000 of pows( according ONLY polish datas).
So should we, russians, every year remind the Poles about this Crime?
Well, that’s a true reason to be proud, Chevan…
This is not proudness. I just still hope to visit the Poland in future:)
I hope I didn’t harm you too seriously
I wouldn’t call it “hysteria” - rather a need of objective discussion which would uncovered all the tragic events once for all. Without lying, negation of facts, hiding evidences and way to emotional language - for both sides, polish and russian.
You mean the movie “1612”? I’m about to watch it.
No i don’t mean the 1612 and even do not with to watch it.