London bombings

Ale, I was under the impression they’d decided to continue with the G8 as planned.

They eyes of the world were obviously on Britain with the G8, and the Olympic bid will have been a (un)fortunate coincidence. The eyes of the police and security services were no doubt concentrated on the G8 up North.

Well, it seems that the big nasty options can be ruled out - there’s no emergency services in breathing gear and decontamination tents. The sun’s come out and I feel generally better. The determined worrier in me wonders if there’s a big bomb waiting to be detonated once enough emergency services and senior politician types have been drawn in to inspect the ongoing response. It’s a bit Tom Clancyish though.

Both Sky News and Fox News announced:
At least 45 people are reported to have been killed and 1,000 injured in a series of terror attacks on London.

RIP whatever their number. :cry:

Sky News

So sad. :cry:

I would just like to extend my sympathies to all of our British brethren. From where im sitting it doesnt seem clear yet that is was Al Qaeda. But I have a feeling that we will get the videotape from Al Jazeera soon. Just my opinion. Here in America all the national agencies are up in arms about the attacks. We are at level orange…not exactly sure what that means but I guess it supposed to be alarming. I hear that some American Agencies on their way to assist in the investigations in any way they can. Ill say to the Brits what a friend said to me on 9/11…“dont worry we will get those bastards” (I was in Sweden at the time)

Truly a sad day for all.

Thank you General.
Although I consider myself a Scot born and raised, the gentleman in my avatar, my Father, was a genuine Cockney, born within sound of Bow Bells in London’s East End.
My paternal Grandparents lived through the Blitz, and one thing I do know about Londoners.
Hitler’s Luftwaffe couldn’t break their spirits, nor could PIRA, with their bombing campaign, and I’m damn sure that whatever scum perpetrated todays outrage will never do it.

I slept late and awoke to this on the news and watched it for a good hour. Very sad indeed. My hearts and prayers goes out to those injured, and killed and their families. God be with them.

i hate this when this happen
its like A tries to kill B, B tries to revenge, then A counter-attack, so on and on, when will this end? :shock:

Orange alert level means an increased risk of attack on the US. but this isnt about us, its about the british, sympathy to all those who died :cry: , we’ll get those bastards if its the last thing we do :!:

This would appear to be media hype trying to make things grizzlier than they are and rounding the figures off on the high side. The death toll may climb slightly over night. Mid morning Sky had troops on the streets. :roll:

It is worth pointing out that the emergency services have mobilised very quickly and stopped all buses and tub trains within a short time of the first attack. They have been doing an excellent job.

As was pointed out earlier 1500 of the met are up playing golf with tree huggers. It would be a very good idea if the tree huggers did not entice the police at this time as a lot of the press will be going back down south and no one will be there to see them get a good explanation of civic duty. I can also see those who are in custody not getting off with a warning now.

For better and more up-to-date coverage try

as at 1937 GMT

London bombings toll rises to 37
A series of bomb attacks on London’s transport network has killed more than 30 people and injured about 700 others.

BBC News 24 now reporting all main line railway stations are open again.

Police in Edinburgh have carried out two controlled explosions after a suspect package was found on a bus.
No reports yet as to whether this was, in fact, an explosive device.

Yea i know what it means. Just think that terror scale is just a bit silly. Like ive heard on the news all day that there is no intelligence that there will be an attack in the US but we decided to raise the alert level because of what happened in London. I guess there is a posslibility but I dont see the reason to get everyone over here shittin their pants because of the depictable acts in London. Just my opinion.

Can’t hurt though godforbid something else were to happen.

Yeah, there have been quite a few security alarms all over the country today as people start looking really askance at any abandoned bags, etc. There was apparently a 2 mile exclusion zone around Brighton station for a while after some idiot left a briefcase by the entrance. Cue controlled explosion and reopening the station, but it all takes time.

im so sorry,this is a sad day,my simpaty.
I called to the british embassy here,but the lines we´re busy.

all we can do now is take care,this fuck*/g terrorist are everywhere.

i’ve just returned from a 5 day long spearfishing trip and read about the bombings.i mourn for the victims of this meaningless bloodshed.damn the terrorists and their pseudo jihad!

Dam right my friend, Muslim ragheads are inflicting fear into the world but mostly anger, is it anger they want to accomplish or lives?, because life will live on and no matter how many bombs they explode they cannot stop the inevitable way of Life.

I was listening to my local radio station when i heard london was bombed and the broadcaster said "hitler should of killed the muslims instead of the jews in WW2 and we wouldn’t have such a big muslim problem today.

Well whoever said that is a fucking ass. Not all muslims are bad people. Just like not all communists are bad people.

and this sort of shitty racist attitude is what makes more terrorists than the most radical of immans, wind your neck in and think before you open your mouth.