London bombings

What do the US members of this site think about the following, your President is saying that the US is “standing shoulder on shoulder” with us and that “we will not retreat in the face of terrorism” and then I read this:

London is open for business, it’s the only way to beat these people and the people who are making the most noise about fighting are hiding.

Sorry if this hits a nerve but it pissed me off when I read it.

Well…I can see it from both sides. I see why it pisses you off. On the other hand I can KINDA see why the order was issued. Try and reverse it. Lets say there where 12000 Brits stationed in New Jersey on 9/11. And there was not personal call by the US president for help. (Like with London I dont think Blair has asked us for help. But I did hear we sent some special investigators to assist if needed.) Do you think the British PM might issue a similar order to his troops to avoid NY. Anyhow it would have been better to keep such a order on the “down low” especially after you make such comments “standing shoulder to shoulder” with us and that “we will not retreat in the face of terrorism”

But im sure any normal person in the world can see “our president dont think so good”

:lol: :roll: :? :frowning:

The thing is we dont need your help on this incident the civilian emergency services are more than capable of dealing with it. It just seems strange that the US military is not prepared to do what normal UK civilians do without any big dramas, the only thing that will in the end defeat terrorism and that is carry on as normal.

The thing is we dont need your help on this incident the civilian emergency services are more than capable of dealing with it. It just seems strange that the US military is not prepared to do what normal UK civilians do without any big dramas, the only thing that will in the end defeat terrorism and that is carry on as normal.[/quote]

Absolutly agree with you. However you have to remember that the Brits have a bit more experience with being bombed than the Americans. Thats why i was saying earlier in this thread that it was silly for us to raise the terror alert level. We tend to get a bit more jumpy about things since 9/11. Just watch Micheal Moore’s Bowling for Columbine or Fahrenheit 9/11. We seem to have a more react then think policy.

Yes I wasn’t attacking you personally, glad to see you reacted as I hoped. It really is a case of “closing the stable door after the horse has bolted” and this sends the message to the terrorists that their tactics have worked, at least partially. Terrorists want to spread (funnily enough) terror and if they see that they have caused the US military to react in this way they will be rubbing their hands and looking forward to the next bombing.

Well, back in 1940, the American ambassador Kennedy (father of President John F. Kennedy) ureged American citizens to leave Britain. Ok, he was highly isolationist and was afraid that, if an American would get hurt or killed in German bombing of Britain, the US would be pulled into the war, being Boston Irish, he was also not very Britain-friendly.
But the result of his urging was that suddenly Americans resident in Britain joined the homeguard en masse, and some even joined the regular British forces.


I came on here expecting this discussion to be underway, And after a brief daliance with TCI I have ventured forth into the Off topic - General area only to find both sides have alreay been fully discussed.

I was shocked that Dubya has extended the meaning of standing shoulder to shoulder with Britian to mean, You stand inside the M25 whilst we stand at a conveninet distance. Im pleased to see that the American people have also seen the hypocrisy in this.

Im not anti America, as Sandworm has alluded, Its that Chump in the White house that makes it hard for us!

As for the Whole “Jew/Muslim” thing that Jarozowski came up with, FFS do you ever wonder why Some of the more Flamboyant Muslims get a bit angry? There is nothing like suggesting a holocaust on a religion to calm the Extremists down and make them sociable.


As for the Whole “Jew/Muslim” thing that Jarozowski came up with, FFS do you ever wonder why Some of the more Flamboyant Muslims get a bit angry? There is nothing like suggesting a holocaust on a religion to calm the Extremists down and make them sociable.


As far as I can gather our “friend” is from Russia, I was there last year and although there are many things I really enjoyed there, one thing kept cropping up and that was an almost universal hatred of all things Muslim (also from highly educated people who should really have known better). This appears to have a lot to do with how the problems in the Kaukusus regions have been handled by those in charge and reported by the “state influenced” media. The only problem is that a lot of people there (this was in St Petersburg) didn’t have a clue what a muslim was and I found myself having to help out Japanese and Indian colleagues who were on the recieving end of verbal abuse (similarly Sikhs have come under attack in the UK and US in recent times) although nowhere near as openly and widespread.

According to the BBC dinner time news, the ban has now been lifted by the USAF

No offense…and this is a bit off topic…but I hate to see these kinds of statements. Just because one is well educated does not mean that he/she should know better. Education is not going to fix racism or anti-semitism. Dont forget there were plenty of well educated Nazi’s. Im sure you could take the most rascist bastard on the planet make him read all kinds of book on the horrors of that type of thinking and he would still come out no better. Racism and Anti-semitism stems from a natural lack of empathy for other human beings. Just as we justify our motives against the terrorists they in their own way justify their cause to themselves. It would seem lack of empathy for others is just a very common trait among our species.

Anyhow thats my take on it.

I would say that Education can lessen prejudice even if not racism.
prejudice by its very nature is the judgement of something not yet understood or experienced - and whilst I know semantics are frequently dismissed, Knowledge of a particular area or matter can help aleviate misconceptions.

In the UK at least, extremist nationalist parties and extrem socialist parties, all find their highest recruitment amongst the less well educated and less well off (unfortunately these two coincide.)

Eucation in a formal, academic or institutional manner might not prevent outlandish views, but a broader range of experience etc, does increase awareness and the like.

as Sandworm has said.

“Just my take”

and this sort of shitty racist attitude is what makes more terrorists than the most radical of immans, wind your neck in and think before you open your mouth.[/quote]


No offense…and this is a bit off topic…but I hate to see these kinds of statements. Just because one is well educated does not mean that he/she should know better. Education is not going to fix racism or anti-semitism. Dont forget there were plenty of well educated Nazi’s. Im sure you could take the most rascist bastard on the planet make him read all kinds of book on the horrors of that type of thinking and he would still come out no better. Racism and Anti-semitism stems from a natural lack of empathy for other human beings. Just as we justify our motives against the terrorists they in their own way justify their cause to themselves. It would seem lack of empathy for others is just a very common trait among our species.

I totally agree with you there. Its also true that education causes major problems. I believe this one sick fellow killed thousandths of people in his own country just because they had an education. He would kill people if they had glasses (they looked educated). At the moment I have forgoten the name of the genocide. But it happened in the past 50 years.

What a terrible thing that has happened in London. I feel deeply sad for the victims and their families. These types of ruthless bombings must be stopped. What use can be gained from them? Do they not know that any more of this shit will only create rage from the public and therefore they are going to get their asses hunted down.

Do they not know that any more of this shit will only create rage from the public and therefore they are going to get their asses hunted down.

but that is one of the aims of such acts, rage when without direction can have a deeply destabilising effect on a population and lead to more oppressed (through acts of blind revenge etc) Muslims joining the radical camp. The best action is carry on as normal (of course with increased care although in this day and age it is always good to be aware of your surroundings IMO)

Glad to hear the USAF has reversed this ridiculous decision, lets get on with our lives and hope that the police catch the bastards (as it seems they may have done/be near to doing in W. Yorks)

Edit: Typo

I totally agree with you there. Its also true that education causes major problems. I believe this one sick fellow killed thousandths of people in his own country just because they had an education. He would kill people if they had glasses (they looked educated). At the moment I have forgoten the name of the genocide. But it happened in the past 50 years.

Pol Pot Cambodia? Maybe?

Im afraid youre spotting racism,hitler shouldnt kill jews or muslims.

the muslims aren`t terrorists,al qaeda is a small portion of them.

and the jews aren`t saints…
(PLEASE NOTE:im not discriminating jews,but they wanted to conquer the patagonia,by the plan Andinia).

I totally agree with you there. Its also true that education causes major problems. I believe this one sick fellow killed thousandths of people in his own country just because they had an education. He would kill people if they had glasses (they looked educated). At the moment I have forgoten the name of the genocide. But it happened in the past 50 years.

Pol Pot Cambodia? Maybe?

you are right Fuchs66,i saw a documentary about this.

Is it true there have been more threats to bomb London?
]( [/img]

Also…just to make one thing clear, In the Past my family which IS Jewish had many problems with the Muslims which has been quite serious so you cant judge me just because what i think of them, though i have friends today that are muslim , i do not disregard or treat them poorly but like an equal average human being…That is God’s wish.

The threat persists.

It looks unlikely that the bombers themselves had the expertise to acquire explosives and construct the devices. It’s been suggested that the person(s) who manufactured the bombs is/are still around. All they need is another set of brainwashed people to carry the devices.

As for general bombing threats against London, it’s nothing new. The suicide element is the new part. No specific threats have been made. In fact, it’s not confirmed who is behind the bombing or what their demands are. Wait out for general rants about infidels, oppressions, glory of Allah, bullied palestinians and Salman Rushdie.

Gerry Adams has been kind enough to issue a statement on behalf of Sinn Fein expressing various solidarities and sympathies with victims of the London bombings. Aparently if the bomb is Irish made, then it’s striking back at evil British oppressors when people are killed, but if it’s not Irish then it’s an atrocity. Cnut.

Couldnt agree more.