M1 carbine continues here

I don’t know the precise distance this occurs for the SS109.

I’m assured by people in the long-rang butts that the 144gn 7.62mm used to make an almighty crack as it went back through the sound barrier, louder than its normal crack. Once it’s comfortably subsonic, it will be silent, however.

The pointing the rifles at rediculous angles thing to engage the enemy in group fire was British doctrine until the 1st world war - there were dial sights (also called volley sights) on the left of the rifle which were scaled up to about 3200 yards, iirc (i’ve posted the exact figure somewhere else - search for it)[/quote]

It is ammazing, you ask a question or make a comment, get an answer, put it into the internet and get a picture.
I had no idea this was British doctine and never heard it refered to except for the franco prussian war.

purely for clarity could you re-edit your post making clear which sections are you words and which are those of the sites that you reference

Incidentally this is the first time he has referenced any of those sites! methinks this is “new” information that IRONMAN did not have when he firswt made these claims.

I have no further interest in discussing the M1/M2 Carbines. I have done plenty to provide the facts, and will not spend any more of my time posting or reading posts on the subject. Take that as you like, but I’ve done enough to explain what is and what is not an assault rifle. Your opinion is your own, but it does not change the characteristics of the weapons.

Hounded out! and to the victor, the spoils

Huzzah!! :smiley:

Mead and Maidens for all! :stuck_out_tongue:

And of course he forgets to mention that the Federov Avtomat was select fire!

Oh, if, for a moment we suspend disbelief and accept that things can be defined by use, then, since the .30 Carbine cartridge is used in more types of handgun (and an SMG, and it’s accepted that they fire pistol ammo too), then the 30 carbine must be a pistol cartridge, cos it’s used in a pistols!

Or does it magically turn from carbine ammo to pistol ammo when it’s used in different things, just like the M1 carbine magically turns into a “defensive rifle” when used in defence, an “assault rifle” when used in the assault, and logically by extension turns into a “target rifle” when fired at targets?


FFS, it’s a unique cartridge, the bullet is most definitely a pistol bullet, and the case is an elongated pistol case. And to try & say it’s in the same class as proper assault rifle ammo is silly.

I did one stir my brew with the barrel of one so I think it is a teaspoon.

i did once use a floppy disk to draw a straight line does this make it a ruler? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No but the old ones seem to make good notepad covers.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Or ninja stars if you throw them really hard.

Or ninja stars if you throw them really hard.

Does that mean then my floppy disk is also an ‘assault disk’ if i use it in the ninja star role to ‘assault’ someone?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]

Very very good… ROTFLMFAO!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]

:lol: You know it’s bad when the MODs take the piss out of you 8)

quote from:

The weapon was also issued to some regular troops, particularly officers, drivers and radio operators, since it was lighter and less unwieldy than the M1 Garand rifle, and was still considered suitable for shorter range combat.

Its range was much shorter than the full-power rifle’s,it was semi-automatic rifle ,NO AUTOMATIC.

you know more than the british army,than books,and than wilkipedia?.

please uninstall call of duty and medal of honor from your computer,games can`t replace knowledge.

We have had our differences in the past you Argie swine :smiley:

However, very well said and I am now willing to let bygones be bygones!

We have had our differences in the past you Argie swine :smiley:

However, very well said and I am now willing to let bygones be bygones![/quote]

diferences only in 1982,the relations during ww2 were exelent,between our countries.

We have had our differences in the past you Argie swine :smiley:

However, very well said and I am now willing to let bygones be bygones![/quote]

diferences only in 1982,the relations during ww2 were exelent,between our countries.[/quote]

I did mean on this site… Well done anyway!


if the krauts had the m1 carbine they would have won the second world war and have tea in china.