Macedonia Is Greek

speech i did

(got HD which means Highly Developed in it, my teacher said my information was all accurate and correct, and shes a anglo-saxon)

Is a rose by any other name still a rose? What if we started calling the “rose” an “onion”? If you had both next to each other, could you point to each and call each an onion? Would one be a real onion and the other a fake onion? Would both smell the same, look the same, have the same texture, colour, and all other qualities? If you asked someone for an onion what would he give you? Would your sweetheart appreciate the dozen onions that you sent her for Valentine’s Day?

Now, what happens if one area of our world started calling itself with the same name as a neighbouring area? What if this area also took the identity and history of its neighbours? What if this first area becomes a country? Can it now decide to call itself with the same name as its neighbour and the rest of the world recognizes it so?

We read the above hypothetical situation and think that it is so ridiculous that it could never happen. But, that is exactly what is happening today right before our eyes between The FYROM abbreviated from Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Macedonia,
one of Greece’s northern provinces. Most of you here wouldn’t have heard of FYROM and only refer to the country as Macedonia, however this is incorrect as Macedonia is a Greek province.

Today, I will be discussing why Macedonia is Greek and its false allegations about Macedonian history and land with Greece’s Slavic neighbours that claim Macedonia is Slavic.

Firstly, everyone knows what the Olympics are, where every nation in the world competes for a gold metal in a particular event. However it wasn’t always like this. In the Ancient times only Greeks were permitted to participate in the Olympics. Macedonians also participated in the Olympics, and if ONLY Greeks were able to participate in the Olympics then how come Macedonians were also able too? Is this because they were Greeks too?

These Slavs also claim Alexander The Great was not Greek but a ‘Slavic’-Macedonian

Also there has been no Slavic language in the world dating back to the Ancient times. Every archaeological artefact of Alexander the Great had Greek inscriptions on it and not some language part of the Slavic language family. Slavic ‘scholars’ claim that Greek
Archaeologists destroyed all the artefacts with Slavic inscriptions. However there has been artefacts, coins and statues of Alexander The Great found all over Asia Minor, Bulgaria and even in India that have been discovered by Non-Greek Archaeologist that also contain Greek lettering on it, which puts that claim that the Slavs made down the drain.

Macedonia is also a Greek word and not a Slavic word. It means Tall One. Thessaloniki, which is the capital city of the province of Macedonia, is again a Greek word and not a Slavic word., which means Victory Over The Thessalians. Alexander name is also a Greek word, which means the protector of man. Philip who’s Alexander The Greats father also had a Greek name. Philips name in Greek means One Who Loves The Horse.

90% of Ancient Macedonia is outside of FYROM’s borders. For a state to claim and try name itself after a neighbouring region is extremely bizarre. This means that the other 90% of the land that the FYROM possesses is traditionally Slavic or prior to the regional and historical claims to Macedonia, the land was known as Vardarska.

Macedonians worshiped the same Gods as the rest of the Greeks. Several temples dedicated to the Greek Gods have been discovered in Macedonia and especially in Dion the religious centre of ancient Macedonians. The Gods were “living” on Mount Olympos, which happens to be located in Macedonia. How would that be possible if there was hostility between Macedonians and Greeks? This is more proof that Macedonia was considered a part of Greece.

As you people can see, relating to the hypothetical question mentioned at the beginning of my speech you can see that Greece is the rose and FYROM is the onion.

FYROM continually try to claim Greek history, and continue to ignore the obvious historical facts such as Macedonians participated in the Olympics.

Because of there stubbornness and refusal to accept the truth, hostility remain between Greece and FYROM, but with education in there nation and not the use of false propaganda, the hostility between the two European nations can change.

Nice speech. How did it go down?

what do u mean go down

like my marks

because my mark for it was Highly Developed

Thats what I meant. Well done.