Macedonia Is Greek

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firefly, plz tell me if u find any antifacts or coins on statues, about Alexander or anything in his period with Slavic writing, its ALWAYS with GREEK… why should Skopjans claim some of the history when they didnt exist in the Balkan at the time, they were in Mongolia???

and ive already explained about Greece before 1833, and i wont again

and me not making posts about ww2??? ive been on the forum for less then a week and ive made 3 fucking topics related to ww2, so go away now, leave this discussion to the people that know about Ancient Greek history

wow, amazing discovery, every coin from Ancient Macedonia found now has GREEK inscriptions on it and NOT some kind of Slavic language… could this be cauz Macedonia was a part of Greece and not Slavic like the Skopjans claim???

I’m sure there is some pithy quote that has something to do with “betters and elders” and some comments about respect that I could throw in here…

Anyone care to remind me what it is?

Greek, like Latin later and the French and English today was the lingua franca of the ancient world, due to Greek settlements all over the Mediterranean. Even Queen Cleopatra of Egypt spoke Greek. Educated people the whole medterranean are over would correspondent in Greek. Even the Cyrillic alphabet of Russia is based on the Greek alphabet.

This doesn’t mean that Macedonia was ruled by Greece, as others said Greece was rather ruled by Macedonia.



King Frederik II of Prussia in the 18th century spoke better French than German especially at court, because speaking French was a fashion. That doesn’t make him a French king.

Well Walther, Cleopatra spke Greek because she WAS Greek(ish)/Macedonian being a descendent of Ptolemy :slight_smile: .

Minimalistix your assertion about “slavic writing” is frankly ludicrous as you should know that most Slavic alphabets are based on Greek.

actually everyone can learn something now :wink: Greek writing is based on Phoenician writing, thats where the Greeks got there letters from

but either way, the words on the coin are Greek words, not Slavic, as a Slavic language did not exist back then :wink:

What a load of Cock!

Of course a Slavic language existed then, what did they all do - sign?

No one disputes the fact that slavs did or didnt live there. What you dont seem to be able to lodge in that unbudging skull of yours is that other people are allowed to have an opinion differing from yours. This is primarily a military forum, why dont you talk about the conquests of the Greek city states, or how appauling were the Spartans etc etc.

I think youve made your point. You as an Australian/Greek are banging on about Macedonia ad infinitum, something that does not affect either of us one bit.

At the end of the day what have the Greeks ever done for us!

(Life of Brian style answers are acceptable here).

Edited to remove all the initial foul language…Gnrrrrrrrrr

I wonder what the Greek is for Iron-Man

Of course a Slavic language existed then, what did they all do - sign?


so ur saying that Slavs used Greek letters and there language WASNT disrupted since they migrated from Mongolia???

Slovenski jezik postoji … :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: translate to english. :wink: :wink:

i dont know, but according to ur friend firefly, a Mongolian might be able to translate it for me

Yet more cock!

You my friend said that slavic language didnt exist 1500 years ago.

I merely pointed out that they must have spoken something, I didnt claim they lived in Macedonia or anywhere. This proves you didnt actually read my post.

Your becoming very boring and repetative now. I re-iterate, what has Greece ever done for us!

Before 1833 ‘Greece’ didn’t nor couldn’t do a thing !

However, the city-states of the Ancient World individually and sometimes in conjunction with one another did have one or two sharp ideas.

There’s Pythagoras the baker, who apart from making exceedingly good Pi’s, has been adored for centuries by children for keeping them in a nice warm classroom instead of wasting their time playing silly games.
The idea for the modern Olympic Games, that paragon of virtue and sportsmanship.
Archimedes and his screw, (NB. This is not the raven-haired serving boy from the Golden Fleece tavern with a bottom like jelly on springs.)
Nike, who invented the footwear to help get recruits ‘excused boots.’
Aristotle and his lantern, a prickly subject for a good many urchins.
Where would the modern film industry be without Lesbos and it’s Sapphic delights ?
Oh, one last small thing - can anyone tell me why all the Greek statues have such miniscule genitalia ? Is it something genetic ?


Does the Genetalia size make Greek Love more bearable :oops:

First of all who is “us” in that quote?

I think Greece has invented a litle thing called Democracy.
Any arguments?

In that case it’s something the ‘Greeks’ never did for me - nor ever will !

Although Sapphic love is a jolly spectator sport…

No more off-topic posts!! Anyway I’ll ask the moderators here (in off topic - militaria) to move this thread in off-topic agenda. Remeber that your posts could be considered offensive by other users.

Actually Cuts I believe the idea for the modern Olympic games emerged (of all places) from Much Wenlock in Shropshire. :lol:

As ever I’m happy to stand corrected.
I’m sure you’ll provide incontrovertible evidence to support this, as do all other posters…

my speech there on why Macedonia is Greek

(very basic)