Mass Grave of 1,800 Germans Found in Poland

Why does it need to shot the peoples who collected the bodies , killed by Typhus epidemic?
Unless all they were the withesses of …war crime.
And if it was the Typhus epidemic how do we know that epidemic killed ONLY the GErmans?
BTW we know that prisoners of some Polish concentration camps have been evacuated to the west befeor the advancing red army.
theyr were moved in columns with the guard.Some of them were ill by epidemic and migh died in a way.Some might be “liquidated” by guard.
How do we know all the victims were citizens on of Marienburg?Keeping in mind that there is no any special ethnical distinctions on the bones.

Just updating the latest info. Interesting though which various attempts of explanations come to light.
BTW, in an older report I read the authorities were able to identify the victims as Germans. It isn’t absolutely political correct but seemingly they are able to tell a Slavic skull from a Central European one…

How may authorities to know about ethnic identify of bodies if there were no medical and criminal examination yet?
And if even they are the experts of Races antropology(That is hardly) - they couldn’t , believe me, distinguish the German skull from slavic one.
Becouse both are belong to Aryan type.( unlike the jewish or mongoloid)

A member of the Malbork authorities estimates that the exhumations will be finished shortly. The dead will then be examined by an official medicolegal expert. Hopefully this will clear some things up.
Concerning the executed coroners’ theory…the app. 30 bodies with shot wounds in the skulls were lying on top.

So they took all the gold fillings, etc, from the Typhus victims as well as the Helpers, too? And that exactly in 1945, there’s a Typhus epidemic, coinciding perfectly with when the Germans were to be removed from the new Polish/Soviet territory, and there happened to be all these people dying…

That seems like a poor excuse in order not to create any public outrage and upkeep a certain Polish innocence.