Massacre in Winnenden

Only 0.3 % of gun crimes commited in germany are being commited with licensed and thus legal guns. This is a pseudo discussion of politicians trying to indivdualize themselves in an election year, just like the discussion about counterstrike and other first person shooters. If the father had obeyed the laws currently in place, junior wouldn’t have had access to the gun.
For intelligent people it’s actually funny to watch how stupid people like politicians try to create a causal link from playing a game (or owning a gun) to becoming a mass murderer, where it is far more likely that the psychic profile of the potential murderer is already in place for other reasons and simply attracted to this type of game, hence the correlation.

Very true. Germany has both some of the toughest gun and video game laws in the world. And as I said in a different thread, too, it’s usually because some politician tries to make a name of himself.

And sadly, both major parties are equally idiotic regarding both subjects…

obviously not for the child’s schollmates killings.
I heard the other statistic.
That incident- kid used the dad’s gun, shoted 17
November 2007, Finland- kid use th legal firearms kills the 8 classmates.
Aprill 2007 Virginia, USA - Korean student killed the 20 and wounded 32 in colledge.
This is just that ones, i remember.
In all cases the kids used the legal firearms, buyed in arm-store
I have no deal with politic, but i think that the free wearing of firearm is danger for society.

Free wearing of a firearm? I can’t speak for Korea or Finland, but I know that in Germany, when you get your weapons-license, you’re only allowed to move your weapon from your home to the shooting range and back.
If you deviate even only the tiniest bit of that path while having a gun on you (which has to be in a sealed & locked case), they’ll bust your ass hard.
So in other words, since the kids that commit these crimes obviously don’t worry about weapons-charges, they’ll do whatever they want with the weapons they can get their hands on. If they get caught, they shoot the cop and go on their rampage, they obviously don’t give a damn about life anyway…
IIRC, even Russia has softer Gun Laws than Germany, and we’re still not safe from complete psychos…

Doesn’t matter.
Very enough to keep your firearm at home.
One hand is to own the licenzed firearms, the other matter is to keep it in at home/work/store where some man might to steal it and use.

IIRC, even Russia has softer Gun Laws than Germany, and we’re still not safe from complete psychos…

The Russian laws don’t let you to keep the firearms pistols at home.You migh to own the Hunter’s rifle, even carbin, but NO ONE let to hold the Pistol at home. Unless you are criminal.
Even if you are the member of special Security firm, you migh to get licenze for use the firearms legally at work.
But not to keep it at home.
SO although we have enough the complete young psychos in Russia- we still didn’t see such a mass school’s murders like in GErmany/Finland/USA.

During the Beslan hostage situation there was news film here of several men on different occasions outside the school and opposed to the kidnappers inside. They were in civilian clothes and armed with what looked like military or military style rifles. They appeared to be acting individually, and independently of and possibly contrary to any organised police or military command. I assumed, or maybe the news report said, that they were parents or local people responding to the situation.

I assumed from what I saw that Russians could legally keep such weapons in their homes. Is that allowed under your law, or might some people keep such weapons illegally?

Officially , mate, the Russian laws shares on all the Russian territory, including the muslim Dagestan, Chenij and Osetia.And any home-keeping wearpon is illegall.
But in practise the peoples on that territories usialy have the personal firearms at home ( this is their such a tradition:)).
The armed civils that you’ve seen on TV report from Beslan were probably the “people milicia”( the armed units of voluntares, armed by the smooth-barrel rifles ) or simply dressed up the osetian FSB’s who rarely use the any special form and wear the common clothes becouse of specification of ther job.
The any keeping of fireamrs at home is illegal, i repeat.
BTW that probably don’t share on Chechen clans of Kadurov. Kremlin let him to own whatever he want:)

What is FSB?

(FSB means Fire Support Base to me, which is a Vietnam era artillery base to support troops in the field.)

This does not surprise me. :wink: :smiley:

Internal security forces…

Actually the rifle was a civilian design that was adapted into military use as opposed to say a musket which I imagine you were thinking of. The handgun, in the traditional sense, was also more of a civilian design and adopted by the military instead of a military design. However the designers or even the initial purpose of an object is not the argument or the point, the point is that handguns as an object are not evil nor do they cause crime despite the fact that a small portion of people use them for crimes. In fact if you take into account the handguns used by law enforcement agencies there are probably more crimes prevented by handguns than there are crimes committed with them.

You are correct that a rifle could be used for home defense but the fact that they are usually rather long they are not the prime firearm for this application. (I actually have a short barreled shotgun that I have been forced to use in this application before) Carrying a rifle to the woods is fine for hunting but outside of deer season when I am working on deer stands or something along those lines a rifle is big and bulky when compared to a pistol that can be put in a holster and not be in the way.
And about protection in a vehicle? Long guns are nearly useless in that setting.

Yes there are other alternatives to handguns but for personal protection none of them fill the role as well as a handgun. Most tasers and other non lethal devices are fine for a single attacker being that they are mostly made for one time use. Hand held tasers can be used a few times without running the batteries down but anyone holding a bat, crow bar, or 2x4 board can crack your skull before you’re ever in range to use it. Also nearly every less than lethal personal defense weapon is a relatively new invention.

Yes I would kill a crackhead that is trying to kill me or a family member; I would do it in a heartbeat and not think twice about it. In the U.S. individuals have a right to self defense, even to the point of having to kill your attacker. Not to mention that should be a right as a human being, I don’t need a government body to tell me that if someone is trying to take my life or the life of a family member I have a right to defend them and if lethal force is the only way to protect them it will be used.

Change that to shoot things and I’ll agree with you completely on the purpose of guns but like I stated above just because they can be used to shoot things or people doesn’t mean that the people they are used to shoot are not shot in self defense or crime prevention. Yes there are plenty of criminals and wackos that use them for evil deeds but that can apply to any number of objects aside from handguns or guns in general. There are many more bank robberies and robberies in general where the criminals committing them are not armed than armed. One bank robbery comes to mind where a woman walked in with an electric chainsaw that was clearly no plugged into anything and cleaned out the bank. Yes she was captured soon after but there is an example of how nearly anything could be used to rob a bank. The only reasons that non lethal devices wouldn’t be just as effective in robbing someone as a handgun would be are the same reason I listed above for why something like a taser isn’t the best personal protection device.

Very true, as most of the gun crimes in N. Korea are committed by the police , or Govt. The opposite is extant in Norway, where most males,(and probably females these days) of military age are required to keep their issue rifles/handguns in their homes, along with the issue of 200 rds per weapon per year. Norway does have registration, but no limit on the number of weapons one may own beyond their issued weapons. Norway has little crime to speak of. (But Booze is galloping dear)

Care to elaborate?

No I didn’t kill anyone breaking into my house. It was about five years ago now but I was working night shift at the time and sleeping through the day. Well I’m just in my bedroom catching some zzz with the door locked about 12 o’clock one Sunday and I awoke to some man kicking in my bedroom door. They had already broken through the glass on the back door without me hearing them but obviously kicking in my bedroom door woke me up. Well my first instinct was to grab the 12 gauge under my bed and about the time that I grabbed it the guy that had just crashed through my door decided it was time to exit the house rather quickly. I jumped up and followed him out and he and his partner had jumped into the waiting car and taken off down the driveway. (I made sure all the rooms were clear when I passed them so he made better time than me) I live in a rural area with a long drive way so I let them get out of buckshot range and threw a couple of pot shots at them to remind them not to come back and that was pretty much that. Rather tense few moments to say the least and the adrenalin took a while to leave my system but I also shudder to think what could have happened has I not had the 12 gauge within arms reach and he had decided to come at me instead of running.

Oh and to give a view of the police in the area, they were mad that I let the car get so far away before shooting. The cop just said if I had shot the car full of holes it would have made it easier to find…

Hahaha, wow.

Somehow I can’t help but imagine an elderly guy in his longjohns running down the driveway with a shotgun in his hand :mrgreen:
That could be straight out of some road-movie. :smiley:

The only thing that’s missing is the hot blonde daughter :lol:

HAHAHA I never thought about it in that light but it is pretty funny. Especially with the stereotypes of the south people have from TV :lol::lol:

I was in my boxers but being that I was only 21 at the time I didn’t quite fit the old man part… :mrgreen:

Which door is locked?

Your house external doors or your bedroom door?

If you have to lock your bedroom door to have a snooze, it doesn’t sound like a good area to live in.

Sometimes I get to lock my bedroom door, but the only thing that is going to go off in there won’t cause any injury. :smiley:

The bedroom door was locked along with the exterior door but the only reason my bedroom door was locked was so no one would bother me when they got home from church.

So whatever happened to these guys?
Were they caught?
Also, did they manage to steal anything before being chased of your property in the best Southern tradition? :mrgreen:

They eventually caught them and tied them into a whole string of robberies in the area and one attempted murder. One of the last houses they broke into a little old lady was home and they shot her with a shotgun that they stole from an earlier robbery but she survived. I kind of regretted not taking them down when they broke into my house because they wouldn’t have been around to shoot the old lady later but I didn’t know they would do that at the time and they never were never threatening my life.

As screwed up as our judicial system is over here they are probably getting ready to release them soon since they have been in jail for 4 whole years :evil:

Oh and they didn’t get anything from my house, their invite to leave came too quickly.