Massacre in Winnenden

Well, I’m glad I wasn’t a member of a church that behaved like that when they got home. :wink: :smiley:

I don’t know anyone who had a lock on their bedroom door when I was a kid, which was in the 1950s and 1960s. We used to sleep with our bedroom windows open, on the ground floor because hardly anyone had a two storey home then.

That is surprising.

Compared with Australia, American sentences tend to be very much harsher.

Shooting the old lady would have been good for at least about 8 to 12 years here, without any related offences.

They should’ve gotten a nice Tarring and Feathering… :smiley:

Sometimes I wish that a couple of those old punishments would still be legal, just for people like those…

Unfortunately, the US spends far more money incarcerating its prisoners, including non-violent drug offenders, than it does educating its kids. Which I think is indicative of a problem. I don’t really have any answers, but I think that that is a valid question…

I was going to write something terribly profound here, until I realised that it wasn’t profound and I had no answer either.

But your question still demands an answer from someone smarter than me.

I may not have the answer but I do have a few suggestions. Stop making jails so nice. Inmates are in prison as a punishment, they don’t need TVs, satellite, three meals that are better than the ones served at schools, and nothing to do all day but lay around doing drugs. Bring back the chain gangs and make it a win/win. The counties get jobs done for free and its not oh so luxurious in prison. Bring back the death penalty. I don’t have the source but I think it cost about $30,000 a year to incarcerate one person in a maximum security prison. If they just go ahead and take out the mass murders and other people who unquestionably commit heinous crimes that’s money save that could be put to better use.

I guess in summary harsher penalties would initially cost more but in the long run it would deter crime and save money. Just my two cents on that subject.

I may not have the answer but I do have a few suggestions. Stop making jails so nice. Inmates are in prison as a punishment, they don’t need TVs, satellite, three meals that are better than the ones served at schools, and nothing to do all day but lay around doing drugs. Bring back the chain gangs and make it a win/win. The counties get jobs done for free and its not oh so luxurious in prison. Bring back the death penalty. I don’t have the source but I think it cost about $30,000 a year to incarcerate one person in a maximum security prison. If they just go ahead and take out the mass murders and other people who unquestionably commit heinous crimes that’s money save that could be put to better use.

100 % fully agreed, in some "western " societies there is or seems to be a awful fear to the word punishment but that is what it is and what should be.

I guess in summary harsher penalties would initially cost more but in the long run it would deter crime and save money. Just my two cents on that subject.

And save lifes too.

There is one Texas Sheriff that agrees with everyone, I dont recall his name, but he lavishes no comfort on his charges, the only tv allowed is the disney channel, and the weather channel so they can see how hot the work yard will be that day. They also wear pink clothing,and live in tents.

may god have mercy on his soul and i hope he rots in hell

I don’t know if God has mercy on his soul but I do fear that

  • God won’t have mercy on your soul if you don’t start using capital letters when using his name.
  • the avenging angels of retribution (also called “moderators”) won’t have mercy if you go on posting this senseless one-line crap you delighted us with tonight in a bountiful way.

Thou shalt feel as informally warned!

The rabid Moderators attack!

(see what I did there?) :mrgreen:

You’re thinking of Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona
This guy makes me want to move over there. To me his biggest praise was when the ACLU said his prison was “hell on earth”, guess they were never explained that prison isn’t supposed to be a luxury resort….