Maybe a stupid question

Just to reiterate, PK was NOT kicked out of being a mod - he resigned as he felt he could not in good conscience apply board policies he fundamentally disagreed with, and after giving him some days to reconsider GS regretfully accepted his resignation.
Just because he is no longer a mod should not mean open season on PK - you may disagree with him, but he’s done a hell of a lot for this board, and far more than most of you. So leave it out, OK?

Apologies, I know he resigned.

I accept that I’ve contributed nothing to this board, on the considered opinion of no less an authority than PK

Beside, despite your 2000 and some post I dont think you are much important or bring some special to the forum, let me say that you are an expendable member.

Be that as it may, if PK hadn’t repeatedly sniped at me and others without provocation to continue his vendetta from his period as a mod and subsequently, I and others wouldn’t have been in any conflicts with him. He gets back what he gives out, although rather less than he gives out as, among other things, he’s overdue for a big kick up the arse from Firelfly for slagging Firefly. Which hasn’t happened because Firefly demonstrates in his modding all the qualities PK lacked.

It’s no coincidence that PK’s been slagging off and or trying to provoke conflict with Firefly, Nickdfresh, Chevan, 1000YS, and me in various threads. Yet none of us have any conflict with each other or anyone else, apart from occasional clowns like Covenanter who get back what they give out. That doesn’t suggest we’re the problem. So what’s the common factor that causes conflict? PK. Not the rest of us

I tried to end responding to PK in this thread , which you locked after PK chose to ignore my stated intention to ingore his provocations and couldn’t resist posting another provocation and I stated that I ignored it. So who wanted to continue the vendetta there? And WTF possessed him to come back from his holiday and wind me up when there was no reason for it, as he’s done elsewhere?

I’ve made a serious effort to try to get on with PK, over a very long period, but the simple fact is that he has a schizoid tendency to surprise me and others with sudden bursts of venom for no good reason when we fail to meet his shifting standards of correct behaviour and expression.

Nick has shown him remarkable tolerance as a mod, and a bloody sight more than PK ever showed anyone in his erratic and arbitrary reign as a mod. Now PK’s engaging in intermittent inflammatory conduct as a member which he wouldn’t have tolerated as a mod, and most of it is about slagging the current standard of modding and continuing his vendettas against other members from when he was a mod to a level he wouldn’t have tolerated as a mod.

PK is the architect of all his own problems and the agent provacateur who provokes the problems you want to stop. If you want to stop them, instead of telling us to leave it out, how about telling him to leave it out?

P.S. PK is fine with me on anything outside these issues. I don’t have any problem with him in most areas and we can have civil and rational discussions about other issues while being at each other’s throats on the vendetta matters, which I’d like to bury and forget. I just wish to Christ we could do it, and if Easter ain’t the best time then I don’t know what is.

Rather than ordering us to leave it out, which hasn’t worked despite numerous attempts, how about suggesting we all come together as men during the Easter feast which washed mankind of sin and shake hands and forget it, and lead new and better lives?

I’m willing to do it.

PP. S.

I’ve done it.


And it didn’t work.

#6 at

At least I tried. :frowning:

Can we all have peace, on this late easter day so we all can celebrate our savior, our messiah from ressurecting after he died for our sins, and if your another religion, just pass that

Lets clear a few things up here PK. The reasons I locked both of those topics, and unlocked them were nothing to do with the UK military. Both topics had descended into flaming and name calling, despite several warnings. Both situations were discussed in the Mods area.

As to your statement that the Chief mod isnt around, then thats plainly untrue. i may not be on here everyday but I do try and read every thread. I also have trust in my fellow Mods to do the right thing in a given situation.

Now you can take the following as a little bit of friendly advice for the future, or not if you wish to.

As long as Im Chief Mod here the policy of the site will remain unchanged and everyone will be treated equally. You all have the right to say what you want within the bounds of the site rules. everyone is allowed to have a voice whether they have made 20 posts or 4000 posts and no one is more valuable than another because of this. In my experience there is nothing worse than being dismissed because you are new to a site.

To do my job here I dont have to make 40 posts a day, all I have to do is provide what is asked of me. And what is asked of me now is to politely ask you to stop the obvious agenda that you are running against the Mods and certain site members here.


Lets clear a few things up here PK. The reasons I locked both of those topics, and unlocked them were nothing to do with the UK military. Both topics had descended into flaming and name calling, despite several warnings. Both situations were discussed in the Mods area

I dont remember well the Dresden Topic, but I had participate in the Malvinas one and I didnt call names to anibody. The topic is the Malvinas section so I suggest you to take a second look in order to confirmate my words.

The malvinas crimes topic was never discusse before you locked it. :rolleyes:

As to your statement that the Chief mod isnt around, then thats plainly untrue. i may not be on here everyday but I do try and read every thread. I also have trust in my fellow Mods to do the right thing in a given situation.

Well, that is the perception, that you are not here, sorry but that is the sensation.

As long as Im Chief Mod here the policy of the site will remain unchanged

The quality will not improve then :cool:

And what is asked of me now is to politely ask you to stop the obvious agenda that you are running against the Mods and certain site members here.

My problem is only with two Mods, I didnt had or have an agenda against any member of the Forum. Moreover seeing some abusive post in the off topic and feed back section seems all about the contrary.

PK, I’m not going to argue back and forth with you. You plainly dont like the way this site is run and havent for some time.

Its been obvious for a while. Your opinions are your opinions, you have registered them and I have noted them. Nothing you can do will change the way the site is run so I’m afraid you will just have to live with it or move on.



The Australian (and I suspect British) expression is ‘Like it or lump it.’

PK, before you respond to any posts here, please think on this.

Despite your dissatisfaction with modding and other things since you ceased being a mod, everyone accepts that you have a great deal of knowledge in certain areas and that you make a useful contribution to the board in those areas.

Nobody wants to keep old disputes alive to no purpose.

So, how about just letting go of the past?

How about just accepting what Firefly said, as a mod giving you some very gentle but very wise advice, as the new regime?

How about just making a fresh start, and just contributing in your areas of knowledge?

This very tolerant board is about the only place you can make a fresh start without an apology, just by changing your behaviour.

So, how about doing it?

Treat this as an olive branch that doesn’t require an acknowledgement of war between you and anyone else, but just as a symbol that if we all grasp it will avoid pointless bickering.

PK, I’m not going to argue back and forth with you.

Humm, probably because you have no arguments…:rolleyes:

PM sent Mr rolleyes…:wink:

Received and replied.

For 'tis the sport to have the engineer
Hoist with his own petar

Hamlet, III, iv

The word remains in modern usage in the phrase to be hoist by one’s own petard, which means “to be harmed by one’s own plan to harm someone else” or “to fall in one’s own trap”, literally implying that one could be lifted up (hoisted, or blown upward) by one’s own bomb. Shakespeare used the now proverbial phrase in Hamlet. .

From Robert Burns’ poem To a Louse

O wad some Power the gift tae gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae mony a blunder free us

A modern English version would be

O would some Power the gift to give us
To see ourselves as others see us!
It would from many a blunder free us

Dear Clau as I know you probably are still around I suggest you a forum in wich you can insult twice a Moderator and still post there.

L.R and Panzon, this is not the place to discuss about my perfomance as moderator and I have no apreciation whatsoever of the excesive liberties you both had taken towards my person. If somebody have a complain please direct that to the administrators, any more comments like the last 2 post I will deleted in a heartbit.

Worry no more, I am passing the moderation bussines to the others Mod in this section since I am tired to deal with people who think every is against them.

For 'tis the sport to have the engineer
Hoist with his own petar

Hamlet, III, iv

The word remains in modern usage in the phrase to be hoist by one’s own petard, which means “to be harmed by one’s own plan to harm someone else” or “to fall in one’s own trap”, literally implying that one could be lifted up (hoisted, or blown upward) by one’s own bomb. Shakespeare used the now proverbial phrase in Hamlet. .

From Robert Burns’ poem To a Louse

O wad some Power the gift tae gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae mony a blunder free us

A modern English version would be

O would some Power the gift to give us
To see ourselves as others see us!
It would from many a blunder free us

Dear Clau as I know you probably are still around I suggest you a forum in wich you can insult twice a Moderator and still post there.

L.R and Panzon, this is not the place to discuss about my perfomance as moderator and I have no apreciation whatsoever of the excesive liberties you both had taken towards my person. If somebody have a complain please direct that to the administrators, any more comments like the last 2 post I will deleted in a heartbit.

Worry no more, I am passing the moderation bussines to the others Mod in this section since I am tired to deal with people who think every is against them.

Apparently once some people have been a mod, they can’t let it go

Or give the current mods a fraction of the respect they demanded when they were modding.

Firefly has arguments.

You have quarrels.


2 a: a reason given in proof or rebuttal b: discourse intended to persuade

3 a: the act or process of arguing : argumentation b: a coherent series of statements leading from a premise to a conclusion


to find fault

1 : a ground of dispute or complaint

2 : a usually verbal conflict between antagonists :
synonyms quarrel, wrangle, altercation, squabble mean a noisy dispute usually marked by anger. quarrel implies heated verbal contention, stressing strained or severed relations which may persist beyond the contention <a quarrel nearly destroyed the relationship>. wrangle suggests undignified and often futile disputation with a noisy insistence on differing opinions <wrangle interminably about small issues>. altercation implies fighting with words as the chief weapon, although it may also connote blows <a loud public altercation>. squabble stresses childish and unseemly dispute over petty matters, but it need not imply bitterness or anger <a brief squabble over what to do next>.

Definitions from but, even allowing that it’s an American dictionary, it fairly represents the meaning of those words.


A song, just for you.

I haven’t been here for much of the year and I’m amazed at all the bitch slapping going on.

Get with the real world guys-this is a INTERNET forum dealing with subjects we love-the MILITARY, so get on with it-PLEASE.

If you want to flame someone, go outside into the real world and punch someone in the face. That will bring you back to earth very quickly in a number of ways.

And your message is directed to whom ?

If you havent here for a while you are not aware that the discussion has been already let to a side, so you should think twice before wrote stuff like above that might cause trouble again.