Maybe a stupid question

My opinion was not directed to anyone specifically, nor was it intended to cause trouble. As the thread is not closed I like any other member am entitled to an opinion.

It’s my first opinion and I will stick to it thanks.

Yeah, Digger, mate, it’s been over for a while.

P.S. This was typed while you were posting your last post.

No sweat guys.:wink:

No wuckers, mate. :smiley:

Maybe a stupid question, but I have wondered for siome time now…um, when I go in my profile there is a section on the right side that tells me how many people have visited my profile page, and it lists maybe up to 6 different names. The names come and go, depending on who and how many visit the profile page on any given period of time. My question is, how do I know who is the most recent visitor? is it the first name on the recent visitor list or is it the last name.?I wonder because I have had so many visitors, yet sometimes I keep seeing RS’s name listed and I don’t understand why he would be visiting my profile page so many times.I’m not a new member so I wonder if his name stays there forever, or does he really like me so much that he keeps visiting my profile page? I know when a new member shows up, and I view there profile page, i usually see one of the mods had previously visitied their prrofile page. Why they do that i don’t know, nor care, but getting back to my question…what is the answer. Who is the most recent to visit the profile page…is it the first name or the last name? This question has been bothering me for some time…:oops:

No way to tell. The names of the last 10 users to visit your profile page are listed alphabetically.

OHHHH…Now I get it…so thats why You are #3 on my list.Its because its alphebetical…and all this time, I thought it was because you liked me!:smiley: