Maybe the West misunderstands USSR history?

Rising Sun, are we suppose to comment quotes in this post?

I liked this one: “Jews were discriminated against in education and employment.” I guess all the jewish kids from my class would have choke if their have read it.

Hence my comments to Gen Sandworm at #96, about the differences between Western understanding and Soviet experience.

Why not comment on the quotes? They’re a fair reflection of some Western views.

That right this is FAIRY WESTERN Cold war wiev toward the Jewish “pursuting” in the USSR

Jews suffered a great deal under this system. The Soviet era witnessed the destruction of Jewish religious and cultural institutions. Attempts to deflect popular discontent included scapegoating Jews and resurrecting anti-Semitic myths and slanders

HA HA HA :slight_smile:
Destrruction of jewish relogions dear Risin Sun has bagan when the Bolshevic declared the “Relogion as enemy of the Soviet Russia” and immediatelly has bagan to explode the Ortodoxy churchs.
BTW coudl you remind me the Ethnic origin of the Bolshevic leareds please ;):wink:
So if the author of this stupid and funny article is the jew how could he be so insolent to lie about the “destruction of religion in Soviet era”?

I assumed that the article was referring to access to university and other post-secondary education which opened the door to better employment.

My understanding is that post-secondary education wasn’t exactly an equal opportunity area during much of the Soviet Union era, with the children of Party officials having better access depending upon the seniority or connections of their parent(s).

Did Jews get the same access to universities etc as everyone else?

You’re incorrect there, Chevan. Lots of groups in America stick together. That’s how we know those groups or affiliations exist. But they are still all Americans. No contradiction.

So my point is - only the naive man could think that we have an equal right and possibilities in the society where the such strong ethnic group is widely presented in the power structures of society.

Actually, success is America is basically determined by hard work, enterprise and individual intiative and of course education. Therefore, virtually anyon who exhibits these traits regardless of background or ethnic origin can do well here if he or she persists. The jews may assist one another, but so do catholics, protestants, baptists, lutherans, Indians, muslims, etc.

For instance in the Rusiia the 7 of 10 superichest oligarhs has a jewish origin - you may say whatever you want about the more “clever jewish intellect” - i will never believed in this race-superiority bulshit. But the fact is fact and in society where the Jews has a total percentage of population is no more 1-2% they could get is over the 30-40% and in some field much more percentage of the places.

Might there just be a tinge of jealousy and a hint of, uh, I don’t know, racism here? The jews are a tiny percentage here too. but they spend an awful lot of time giving back to this country, which is something that other groups don’t seem to do much of.

I do not wish to say it bad( the jews really could be enough good in the ruling elite, they excellent scientists and culture activists) , but … its wrong.

What is wrong? That the cream rises to the top of the milk? I don’t think so. Best is best and if that is a christian, a catholic, a muslim, a Bah’ai or a jew, so be it. What is wrong is in thinking that you have a right to be on top because you are you and because you are many. In my opinion, of course.

Oh well.

If anyone does well without unfair advantage, what is wrong with that?

I don’t get the impression that any Jews had an unfair advantage in the USSR.

Topol, did! :smiley:

I think it’s fairly impressive that Chevan, Egorki, Sneaksie and others are able to discuss postings in English. I could NEVER do that in Russian. Although grammar is a bit lacking and word order often messed up, their responses do show a clear understanding of what the discussion is about, even if I find myself just as often in disagreement with their points of view.

Cheers to our Russian comrades that give us insight everyday even with the struggle of speaking English. :smiley: Seriously, you just cant have a good conversation about 2 sides of an issues without the other side voicing their opinion. Thanks from me to you for being great members of the site. :wink:

You are welcome guys. But

I am afariad the pleasure will be entierly mine!
[INDENT][INDENT]The bad guy from movie “Moulin rouge”[/INDENT][/INDENT]


I am glad some one reads my pity words and can therefore take a look at things from different point of view.

A bit of editing there but one of the most important things ive learned from living abroad. :wink:

Jews were discriminated against in education and employment.

The source reffers to the document “Soviet Anti-Semitism: Through Perestroika and Beyond” by D.Waksberg, 1993.
But I guess it implies longer period than mentioned in the title.

Here is what I have at hand right now.

Quote from the book “Three millenium long mistery” by Igor Shafarevich, 2002.

page 254 and 255:
Lets introduce some statistics about education. … And for the purpose of being ubiased (or rather that the bias would be one sided) lets take info only from jewish sources.

In an article by I.Domalsky that was printed in Israeli magazin “Time and we” the author states the number of students in the study year 1972/1973 - total 4,6302 million, jews were 88,5 tousands - 1,9%. In 1970 the Jews constituted 0,8% of population. About the access to the higher postgraduate education and the scintific research the article also presents some information. In 1973, among the scintific researches the jews accounted for 6,1%. The russians researches - 66,7%, the russian population - 53%.

In the later book by R.Ribkina presented that the percentage of the jewish student kept falling down among the students: 1927 - 7,5% ; 1959 - 3,7% ; 1962 - 2,18%. At the same time the jews population share was lower than 0,8%.

She writes:
[INDENT]“Jews have been very visible in the Soviet social structure: the share of jews among scintists, universities and institution employees, doctors was significantly higher than of the average urban population.

In the other issue of the “Time and we” the interview with Zeev Katz, who teaches soviet sociology in the Univercity of Jerusalem. He mentioned that in the US 80%-90% of jews during the past 10 years got high education and that the similar situation exists in France, Italy, Argentina, Romania. He also sais:
The same applies to the young generation of jews in USSR. App. 70% graduate from Univercities and Institues, being the most educated part of the soviet youth.” (underlined by me - I.Shafarevich)
All these facts that I know supports the last underlined statement. And even more: jews in USSR in 70th and 80th were the most privileged social group in the area of education, access to the prestigious work types, material welfare. They lived in the cities, mostly bigger one, and had almost exclusive right for emmigration. Of course they abtained this status in a strugle and competition with representatives (who saw in jews perilous contenders and rivals) of the other ethnic groups in the power structure of the country. But we are now discussing the result of this competition, not the competition itslef.

About the author from wiki, just to give you a clue if he could have an idea about the education issues: [INDENT]“a Russian mathematician, founder of the major school of algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry in the USSR, and a political writer. He was also an important dissident figure under the Soviet regime, a public supporter of Andrei Sakharov’s Human Rights Committee from 1970. He supported the criticisms of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn of both Soviet communism and liberal proposals for the future of Russia.

Allegations of antisemitism started after Shafarevich wrote an essay titled"Russophobia", which was written in 1982 and first published in Germany in 1988. His sources were writings by Soviet emigrants of Jewish origin.[17] He complained that “Russophobes,” who are cunning, hostile Jewish critics, “dream of transforming Russia into. … a robot deprived of all elements of human life.””[/INDENT]
no comments as of now…

Gen Sandworm, no need to edit. If I said “pity” - I ment it. I am not good at presenting my arguments I know that for sure. But never mind! :slight_smile:

The Germans and the Japanese are a very talented people - industrious, inventive, original and thorough. When the jewish scientists and writers, and playwrights, and doctors, etc. left Germany - the remainder who could not believe any people could be as barabraric, being killed - it was a net gain for the west. That is what I meant. Perhaps it was poorly expressed. There were, in fact, many, many talented scientists of the nuclear variety in the US scattered throughout American universities. But it took the initiative of Albert Einstein at the instigation of Leo Szilard - himself a scientist and refugee who saw the big picture - to write the vital letter to President Roosevelt that got the atomic bomb project rolling. Actually, the British had already begun it and realized early on that they did not have the resources to carry it through, so they transferred their progress on “Tubular Alloys” (the code name) to the US and sent many of their scientists to the US as well. Prominent Americans in this field included Oppenheimer, the brainchild of the effort at Los Alamos, Geln T Seaborg, and too many others to name here. The first sustained and controlled nuclear reaction was put together by Enrico Fermi, an Italian immigrant who quit Europe and Italy because his wife was jewish and he saw the danger ahead. So while jewish scientists made a very important contribution to the A-bomb effort, in the end it became a much wider, broader and eeper effort that spanned the entire nation and involved hundreds of thousands of people.

Sorry again royal.
You or do not know the theme or simply try to ignore the some of obvious things.
Firstly NO OTHER ONE community in the America ( or in any western state) has the such tightly-knit community that so care about ethnical cleariting of its members.
And no one community in the world has its OWN ETHNICALY oriented religion, that has the its goal the SAVING the race origin of its peoples.
The any “groups or affiliation” that you wrote , in the America has assimilated among the other native americans through 2-3 generations. But … not the jewish.
Certainly there a lot of mixed marriages with the jews but this is not rule for them.
If you watch to the jewish religion you should learn - the relation for the mixed marriages is negative.
I do not wish to say it wrong, maybe they do it right - they has a full right to do it;)
And nobody could forbit them it;)
Actualy they has a full right to take care about their “nation” and do not mix it with others.
But here one question has appeared - why their religion so negative toward they joining oter ethnic groups?
I mean why they so fear the other nations they lives among?
I do not know. Do you?

Actually, success is America is basically determined by hard work, enterprise and individual intiative and of course education. Therefore, virtually anyon who exhibits these traits regardless of background or ethnic origin can do well here if he or she persists. The jews may assist one another, but so do catholics, protestants, baptists, lutherans, Indians, muslims, etc.

You quite missunderstood me royal.
I/m not dany the fact of hard work for the success.
i told another - you will not have thw EQUAL possibilities for the success in the society whre the so strong ethnic community has a such great presents in the ruling elite.
True , as you wrote, the jewish community may assists for each other and this is iheir right.
But no any one of the “catholics, protestants, baptists, lutherans, Indians, muslims” groups HAS the OWN rase oriented religion that has as the goals the egoistic ethnic interests for the “great aim”.
I/m not agains the right for the jews to help to each other , but sometimes the way that they chosed for it is simply frighten me.
Look for instanse for the activity of jewish lobby in Ameriaca to involve the USA into the war conflict to the near East ( Iraq and ets). They finally has reach the success of it.

Might there just be a tinge of jealousy and a hint of, uh, I don’t know, racism here? The jews are a tiny percentage here too. but they spend an awful lot of time giving back to this country, which is something that other groups don’t seem to do much of.

Sorry royal may i ask you something - are you the jew?
It’s not a principial just interest.Your reaction perplexs me.
Indeed here is no any jealosy or racism - (this is the tupical reaction of the jews to blaime the everybody in rasism).
I just try to analise why it happend so.
Why in the every state where the ethnical minorities has a majority in the rulling elite - the members of its ethnical group has an exclusive right for the success in the bisiness, science and art?
Do you doubt? Just wath to the ethnical origin of the most of Nobel laureates;)
I/m not sure the other ethnical origin scientists work less hard then they.
There is no surprise if you as the member of a such ethnical-religion group has more chances for the success simply coz you have a protection of your strong group.
Especially if your group has a dominated place in the FINANCIAL hierarchy of your country.

What is wrong? That the cream rises to the top of the milk? I don’t think so. Best is best and if that is a christian, a catholic, a muslim, a Bah’ai or a jew, so be it. What is wrong is in thinking that you have a right to be on top because you are you and because you are many. In my opinion, of course.

Oh well.

The wrong is - who do determine “the cream of the milk”.
The problems that if you think that some ethnic group is the “more clever then the other” and they has more rights for the rules of the state.
The “Democraty” means the power of the whole people any race ( according the its persentage in society) not the just the power of the some of groups ( whatever ethnical or - in contrast with the “aristocracy”( the power of the bests).
Let me to show you a one example of the “who do choice the cream of the milk”.
The ceremony of Oscar 2006.
The film “Paradise now” about palestinians was BANNED by the jewish community coz they recognized it as the"sumpatized for the palestinian terrorists and its tactick".
Thus the enough neitral and objective film that BTW was awarded by the Gold Globe in the Europe was factically banned in the USA simply coz the jewish community wanted it.
This is just a litle example ( that ONLY pablically rised at the surface) of the non-objective decigion - that could not be even disputed.
Now do you see who do determine the “cream of the milk” and how they do it;)


Well dear Risin Sun let me to send you some more impressions.:wink:
As it absolutly right said Egorka from the excellent objective book of the Shafarevich “Risofobia” ( BTW he has a jewish origin) the jews in the USSR has a exclusive right for everything.
I’v read in excellent book of Andrey lv. Diky “Jews in the Russia and USSR”.
He was forced to emigrate to the USA being pursuted by the bolshevick.
He gives a amazing analisys of the race origin of the Bolshevick leaders in the USSR in the 1917-1928.
His estimates are qiute wondering.
He gives the next figures of jews who was in the high soviet gov organs.
1.The Central commitete of Bolshevic party (the hirest state department)
Jews- 61 (72%), non-jews -17 , not defined - 7
2.The SNK (Soviet of people commissars - the highest executive organ of the Soviet Russia)
Jews - 115(85%), non-jews -18, not defined -3
So as could you see the jews took the ABSOLUTE majority in the ruling elite of the soviet Russia.

And they bear the responsibility for all the evil of bolshevick - destruction of religion ( firstluy - ortodoxy christian), mass murdering of the “Class enemies” ( firstly thre native russia intelligencia and peasants) and the creation of GULAG.
This fact EVEN undisputable among the jews.
The jews has a such great rules that the The bolshevic decided for the Great historical experiment ( as they thought) - to craet the first jewish territory in the compaund USSR.
The jewish Autonomy

The Jewish administrative division was founded with the help of Komzet in 1928 as the Jewish National District. It was the result of Stalin’s nationality policy, by which each of the national groups that formed the Soviet Union would receive a territory in which to pursue cultural autonomy in a socialist framework. In that sense, it was also a response to two supposed threats to the Soviet state: Judaism, which ran counter to official state policy of atheism; and Zionism, and the creation of the modern State of Israel, which countered Soviet views of nationalism. The idea was to create a new “Soviet Zion”, where a proletarian Jewish culture could be developed. Yiddish, rather than Hebrew, would be the national language, and a new socialist literature and arts would replace religion as the primary expression of culture.

Stalin’s theory on the National Question held that a group could only be a nation if they had a territory, and since there was no Jewish territory, per se, the Jews were not a nation and did not have national rights. Jewish Communists argued that the way to solve this ideological dilemma was by creating a Jewish territory, hence the ideological motivation for the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. Politically, it was also considered desirable to create a Soviet Jewish homeland as an ideological alternative to Zionism and the theory put forward by Socialist Zionists such as Ber Borochov that the Jewish Question could be resolved by creating a Jewish territory in Palestine. Thus Birobidzhan was important for propaganda purposes as an argument against Zionism which was a rival ideology to Marxism among left-wing Jews. The propaganda impact was so effective that several thousand Jews immigrated to Birobidzhan from outside of the Soviet Union, including several hundred from Palestine who had become disillusioned with the Zionist experience

Just a little mistake in WIKI ( like always) - the creation of Birobidgan was not a resault of Stalin’s national policy - this was resault of the national policy of Central Commitete of VKPB ( where before the Stalin did not played the main role in that time).
This was a national policy of the pro-jewish CK ( he was jewish untill the end of 1930).
The creation of First Jewish territory cost for the Soviet Russia a billions rubles - the money mostly from a robber of the non-jewish peasants ( who died at the same time from hunger- unfortinatelly this fact the pro-jewish source ( like the WIKI) do no like to note).
But as it turn out to be - the jews did not wish to go to the “their new land”, althout there were build a city with infrastructure ( bu the hands of simple soviet worker- not jewish voluntaries), school where the yiddish was a ONLY language, own jewish newspapar and even the own radiostation.
Moreover later the jews themself recognized this idea as a anti-semitic and blaimed the Stalin for that:):wink:


There is just so much in there that is wrong and illogical.

If your opinion reflects the opinion of many in Russia, it demonstrates that the East still doesn’t understand the West on some issues, either.

Rather than dealing with each of your points individually, which would take a few weeks, I’ll pose a few questions.

  1. Given that America was founded by Christian religious refugees from England and that America has always been a strongly Christian nation, how do you explain the supposed prominence and influence of Jews in America as being the supposedly dominant religious group in the nation?

  2. Especially when you say that Jews remain separate from the rest of all the nations they inhabit. How can a group which remains separate and won’t participate in national life be so strongly involved at the highest levels of the nation?

  3. You say that the Jewish lobby in America is responsible for involvement in Iraq etc, as if that is the whole story about Iraq and completely unrelated to oil and other American grand strategy. If the Jewish lobby matters, what about the crucial political significance in America of the votes of fundamentalist Christian groups which believe that Israel must be preserved to ensure the second coming of Christ, and of how they are the constituency to which Bush and Co owe more electoral allegiance than to numerically insignificant Jewish voters?

  4. You are concerned that Jews allegedly dominate various areas in business, science and so on. At an evolutionary level, is it possible that a couple of thousand years of unreasoning persecution and mass executions have selected people who are more adept in many areas than the groups which never had such experiences? How good would Russia be now if the various Soviet regimes had crushed and killed all the drones instead of those with the drive, ability, intelligence and independence to challenge the dictatorial regimes? At a cultural level, is it possible that the rigors of Jewish education produce people who learn to learn better than many other people from more relaxed cultures? Is it possible that after a couple of thousand years of persecution the Jews have learned that their best hope of survival is to get themselves into positions where they can influence the decisions which previously led to their persecution? Is it possible that a couple of thousand years of relentless persecution of a downtrodden people for no good reason has in fact succeeded in producing a strong and proud people who have determined that never again will they allow something like the Holocaust or any other persecution to harm them? Can anyone blame them for this? If anyone doesn’t like this result, who should be blamed? Jews? Or their oppressors over the centuries?

The “Democraty” means the power of the whole people any race ( according the its persentage in society) not the just the power of the some of groups ( whatever ethnical or - in contrast with the “aristocracy”( the power of the bests).

No, in the modern Western world it means little more than one person, one vote, and all the equalities that flow from such a concept.

There is no proportional representation requirement, by race or anything else. Otherwise 51% of American presidents would have been women, and a black or Hispanic could never be president because there is no foreseeable prospect of a majority of blacks or Hispanics in America. But black (if not satisfactorily black to many American blacks) Barack Obama is running against the woman Hillary Clinton with the possibility that either could be the next President of the largest well-functioning democracy in the world. Or a Jew could be, too (Or already has been, according one view of Roosevelt.). Or a Muslim. They’ve already had a Catholic and various brands of other Christians.

It doesn’t mean that America or any other democracy exists in perpetual harmony or that there isn’t discrimination on religious, racial or other grounds, but at least modern democracies don’t overtly discriminate against or oppress minorities on religious or racial grounds (covertly is a different issue, as is the not too distant past).

The cold war seems odd. Why would the US be more hostile towards the USSR than to other countries? The USSR was not the only dictatorship in the world.

It was the only one that could chalenge USA.

Sorry Rising Sun but your attempts to direct the problem to the East Vs West relation is …ridiculous;)
Coz the problem that we are discussing is not “exclusively Eastern” but international…
In fact the “jewish question” was under forbid in the East for the long time of Communist ideology and the peoples who try to study this theme were puirsuted by the soviet law.
For the 20 Centure this them developed mostly in the west, BTW i’ve knew a lot of interesting from the American site :slight_smile:
So i think your claims for the East is just the way to change the topic:)
Becouse I know for the sure in the West are the manies peoples, who know what’s going on, and who asked the simular question for themself - why it heppend that some of the Ethnical groups have the adventage for the success.

Rather than dealing with each of your points individually, which would take a few weeks, I’ll pose a few questions.

  1. Given that America was founded by Christian religious refugees from England and that America has always been a strongly Christian nation, how do you explain the supposed prominence and influence of Jews in America as being the supposedly dominant religious group in the nation?

Sorry , but you do not hear me…
I’ve told you the reason of jewish success is the strong assistence between them.
And i repeat i/m not against the jewish help for each other - this is their right- but i think thet we , who have no the strong ethnical community assistence inside our states , losed the competition.
To understang how they jews do it - is the other interesting matter.
In fact today they dominated in the a lot of the USA fields , the social and state
Look for instance here
The list where the jews played the dominated role.
I/m repeat im not against the participation of the jews- they could be a great good peoples, but … if they fully controlled something … i willl not sure that all will OK.
Just wath to the Bolshevick leaders - 80-90% of them were the jews . And what this was mean for the native peoles of USSR ( russian ukrainian and belorussians) - the destruction of their relogion, mass murders, famine and GULAG.
Another “interesting” example - the Israel where the jews are 100% of gov - the palestinian ethnical minority are the “second- sort” peoples in there.

  1. Especially when you say that Jews remain separate from the rest of all the nations they inhabit. How can a group which remains separate and won’t participate in national life be so strongly involved at the highest levels of the nation?

No No Risin Sun i never told the jews do not participate in national life . To the contrast - they played an extremaly active role in the manies fields.Some of them really a great peoples. But when they acted like a Ethncal group that according their religion are the “highest race” in the world - this could be danger for all us.

  1. You say that the Jewish lobby in America is responsible for involvement in Iraq etc, as if that is the whole story about Iraq and completely unrelated to oil and other American grand strategy.

The fact that the jewish lobby wanted the USA army in the Near East is determined not only oil interests (where the jews also dominated) but and political aslo - to help the Israel to “survive” among the hostitle environment - Syria , Iran ,Iraq.
And the american jews do not note that the USA lost its world authority of the attack of Iraq - they ONLY one more time demonstrated the fact that their ethnical community feelings has won the patriotic feelings of the state where they lives.i/e/ they demonstrate the interest of their nation is more importain than the interests of the state where they lives.
(exactly this situation were in the USSR in the 1949-52 when manies of soviet jews who were sympatised for the anti-soviet Israel, proved that the interests of their nation is higher then their sobiet patriotism).Certainly this is their right , but… could they be the our patiots in this case?

If the Jewish lobby matters, what about the crucial political significance in America of the votes of fundamentalist Christian groups which believe that Israel must be preserved to ensure the second coming of Christ

Why the Christ must come in second time in Isreal - for the jews could kill him one more time:)?
If serious it was a Palestine where the Christ lived and has died.
BTW this is not a single stopid mythical-religious explanation of creation and supportion the Israel - the jewish religion demand the right of the jews for own land in the Palestine- this is quite amazing case in the inernational law - the creation state according the religious prejudices.

, and of how they are the constituency to which Bush and Co owe more electoral allegiance than to numerically insignificant Jewish voters?

becouse yo know why…

in the modern Western world it means little more than one person, one vote, and all the equalities that flow from such a concept

As we know the first duty of the USA president ( i.e. Bush and Co) to serve for the USA i.e for the rulling financial elite and corporation. Coz the what is good for them - that good for the Americans, right?
And if the jewish community played the main role in the financial elite of the USA - thus this was not difficult to “justify” the entering in the Nearest East.( for the oil and ets)
As far as i know the congress recently voted for the withdrawal from Iraq - does it help for the voters to stop the Bush and Co ?

  1. You are concerned that Jews allegedly dominate various areas in business, science and so on.

Its not me who concerned that the jews dominated in the West but the some of the americans who study this question.
I know just about Russia.- i show you the figures that proved ABSOLUTE DOMINATION of the jews in the 1918-1939 in the soviet gov ( the figures that even do not disputable by the jewish authors).

At an evolutionary level, is it possible that a couple of thousand years of unreasoning persecution and mass executions have selected people who are more adept in many areas than the groups which never had such experiences?

I’m not sure about rest Europe ,but i think you could not blame all the european nations for the “unreasoning persecution” if you do not know enought this theme.
And BTW does the “couple of thousand years of unreasoning persecution” is justify the murders of the millions of the native population of the former russian Imperia by the jewish-bolshevic gov of the Soviet Russia during ONLY 20 years?

How good would Russia be now if the various Soviet regimes had crushed and killed all the drones instead of those with the drive, ability, intelligence and independence to challenge the dictatorial regimes?

I/m not sure that understand you righ here.
I just wish to notice you who created those “various dictators regimes” , who created the first theroetical-communists basis for those regimes.
If you wath for the ethnical origin of those people - you will understand much more.

At a cultural level, is it possible that the rigors of Jewish education produce people who learn to learn better than many other people from more relaxed cultures?

And why the culture level of those other peoples has relaxed ?
May be becouse the native cultural activists has changed bu the jewish cultural activists due to its power international-ethnic supporting?

Is it possible that after a couple of thousand years of persecution the Jews have learned that their best hope of survival is to get themselves into positions where they can influence the decisions which previously led to their persecution?

Perhaps it right form the egoistic jewish point- but who do you say dear friend we need to get this point as right for all us?
AND if you think ( or the jews think) that the contemporaty generation of the Europeans is guilt for the “thousand years of persecution the Jews” in the Europe- does it mean the East Europeans must blame the all the contemporary jews for the mass crimes of their ethnical relatives in the Russia when the bolshevick took the power?
if according your ligic - yes, the jews guilf for the henocide of the native population.
But i do not think so coz i do not think your logic is true

Is it possible that a couple of thousand years of relentless persecution of a downtrodden people for no good reason has in fact succeeded in producing a strong and proud people who have determined that never again will they allow something like the Holocaust or any other persecution to harm them?

But it is absolute possible that the "educated , high-culture and proud " peoples sunctioned the blood therror of native population.
It was possible that some of them take active participation in the famine in Ukraine and Russia. Look for instance for the Lasaz Kaganovich - the jewish-bolshevic commander who created the this famine.
Does the Holocaus ( where were killed a disputable figure of 6 million) is REASON why we have to keep the silence about the mass murdering of christians by the jewish-bolshevic ( about 10-15 millions at all)?