Maybe the West misunderstands USSR history?

Oh really you are so great specialist of the my ( and Egorka) histroy to say him that his posts goes to mislead?
Do not make us laught sir.
My ancestors live in the Russian impare/USSR for the all time AND NO ONE has emigrated to the west . I personaly lived in USSR 14 years till the collapse. So you will tell me about the USSR’s life and try teach the my history : what figures are arong and what was right?

Of Course ! your numbers are totaly wrong your statements are totaly wrong and your post suggest sympathy for the great Soviet State. When It was the Soviet Government that broke your backs not just Gorbachav he just did what he had to do to keep the Soviet Ball Rolling if he haden’t done what he did the Soviets would have fallen faster.Many starved but they sure had a big army ( although by that time they wern’t being paid). I have a choice listen to your misleading statements or listen to scholars who not only teach your history but are involved in forming relations with your country. I have no time for dribble or propaganda or opinions I deal in facts.
Remember this it was said by a Japaneese Officer involved in the Manchurian incident and upped to the fact that they slaughtered hundreds of thousands of manchurian chineese ( “If we don’t acknowlege what we did and learn from our mistakes we can never grow as a people”) Socialism never works never has and never will . Hitler was a socialist too and things were great in Germany under his rule, untill the world got tired of him sticking a gun in their faces all the time. Democracy is hard to achive it takes time and patience Germany took 40 years to become the biggest economic power in europe but they had to ride bycycles before they drove mercedes I personally watched them come out of the ashes of WWll and Ill quote another German who Adored Hitler during the war she was his secratary Trudl Jung she said in 1988
(" After the war and after I came home from prison and realized what he had done to the world and after I saw what Democracy can do I wish there will never ever be another Hitler") I’m not going to go over this discussion again Ive already posted not only my sorces but video ect if you don’t believe or are more likely unwilling to take these sorces as truthful well so be it .In my view (and this is a personal view )it sounds like the propaganda machine is still rolling over there so I don’t and won’t believe anything from their news or statements because to me it’s not credible.( Feel free to believe the same about ours)
It is said in the western news that many people are turning back to the days of Stalin in Russia as they believe those days were better than now… truth or propaganda? What I wish for Russia its people and government is to promote business and create more jobs fight the crime and keep good people safe and I would like to see them join the European Community as a full member and trade in Euros ,come join the rest of the world and prosper.
I added the video with Kruchev as he was willing to at least admit that under Stalin the purges killed millions of soviet citizens and his party chastized him for Telling the Truth.

Cavalry Gunner

Cavalry Gunner

Hello Gunner,

You did not know about the visitor’s journal. And you should have acknoledged that when I told you. But you choose instead to defend your reputation. Well, it is up to you.

Yes, I do try to spin the subject my way. But I never lie about what I know. I never twist facts and never hide facts if I know them. I do allow different interpretations, but never facts misuse.

So to get beck to the specifics about your statement ""Stalin hid for 12 days. It is an air bouble!

see I hold a masters degree in history and majored in modern and military history. I also was In the U.S.Army for some 10 years and served along many of your borders and in a couple of wars.
On top of that (hey Iam liking this opportunity to vent) my neighbors are from POLAND and 2 of my friends are from UKRAINE so now and then I get a little personal input on the situation over there that brought them here.
I also had my ex wifes grandfather who was from Lithuania When the Russians were about to take back the Balkins he prefered to leave his fate to the GERMANS rather to live under STALIN and he got out of there and after the war wound up in New York City.

Hat is off! I more that ready to allow that you as an individual have more life experiense and maybe even knowlede.

Yet I just can not see how it all turns the Stalin’s visitor’s journal into void!

Now that ,along with what Ive been tought over the last 40 years lead me to believe that most of your posts are posted to mislead.

Mislead? In which way? Like I invented the Stalin’s visitor’s journal?

The names on the Journal speak for themselves It’s not a very good example to prove your point. Just because he saw nothing but the very upper level communists like Molotov dosn’t mean he wasn’t hiding . It is like saying if Hitler was hiding saying he wasn’t hiding because he saw Gobbles,Goring and Himmler. As Hard as you try you can’t rewrite history.

Wally (Cavalry Gunner):roll:

I can not rewrite the history and francly speaking I have no need for it. I am perfectly aware of the problems that my country had in the 20th century.

But I will object to the errors and misrepresentation that keep appearing over and over.

The names on the Journal speak for themselves It’s not a very good example to prove your point. Just because he saw nothing but the very upper level communists like Molotov dosn’t mean he wasn’t hiding . It is like saying if Hitler was hiding saying he wasn’t hiding because he saw Gobbles,Goring and Himmler.

The names speak for themselves? Sure, of course they do! Who do you suggest Stalin should had met during first few days of the war? The poeple responsible for defence and economy? NO way sais Cavalry Gunner. He should had met workers and peasants! He should had met simple people and spend time with them. That would be the wisest thing to do.

I am sure George Bush walkes around with no body guards around him.

So here is the question for you: Was Stalin’s behaviour during those 12 days radicaly different? Did he walked on the streets before that and then hid for 12 days? WHAT was different in those 12 days?