Mein Kampf

mein kampf should be renamed “Mein Bullshit”

What about this lot for starters:

OMG, america has got an official nazi party website !!!, this should be banned on the Internet dont you reckon Firefly, thats aweful !!!

I mean look what they said here in the following:: We co-operate and work with many like minded white nationalist groups such as the KKK (Ku Klux Klan), Aryan Skinheads, the Racial Nationalist Party of America and many others which are either Nazi or at least racially aware of our Aryan Heritage.

Firefly you should be careful buddy looking on these kind of sites because they look for people that help or support the nazi or communist websites.

Firefly, nazi parties like that , that believe in killing blacks and helping KKK makes me SICK, dont you agree man ??

I mean what makes you think the world or USA would let that country go under the Swastika…especially thats its the most powerful country in the world…and the thing is, that on that website they are convinced that usa will be fascist in 2008 or sooner…ARGH it makes me angry

Well, free speech is one of the great american rights.

no, america won’t be facist by 2008. i haven’t even seen any commercails on tv…

generally, american nazis are mid-western lower-class whites. they are usually poor and poorly educated, and they compensate this weakness with hate. Most of them are western europeon heritage, however.

so they give the excuse that they are master race when their contribution to science, business, medicine, or any profession that requries more then a middle-school degree is practically nil.

they hate mid-western blacks even though they are just as lazy as they are.

its really ridicious.

Indeed mate, you never cease to impress me.
besides the Jewish or Allies wouldn’t let america become fascist.
These young little hitlers of today just like the thought of being nazi and killing black people.
That website should be illegal on the internet.

Why should the website be illegal? Freedom of speech and all that. And who regulates the Internet? Nobody! Just because you don’t approve of it doesn’t mean that it should be banned.

BTW, there’s still a Communist party of the USA as well. Should that website be banned also, or do you have double-standards?

And this is no joke.

…and National Front from UK:


join with us and give the traitors that have led us into this quandary their worst nightmare!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Free freedom of speech , yes i agree, but it sounds like your backing the site up man of stoat, these people that make those websites are evil !

the nazis and communist americans should team up and have a redneck barbeque.

Throw a few shrimps on the barbie having a fancy dress up party, some come as hitlers, some as stalins and they all have their equal share of shrimp and sausage :lol: 8)

I have recently read that the best selling book in switzland last month was Mein Kampf.
2 months ago the best selling book in France was Mein Kampf.

Is this just a high trend in neo fascim or just a high healthy trend in history.

That’s rather interesting, it could be a combination of neo nazism and a very high trend in history. :shock:

That’s rather interesting, it could be a combination of neo nazism and a very high trend in history. :shock:[/quote]
Yeah you could be right mate, especially them middle european countries.

I found a compressed file of the book online a while back. If anyone wants it, you can PM me with you’re email address and I’ll send it to you.

That’s rather interesting, it could be a combination of neo nazism and a very high trend in history. :shock:[/quote]

Or it could just be crap, seeing as Mein Kampf has been banned in Switzerland since 1996.

Wouldnt it be easier to just give the link?

That’s rather interesting, it could be a combination of neo nazism and a very high trend in history. :shock:[/quote]

Or it could just be crap, seeing as Mein Kampf has been banned in Switzerland since 1996.[/quote]

There is a certain truth to it. The lists may be based on Amazons best selling lists, but not recently. In 1999 Mein kampf was No2 on the Amazon best selling list to Germany. I couldnt find any ref to Switzerland numbers though. Very interesting though.

Amazon Ceases Sales of “Mein Kampf” to Germany
The official policy of the two largest Internet booksellers, and, is to sell any book in print to any customer worldwide. This principle became the center of a controversy, when it became clear that customers could easily order and receive through and books that are banned in their country.
The Swiss organization Children of the Holocaust Action (Aktion Kinder des Holocaust, AkdH) pressed charges in Germany against these companies for distributing the anti-Semitic book “Geheimgesellschaften,” by Jan van Helsing, in English. The book has been banned since 1996 in Switzerland a well as in Germany. In Germany, the Simon Wiesenthal Center complained to the authorities that and were offering and distributing Nazi publications such as the English version of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and “The Protocols,” as well tracts such as “White Power.” by the deceased leader of the American Nazi Party, Lincoln Rockwell.

In view of the above, as well as the fact that (or despite the fact that) these books, especially “Mein Kampf,” have become bestsellers on the German market, where they are illegal (in September 1999 “Mein Kampf” was listed by as No.2 on its “uniquely best selling list” in Germany), announced on 18 November 1999 that it would stop selling the book in Germany. Germany’s justice minister welcomed Amazon’s decision., as well as another online retailer Borders Group In., were reviewing their policies, but had no immediate plans to restrict sales.

Sources: Freie Umschau Europa Online, 11 August 1999; Jewish Telegraphic Agency Online, 10 August 1999; Focus Online, 18 November 1999; “Washington Post,” Online, 18 November 1999; Lycos News Online, 18 November 1999; Reuters Online, 19 November 1999.