Merry Christmas

:lol: Excellent! “Sycophancy” is the best english term I learned in decades!

Merry christmas my friends, enjoy a very fine holiday, feast,and grow large with food!!! And to begin the festive season, a little something to get the cheer flowing.


Thanks, pdf27.

I have worked a lot. I have been absent for that reason.

Yeah! My head still continues between the shoulders. This is weird? o.O

It is prohibited to appear once a year and wish Merry Christmas to my friends?

Look at this:

Well… Merry Christmas, fellas!!!

Yeah! My head still continues between the shoulders

Nice to heard that

This is weird? o.O

Appearing just once a year yes , in my opinion is weird

Merry christmas my friends, enjoy a very fine holiday, feast,and grow large with food!!! And to begin the festive season, a little something to get the cheer flowing. Yesterday 10:11 PM

I bet that with the red suit on you can make a good imitation of a biker Santa.:cool:

Merry Christmas to everybody.

Oh Please it’s not even english. It’s GREEK. I looked it up the minute I saw it.συκοφάντης sykophántēs…anyways, I think it’s a compliment, but I’m not sure:rolleyes:
Anyways, SEASONS GREETINGS to those that don’t like Christmas, and Froehliche Weihnachten to all my Peeps!

I wholeheartedly agree with you, old chap! This is one of the few occasions in which you have been 100% correct. good show!

Here’s to all the people who really know themselves, as the song goes.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, old chap! This is one of the few occasions in which you have been 100% correct. good show!

Here’s to all the people who really know themselves, as the song goes.[/QUOTE]

You’re not wrong there MoS, not wrong in the slightest.

Strangely the following came into my inbox the other day, possibly stopped by the FNFC (Feliz Navidad Field Censors) and blue-pencilled. As you know my linguistic capabilities are only up, (or down,) to the level of looking after the wee man in the boat, so perhaps you can make sense of it.

"[i]Estimado Papa Noel,

Theez year Ay ‘av been a muy bueno chico. An’ Ay ‘av honelee de juan weesh for Navidad.
Pleeze weel you send a grande saco full weeth el muerte negro to Cuts ‘ows, an’ de worl’ weel be a mucho better place.

muchas gracias,
El Bollocko del Tanquo[/i]"

But light hearted banter aside, I’d like to send the very best wishes to everyone on these fora.
May your God be with you.

Vintage ww2 Santa!


I wholeheartedly agree with you, old chap! This is one of the few occasions in which you have been 100% correct. good show!

Here’s to all the people who really know themselves, as the song goes.

To edit a quote to make me look bad make you so happy ??
Honestly I would be embarrassed.

If that would come from a better person I would be anoyed but like it comes from you…:rolleyes:

You’re not wrong there MoS, not wrong in the slightest.

Hummm, is so nice to see the gayest couple in the forum agreeing in everything , merry Christmas to you both homos.

ho-ho-ho !!!

One further thought, take a few moments to think of all the soldiers in the world who will be far from home this Christmas,pulling guard in the frozen snow, and working out in the weather, while we enjoy ourselves, and the company of those close to us. Doing anything in the snow & cold is 10 times harder than if its warm, and dry, and forget about sleeping.Field food. is something too. it has the benefit of having been close to something warm once, and the coffee is well, army coffee.(but at least it was hot.)

Finally acquired the festive mood. :lol:

A cheery seasons greetings to everyone and best wishes for the coming year.

If I’ve upset or offended anybody during 2008, please accept my most heartfelt apologies, :oops: and for those I haven’t I promise to try harder in 2009. :lol:

YA!,I too wish to apologize to anyone I may have offended by my past posts and I wish all good things to those that protect our world from the evils that exsist. God Protect and Bless our soldiers now and in the Past.

As the Christmas season approaches, there is always so much activity and personal business to attend to that it is easy to forget to thank all those valuable personalities, for all the moments we’ve shared, moments filled with common thoughts and desires, secrets, amusement, and camaraderie. Each precious second will be treasured in my heart everlastingly.

Therefore I wish you a happy season filled with health, joy and prosperity, and may the coming year be overflowing with all good things in life.

For the good times - Let’s roll, gentlemen!

That was so cool mr.librarian…real cool!!!

Oh, thank you for your kindheartedness, my dear Mr. Herman2. :slight_smile:

As a special gift for you, I am adding here a unique direct link to the full-length version of a very special, colorful and beautifully orchestrated Christmas song from the Old Epoch, which will get you in the right mood:

As always – all the best! Enjoy! :wink:

Merry Christmas to all of you and wonderful holidays!!!

To edit a quote to make me look bad make you so happy ??
Honestly I would be embarrassed.

If that would come from a better person I would be anoyed but like it comes from you…:rolleyes:

Hummm, is so nice to see the gayest couple in the forum agreeing in everything , merry Christmas to you both homos.[/QUOTE]

Hello young man, I see Man of Stoat appears to have perturbed you for some reason.

Looking at the posts, he hasn’t actually misquoted you, after all you did post exactly what he quoted.
Nor does it make you look bad, indeed as he said earlier:

That was a compliment, it is not all people that really know themselves.
It can be a brutal learning curve, knowing oneself.
Some people learn from it, a few jack.
I’m humbly pleased to know myself, having been tested and tried in that most unforgiving of circumstances, live contact.
To date I, like all my peers, have not been found wanting.
I’m sure you have experienced a similar situation.

Or then perhaps not…

“Homos” ?
As in Homo Sapiens ?
Surely you’re no excluding yourself from that group ?

While the gentleman concerned and myself are not a couple, (as I’m sure both his wife and mine would both vehemently dispute and also put up a serious opposition to the idea, without even mentioning our own personal views on it,) I suppose it could be argued that indvidually we are, to a point, gay.

Now ‘gay’ is a word that many people whose first language is not English misunderstand, indeed there are those whose mother tongue is English that have difficulty in comprehending, in both cases it is due to a lack of education, a laziness in reading or indeed because they themselves are somewhat ambivalent in their own orientation. To which category you belong is at present unknown.

I fully realise that as one of what Kipling described as a PBH you may well require some assistance in your vocabulary, so I present, for your elucidation, the following definitions:


  1. bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer; “a cheery hello”; “a gay sunny room”; “a sunny smile” [syn: cheery]
  2. full of or showing high-spirited merriment; “when hearts were young and gay”; “a poet could not but be gay, in such a jocund company”- Wordsworth; “the jolly crowd at the reunion”; “jolly old Saint Nick”; “a jovial old gentleman”; “have a merry Christmas”; “peals of merry laughter”; “a mirthful laugh”
  3. given to social pleasures often including dissipation; “led a gay Bohemian life”; “a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies”
  4. brightly colored and showy; “girls decked out in brave new dresses”; “brave banners flying”; “‘braw’ is a Scottish word”; “a dress a bit too gay for her years”; “birds with gay plumage” [syn: brave]
  5. offering fun and gaiety; “a festive (or festal) occasion”; “gay and exciting night life”; “a merry evening”

Or alternatively:

Gay, a. [Compar. Gayer; superl. Gayest.] [French gai, Old High German gahi. swift, rapid. See also Jay]

  1. Excited with merriment; manifesting sportiveness or delight; inspiring delight; livery; merry.

Belinda smiled, and all the world was gay. --Pope.

Gay hope is theirs by fancy fed. --Gray.

  1. Brilliant in colors; splendid; fine; richly dressed.

Why is my neighbor’s wife so gay? --Chaucer.

A bevy of fair women, richly gay In gems and wanton dress! --Milton.

  1. Loose; dissipated; lewd. [Colloq.]

Syn: Merry; gleeful; blithe; airy; lively; sprightly, sportive; light-hearted; frolicsome; jolly; jovial; joyous; joyful; glad; showy; splendid; vivacious.

and here from Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary:

[from the Middle English gay; Old French gai; Old High Geman gahi; quick, sudden, rash, lively.]

  1. joyous and lively; merry; happy: light-hearted.
  2. bright; brilliant; as, gay colors[sic]
  3. given to social life and pleasures; as, a gay life.
  4. wanton; licentious; as, a gay dog.
    Synonyms - merry, lively, blithe, sprightly, sportive.

That a number of pederasts have chosen to take such a useful word and twist it into a separate meaning within their own ranks is neither here nor there.
Personally I’m alekefik as to whatever bizarre pastimes in which they choose to indulge whilst confined to their private quarters, as, confident in my own sexuality, it is not for me to decide the experiences of others.

However, it has been noted by a number of members that you often use references to homosexual males as a term of insult, as if they, by their own sexual preference are, of a lower order than yourself.

Let’s take a step back and look at this objectively.
Are you, in your own opinion, better than the Falklands/Malvinas veterans that were repatriated by the British forces ?

Go on, you may answer it, it’s an easy yes or no question.

Alternatively you may choose to ignore the question if you are unsure of your status and/or orientation.
It’s up to you which conclusions everyone else draws from your response or lack thereof.

Anyway, have a very merry, (or perhaps gay (?) ) Christmas young man.


Nice picture, Library!!! Very cool =]

Correct, is weird. But is not prohibited, correct?

I see you next year!

our white Christmas arrived during the night. about 2 inches. yep. its as cold as it looks. 14 above.

Merry Christmas everyone !!!:smiley: