Merry Christmas

Merry Christmass, from Edmonton, Alberta!

And Namvet, 14F wouldn’t bother me too much, here we have -25C… :slight_smile:

keep the home fires burining my friend !!!:mrgreen:

I posted this tank on some other boards. everyone wants to know where it is sitting. if you know please post. it is sooooooooo cool. thanks Vet

Damn santa’s kickin ass this year:lol:

Alas, my dear Mr. Namvet I don’t have any additional information about that extraordinary photo.:frowning:

Unbelievably, but I simply stumbled upon it on the Net (Boing Boing was the place, if I remembered that right). However, it seems to me that previously presented and magnificently garlanded tank is somehow connected with that notorious M26 Pershing at La Roche en Ardenne. Please just follow this link:

Yes, I know: this picture is very small indeed, and those neighboring trees in the vicinity of the tank are not visible from this angle. Nevertheless, that specific pedestal - which is fabricated out of stone and concrete - is completely comparable with the one we have on that extraordinary, but in the very same time highly festive photography. :slight_smile:

yah, well f-you take some consideration for our religion you bastard!!! your statements were very offensive to Christians! Go see a psychaiatrist!!!

i also have had a hard life. both my parents have been in and out of jail. i was in foster care at 3 months old and have been in and out of foster care. also i was starved and beaten by other family get over it you s.o.b.!!!

Excuse me, honorable ladies and gentlemen, but due to my improper and erroneous previous research I have to apologize to all of you. Our more complete web-inquiry fortunately was able to find the exact source of the previously mentioned photo:

Tharefore it is obvious that that notorious snapshot was actually taken back there in South Korea (Camp Casey) by Mr. Robert L. Parker. So once again - sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you. :oops:

Read carefully the last sentence you quoted from my post.

Your response demonstrates everything that is wrong with Christians and Christianity where Christ’s words are ignored.

I am not a Christian in any formal sense and, given the benighted and hateful attitudes of Christians like you, I’m glad that I’m not.

I do, however, see and try to uphold the values Christ, as distinct from the churches claiming to be His, proclaimed. Not that those values are exclusive to Christ or Christianity, but just sound principles for good lives.

Your statement offends every principle for which Christ stood, and died on the cross. I doubt you can see that. I expect that you are proud of your religious bigotry and the contempt for others implicit in your quoted comment, which is everything that Christ railed against. If anyone offends Christ, as distinct from Christians, it is people like you.

Congratulations on showing a true Christmas spirit.

I am sorry that you had to experience such things.

Nobody should have to.

I hope that, in time, you can get over them, which clearly you have not as they still hurt you or you would not mention them.

Perhaps you could try to allow others the same understanding I am showing you, rather than responding with pointless hostility and demands that they get over what you have not.

Hi RS…I must say that you sound more Christian in your retort to colonel hogan than he sounded in his post. Sorry drivel he posted gives Christians a bad name, definitely.

Um, Christmas was superimposed by the Christian hierarchy over the Saturnalia winter festival, and various other Pagan solstice rights!

If there was a Jesus as told in the Bible, then he was born sometime between April and July…

The Roman church sought to increase its numbers by assimilating parts of other belief systems, particularly Pagan (Which I proudly am) in order to make the “transition” easier to swallow for the Pagan folk. Should that not be sufficient, Rome could always fall back on the old “convert or die” method of proselyting.
But this is not in the Spirit of Christmas, so just enjoy whatever you may have, be it family, friends,a church, or mates at the boozer. (regards to Paul Hogan) or a nice big can of foster’s :slight_smile: I spend some of my Christmas thinking of the welfare of my pals,so R.S., P.K., Bravo, Nick, George,and some others, and I tip a toast to you.

Dear RS, I hope this Christmas, it will be nicer for you, and I convey my warmest greeetings to you. It hasn’t snowed much in Toronto but we expect snow in a couple of days. Have a Ho-Ho Ho holiday and to the rest of the Gang, God Bless!

Froehliche Weihnachten to Flamethower
Merry Christmas Nick and PDF who I think of every other day, when I don’t think of RS
Merry Christmas Honourabe Fire Fly
Seasons Greetings to all New members and all old members who put up with me. I love you all…(I think I feel a tear…)…:army:

This is for you, my friend (not for those sensitive to language):

Historical a side for today, I wish everyone here a great Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all from Bakersfield,California,no white Christmas here.I am about to go enjoy some homemade “Tamales”,yum.Peace to all

we’re under a blizzard warning here. 13" or more by tomorrow night. merry christmas all

Ah… that’s what we had this evening! So good! Christmas day we are having traditional ham and all the fixings.
No white Christmas here in San Antonio, TX either, but I wish everyone here in the site a very sincere Merry Christmas!

bring your snow shovel up here to Missouri. we need some help !!! :mrgreen: