Military Experience

We’ve pretty much rebuilt and can send sufficient funds to Iraq to make it much better, but really, do we truly think we can turn a country that has lived in a dictatorship for years and years then turn it into a democracy in a few months?

We’ve pretty much rebuilt and can send sufficient funds to Iraq to make it much better, but really, do we truly think we can turn a country that has lived in a dictatorship for years and years then turn it into a democracy in a few months?[/quote]

What has been rebuilt? Most of Basra still only had power for a few hours of the day when I was over there last year

We’ve pretty much rebuilt and can send sufficient funds to Iraq to make it much better, but really, do we truly think we can turn a country that has lived in a dictatorship for years and years then turn it into a democracy in a few months?[/quote]

What has been rebuilt? Most of Basra still only had power for a few hours of the day when I was over there last year[/quote]


Incidentally, I never posted on this thread before, probably didnt see it for all the shennanigans that have been going on.

So Id just like to quickly mention that I am in the Royal Air Force. 21 years now and only ten to go!

What Telic were you on mate? Did Telic 4, split my time between the Palace, then moved up to BIA when it closed. Spent most of the summer down at Cherokee on det though, and spent two weeks with the Japs up in Samawah.

Your lot did have a very nice bar though :wink:

games only


What Telic were you on mate? Did Telic 4, split my time between the Palace, then moved up to BIA when it closed. Spent most of the summer down at Cherokee on det though, and spent two weeks with the Japs up in Samawah.

Your lot did have a very nice bar though :wink:[/quote]

We end up on every TELIC, will be going again at Xmas. Didnt spend too long in Basra though, we mostly work out of another Gulf state, you probably passed through it as it used to be the main airhead before it was switched this year.

You worked were the VC-10s landed and the Hercs took off then? Have they started the direct flights into BIA again then? I know they started civvie flights not long ago.

As it appears to be on the MOD Web page, its obviously no great secret:

Al Udeid, and yes the airhead has been switched for a few months now.

Oh right, they were still using Al-Udeid when we left there - Herc into there and a 747 charter home with some disappointingly ugly stewardesses.

At least the direct flights mean you cut about 5 hours off you trips home on R&R anyway.

Yes but now works the other way around for me - LOL…

We’ve pretty much rebuilt and can send sufficient funds to Iraq to make it much better, but really, do we truly think we can turn a country that has lived in a dictatorship for years and years then turn it into a democracy in a few months?[/quote]

What has been rebuilt? Most of Basra still only had power for a few hours of the day when I was over there last year[/quote]

A year is a long time to make progress

are you purposefully contradicitng yourself StalingradK?

do we truly think we can turn a country that has lived in a dictatorship for years and years then turn it into a democracy in a few months?

a year is a long time in which to make progress

Iraq has not even finished falling apart yet, on the grand scale of things rebuilding has not begun! Power, democracy local self supporting government and control, communication international trade on an open market (not US oil monpolies) have still to be planned let alone realised.

yes,servicio militar,thanks walther!,but,i did the army,i dk how you say when you are proffesional soldier (btw,i was only one year in the army,then after the hateful commando course i leave)[/quote]

im still waiting to know,how do you call in english when you enter to the army and you aren´t conscript?,here is voluntario




Erwin, these days there is no conscription in the British Armed Forces.
It first started during the Great War in 1916 and was ended in 1919.

It was reintroduced again as the Second World War looked inevitable (Military Training Act 1939 [May], superseded by National Service (Armed Forces) Act 1939 [September].)
National Service finally came to an end in 1960.

As a point of interest press-ganging was used by many nations during the Napoleonic period, but of the major protagonists Great Britain was alone in not using conscription. (IIRC, although as usual am willing to stand corrected.)

yes,i know mate,i asked how do you call the volunteer service (now i know),because here the conscription finished no much time ago.(well,more than 10 years i guess)

I spent 4 years active duty USAF, 1977-1980, best thing I ever did. It got me to where I am today.

And where is that? :smiley: :smiley:

I went into the Air Force as a fire fighter…IM now a Los Angeles city Fire fighter, If I didnt have that AF experience I dont think I would have been hired. I work 10 days a month ( 24 Hour days) with 20 days off…gives me lots of time to play. :smiley: