Military Experience

I want your job!

I tend to have a lot of 18-20 hour days with no extra time off…

Hi Tubbyboy,
Its a great job, it has a lot of political Bullsh_ _ and stuff now but I still love it. Im off for 4 days now…dont go back to work till Saturday… who wouldnt like that? :wink: Mike


Then again, during the Winter my job tends to be Monday to Friday, 0900-1230 so I can’t complain! Just really busy during the Summer.

He, I’m just going to shut up, I’ve been owned by Bluffcove, but please do tell me where you get your information =/

Stally, Dont wory mate, jsut nod smile apologise and move on, far too many people are sulking and throwing fits when they get corrected, its no shame, jsut FFS make sure you are consistent or youll sound liek a fool.

Im a fool too, so dont get offended :lol:

Oh go on then I’ll throw my tuppence worth in:

1984-90 British army, Armoured Engineers staring at Ivan over the IGB (apologies to any inhabitants of the former USSR, my present girlfriend comes from a former Warsaw pact country so no hard feelings) :lol:
1990-91 British Army N. Ireland having fun and games. :shock:
1991 - 1995 100% Civvy :?
1995 to now TA Amphibious Engineer including a spell in Iraq (Telic 1) :lol:

1991 -present on the civvy side working with EOD (range clearance mainly Chemical munitions), worked my way up to being an analytical chemist (God only knows how looking back on it) specialising in the analysis of chemical warfare agents. ta da that’s yer lot :lol:

Edit: typo (yet again) :roll: