Mod awareness

I got some new things I’ll be uploading soon. I think you’ll like it!

Sir ! Welcome back, sir !

Just a bit of an anouncement, I have become a mod for this particular topic, General WWII Discussion. Since I have only been assigned one topic to moniter, I will keep a very close eye on all the happenings. :wink:

I will not change anything that happened before I became mod, but from now on I will keep a good look out. The biggest challenges that we face, is staying on topic :smiley: But don’t worry I wont be too strict :!:

Any comments/suggestions are welcomed greatly!

If you havent noticed we have some new mods. Erwin, S.A.M., Cactus and Dani. Congrats guys. Also we have a Chief Moderator FW-190. We will slowly be filling in other slots as time goes on.

I have moved :arrow: and cleaned up a bit on this particular forum. The most notable job was to clear up the Bombers debate. If you are still interested in debating in whatever you guys were debating when off topic, I moved it to Off Topic-Militaria/ Various Debatable Topics

congrats again! :smiley:

I think we should choose Crab_to_be as the mod of the british military,he will be great.He´s a good guy,and he´s from a commonwealth country.

Crab_to_be might be a good choice for mod, but I think if he will be appointed, we should give him the opportunity to choose the forum he wants to moderate.
It will be not fair for any future mod to give him a distinct forum to moderate instead of let him choosing.
Edited for syntax.

I don’t understand his reasons. Anyway he have the right to refuse this award as well.

yes,but i think he will like the british forum,he´s british,and the non moderated forums aren´t good as it.

As some of you know and some might not. I will be leaving for Norway soon to pursue my Masters Degree at the University of Oslo in the Physics of Geological Processes. Therefore, I will not be on the site near as much. I will be appointing FW-190 as the new admin in my place. I plan to appoint FW-190 admin soon and take sometime to show him the ropes. He will then appoint his own chief moderator. Ive talked with FW-190 about a great many site issues when we were mods and even more now that im an admin. He has been a great chief mod and confidant. Remember that he might be the new admin but all mods are his cabinet if you will. He will look to you (Mods and members) for support in his decision’s. Natually the buck stops with ww2admin but insofar as the forum it usually rests with the current admin. So if I have to step down as an admin thats fine by me. My loyalites lay with you all, the members of this site and the forum in general. I have done my best to make it great place to visit and discuss WW2. I hope that it will continue this way but its up to you all. I hope that you all will show FW-190 the respect that you have shown me.

Thanks Gen. Sandworm

Have fun becoming a Master. If there are any spare scandinavian women, could you lend me one please.



How about I make em say your name? :smiley:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


How about I make em say your name? :smiley:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]

hey!,that was for my name.

get some scandinavian girls and make them say errrwwwiinnnn!

Hey mod did you delete my topic on the crappiness of u.s. tanks?

Yes, I deleted. You could check on

I am so great, G, R, A, T, erm… G, R, E, A, T!

Y,S, erm… Y,E,S! :wink:

Just so everyone knows…I might outrank FW-190 but he is in charge of the site. Of course we are all under ww2admin. Im just more of a consultant at the moment. I still active on the site at the moment but I leaving the major calls up to FW. Im more of a consultant for now. Therefore if you have any concerns please feel free to PM FW about them. Like i said im leaving soon and wont be on the site near as much, however I will always be here if help is needed.