Mod awareness

So far the members of the 101st Airborne are Dani, Pavy and Gen. Sandworm. Our mission is to stick together and do whatever we can to improve the site. Every one in this user group has the right to recommend a new user to the usergroup. The name is debateable but its the best i could come up with. We can do anything we want in our topic. Right now we have 3 people. Soon Dani will be in charge … but this is one of the most respectable positions you can have. The only non members that can see in here is FW-190 an WW2Admin. Both the most respectable people. I would delete all at their command.

I named this forum 101st airborne quickly. Most are familiar with there symbol. We do not have to adapt the same. We can change our name and our symbol. What we do need is good people.

Let me know what you think

Gen. Sandworm

Dani I put you in charge here. Your the group mod…so when you want to add someone you just click on 101st Airborne usergroup name and you can add whoever. Or take out whoever.

I “abused” ( :smiley: ) of my rights to add a new member.
A great mate: Tsolias. Welcome!

Welcome to our new member: PzKpfw VI Tiger!

Thanks for the welcome, Dani. :slight_smile:

What do you all think the minimum age for a Moderator should be?

Before this topic is shut down, I am not trying to change site policy, I am merely curious as to what people think.

I think that a Mod should be at least 18, please discuss below…

And should probably have a Level 3 or higher ability in English…

Vote please? Not that I am telling you what to do, I wouldn’t do that. Only Moderators can do that!



I think that there is the potential for people telling porkies about their age though.

It happens enough with mis- or disinformation being posted as gospel, and those who have no problem with lying on one subject would not have anything against fibbing about their age.

However while there are a number of mature young people around who do make informative and intelligent posts, there are a some, (not all of them teenagers !) to whom I would not give the responsibility for wiping their own butts, let alone taking a nonpartizan view of subjects upon which they have a particular axe to grind.

While it may not be a popular view, maturity often comes with experience not necessarily with age.

This seems to be discriminatory,limiting the moderators to their age,and ignoring totally the important valours which i think,young members have in lots.

consider this as a “Any age as long as they are responsible”.


explain that

explain that[/quote]

Quod erat demonstrandum. (Latin)

Means “Which was to be demonstrated”

To be brutally honest, I wouldn’t even dream of moderating a French forum, and my French is rather better than Erwin’s English (but he gets 10/10 for trying).

A lot of the arguments and problems occur because Erwin misinterprets, or simply does not understand a post and then edits/deletes it. This has ruined at least one highly amusing thread, which is now dead and is unlikely to be reborn in a dramatic Lazarus-esque style.

Just a suggestion, Erwin, but if you don’t understand a post, DON’T TOUCH IT! PLEASE!

Well said. I think this site is great. I enjoy the threads very much, and am learning a great deal from many intelligent people with similar interests.

The Mods are very understanding in general and allow the threads to go as they may with the occaisional prod to get back on direction. I have learnt much from this site in the week I have been a member and the month or so I have been logging on.

I am also speaking to people who aren’t British or have British view points, all views are welcome if backed up properly, and again learning much.

I thank all of the membership and especially the mods and of course the admin bods for this site.

Of course there are exceptions to this rule, and I appreciate that I can be as childish as the next man, but you know who I mean.

The holy (sh1t) trinity as I like to refer them/him.

I understood it!!!,im not part of a parody btw!.

Anybody can lie about there age and how would you confirm the age. I think maturity with an open mind be the first priority and if you have that age is not important.
I agree with what is being said, IM new here but one of the Mods seemed to be drunk with power. :lol: deleting post should not be a common thing and used as a last resort. that’s my 2 cents.

another republican colaborating :roll: .
you do this to look like a democrat?,because im not going to change my opinnion that fast!

[quote="Erwin Schätzer you do this to look like a democrat?,

Erwin, What does Republican or Democrat have to do with this? You must have recognized who I was talking about in my last post. :lol:
This is NOT a political issue

Erwin, What does Republican or Democrat have to do with this? You must have recognized who I was talking about in my last post. :lol:
This is NOT a political issue[/quote]
first,wrong quote,it is: ]

drunk with power??? yesterday was the first time i don’t post drunk!!!.

if i was drunk of power,why i didn’t edit their messages like putting “im an island ape” in the falklands thread?,oh,and btw,if i was drunk of power,why i didn’t delete all posts in the falklands thread???,ohhh,sorry,i remember,i wasn’t drunk of power.

you brit :stuck_out_tongue: