Modelling work of Strina Croatia.

Either way, my point is that he is being put to death for America’s/Britain’s political means not because he committed those crimes. It’s just one big piece of Bush propaganda to help him impose his political ideals on Iraq.

I don’t see it that way. For me, what is important is that justice is being served for the sake of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who died at the hands of a ruthless dictator who brutalized his people for decades. He could not very well have been put on trial while he was still in power.

Even those who oppose Bush here in the United States and in Iraq (Democrat leaders and certain Shiite clerics) were pleased with the news of Saddam Hussein’s sentence. Most Iraqis will be glad to see him go.

I feel no more sympathy for him than I would for a serial killer on death row.

I’m fully agree with Tiger.

Is it not seems the strange for you gentlemens , why it was needed to begin the slauther in Iraq and killed handreds of thousands peoples and all it for what?
For the sentence of Saddam for murdering of 148 Shiits.

Looking how our American friends so worry about civil population in Iraq and boldly called Sabbam as war crime , may i ask you guys. What do you think about US methods of suppression in Iraq (for instance in Falugy) .
As may be you know that US army used the White Phosphorouse bombs in Falugi (it seems in 2003) .
And do you think normal the situation that since the invasion to the Iraq in 2003 it were killed about 650 000 civilians (US latest datas) at the same time Saddam’s regime for several decades killed less people then US army for 3 year.


Firstly I dont think anyone is really going to miss Saddam. He was one of plenty of bastards.
2. Phosphorus bombs/grenades/whatever are not illegal just looked down upon…same as landmines.
3. Although the Coalition forces have somewhat to do with it IMO most deaths now days are due to the Iraqi Civil war.

And what is the reason to Iraqi Civil War?

Iraq has had a civil war going on since Saddam took power, he was just better at keeping it under control (hiding the evidence).

Is this from US data or is it compiled using statistical evidence that 1 in ten have died in town X, there for the total dead must be 1 in 10 X number of towns.

Question: what is White Phosphorous bombs used for?

The Iraqi’s official numbers dead are 150,000. I’m pretty certain that is a lot more dead than would have been had Saddam remained in power. Why don’t the Allied leaders, say, Bush and Blair stand trail, their excuse for all these dead would be the WMDs (which there was little evidence of, Bush and certainly Blair were informed of this before the invasion.). The WMDs excuse for the killing of 150,000 Iraqis is as bad Saddam’s excuse for killing those Kurds. Why the double standard? Why don’t the Iraqi people put the U.S. and Britain on trail? Because the Iraqi government isn’t the Iraqi government it is a puppet with Bush pulling the strings and making it dance to his propaganda song. Face it, we invaded and screwed up a country that was relatively stable for our own gain not the Iraqi people’s, Bush couldn’t careless about the Iraqi people.

You chuck them into enemy positions where the fire and smoke from them drives the occupants out, or they die from severe burns and smoke inhalation. Also they can be used to light up enemy positions.

Vrlo dobro, Hrvate!!

White Phosphorous was also used by US tankers during WWII as part of their tactics when dealing with German armor.

A popular tactic in experienced US tank battalions when encountering Panthers was to strike them first with white phosphorous smoke rounds. Inexperienced German crews would sometimes be forced out by the acrid smoke, drawn in through the tank’s ventilator. Even if these tricks did not work, the smoke prevented the Panthers from locating their opponents, giving the M4 tanks time to maneuver to the flanks or rear, where their 75mm gun could penetrate the Panther’s armor. This tactic was standard operating procedure in some units, including CCA, 4th Armored Division.

US used white phosphorus in Iraq

US troops used white phosphorus as a weapon in last year’s [2003] offensive in the Iraqi city of Falluja, the US has said.

Col Venable told the BBC’s PM radio programme that the US army used white phosphorus incendiary munitions "primarily as obscurants, for smokescreens or target marking in some cases.

“However it is an incendiary weapon and may be used against enemy combatants.”

And he said it had been used in Falluja, but it was a “conventional munition”, not a chemical weapon.

It is not “outlawed or illegal”, Col Venable said.

He said US forces could use white phosphorus rounds to flush enemy troops out of covered positions.

“The combined effects of the fire and smoke - and in some case the terror brought about by the explosion on the ground - will drive them out of the holes so that you can kill them with high explosives,” he said.

San Diego journalist Darrin Mortenson, who was embedded with US marines during the assault on Falluja, told the BBC’s Today radio programme he had seen white phosphorous used “as an incendiary weapon” against insurgents.

However, he “never saw anybody intentionally use any weapon against civilians”, he said.

White phosphorus (weapon)

There isn’t. I once had a pretty young blond JAG Army officer tell a friend of mine that “there is no statue of limitations on War crimes” after he tried to question the Laws of Land Warfare by bringing up and example of his father, who had been a Sergeant in the USMC in the Pacific. He stated that his Marine dad had often been often told to take Japanese prisoners on “a five-mile march and be back in five minutes.” He quickly shut up and sat back down after she sort of rebuked him…

I am well aware of the use of WP(or the more ecological Red Phosphorous, same colour smoke different name and make up). My question was directed at chevan as he/she is unaware of its use in combat. He/she seems to think it is an outlawed tool because some nit does not like it’s effect. It has a limited area with the initial burst on open ground of about 40-50m. it produces instant smk and due to the particles burning to produce this smk it can set things on fire. it is excelent stuff and i loved using it.

With WP you get instant smk

With chemical you get smk but it takes time and is more commonly used to signal and not screen at Bn level and below.

And after finding this it is a bit much calling the pot black

In the December 1994 battle for Grozny in Chechnya, every fourth or fifth Russian artillery or mortar round fired was a smoke or white phosphorus round.

Thank’s George Eller for information.
White Phosphorous bombs were forbided by the Convention of UN in 1980 which USA unsigned . Do somebody know, why USA not signed it?
This wearpon is very rough and terrible. In place of explosion of WP-bomb people die in circle of 150-200 metres.
The victims of WF has a tupical chemical burns.
Here’s a some photos:
Falluji, 2003
What’s interesting - first time Pentagon denied the fact of application of WF in Iraq.
Italian TV channel RAI showed the film about it.
Although WF was not determined as the chemical wearpon it terrible effect is very simular and UN forbid it. Certainly UN not the law for the US. It’s obviously US has own standarts of war. :wink:
I know the point exist: this is the war with terrorism and any humanity is the weakness. OK i understand.
But by this way the sentence of Saddam for 148 shiits look cynically…Not because he is good guy, certainly he deserved the punishment.

Oh yes , my stupid , If WF was used in Grozny then US has lawful right to use it in Iraq. Is it your logic? :slight_smile:
And i hope you understand if you will not give the evidence that “every fourth or fifth round fired in Grozny” was a WF you will look like an idiot not only in my eyes.
P.S. And where is your “1st of foot” ?:wink:


Hot news Gentlemens.
I wathed on TV after the retirement of J.Ramsfeld Britain prepare to remove as soon as it possible the troops from the Iraq. Is it true ?
It’s seems the “coalition” crumble.
My point is although the US agression was a mistake but withdraw the US troops from Iraq today will be consider of islamic extremists as victory and all the world will feel it on own skin. Europe and Asia - everywhere are the islam.
So i think it will be a danger desicion to leave the Iraq right now.


Would like to see that resolution…coz ive never heard of it.

                                                                  Originally Posted by [b]2nd of foot[/b]                                      
               [i]In the December 1994 battle for Grozny in Chechnya, every fourth or fifth Russian artillery or mortar round fired was a smoke or white phosphorus round.[/i]

His point was that it is common use by many Army’s around the world… even yours.

P.S. watch the insults.

I agree with that…the situation is a catch 22!

Geneva conventions of 1980

Protocol 3 (Incendiary Weapons )

Protection of civilians and civilian objects

  1. It is prohibited in all circumstances to make the civilian population as such, individual civilians or civilian objects the object of attack by incendiary weapons.

  2. It is prohibited in all circumstances to make any military objective located within a concentration of civilians the object of attack by air-delivered incendiary weapons.

  3. It is further prohibited to make any military objective located within a concentration of civilians the object of attack by means of incendiary weapons other than air-delivered incendiary weapons, except when such military objective is clearly separated from the concentration of civilians and all feasible precautions are taken with a view to limiting the incendiary effects to the military objective and to avoiding, and in any event to minimizing, incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects. 4. It is prohibited to make forests or other kinds of plant cover the object of attack by incendiary weapons except when such natural elements are used to cover, conceal or camouflage combatants or other military objectives, or are themselves military objectives.

Using the WF as particular case of Incendiary Weapons in cities like Fallyji was forbiden. Certainly the point is it used against guerrials but many of female victims and children photos showed thet civilians was there.

His point was that it is common use by many Army’s around the world… even yours.

But i never heared that any army exceps US used it.
OK no problems . Have you any evidence?

P.S. watch the insults.

I just kidding for he/she…

Here is a starting point. Plus has the quote 2nd of Foot was talking about.

According to, “In the December 1994 battle for Grozny in Chechnya, every fourth or fifth Russian artillery or mortar round fired was a smoke or white phosphorus round.”

Are any documental evidence of it except