
Could we warn somebody for posts (or behaviour) not belonging to “our” forums? is my email

Shit I forgot to post mine…lol Actually we have everyone but Cactus and SAM. Dont know if you all use messenger but feel free to add me.

A pm from Tubbyboy. I know i said dont ever post PM’s but this is the war room and well we can do whatever we want in here. :smiley:

Do we need a brit as a mod???

Well we dont have an extra mod for the British forum, and I think we need one. So dont you think we can pick out a respectable brit? :smiley:

I think we are going to have to appoint some british guy. Tell ya the truth im getting sick of getting all their PM’s. So whoever it is should have some sense. More Website and open-mindedness than king and country. Coz he is going to be handling all the Brits complaints about every little detail. :slight_smile:

So please make some suggestions. FW-190 and I have a sort of guideline where we must both agree on the new mod. So gentlemen we are all ears!

i have now yahoo messenger too,it`s

YAHOO MSN: pod_biohazard

btw,dani,i added you in my yahoo msn contacts.

i forget to say, please do not email to my hotmail account, its for msn purpose only. I wouldnt able to receive any of your email in that account
if you really want to send me email, please do so in
i rarely check it but its a way to contact with via email, thanks

Maybe Cactus Dani and Crab to be should take the remaining 3 topics???

Congrats Crab!

Congrats! SAM has just promote to Chief Mod

Thanks! :smiley: :smiley:

Congrats SAM!!

SAM and Cactus, it’s possible to have here your emails?

just in case you want to contact me via msn, my hotmail is However, please do not email me, this hotmail fails to receive any mail i haven’t add them in msn.

opps, i almost forget to congrat Dani for his promotion to Chief Mod


Thanks! :smiley:

Ill be gone four days. just to let u know.

I don´t visited the forum for 3 days,because,i had some problems in the connection.
but all is repaired now.

did you miss me guys?? :lol: .