
Commando, please calm down!

Try to discuss instead of posting in such manner!!

With this post I tried to moderate a little harrasment between you and Firefly and also I expressed my personal opinion (in a calm way I’d say).

Might I give props to dani…if you ever have a problem with a mod/chief mod/admin do it in here! NEVER OUT THERE. Just a reminder! Goes hand in hand with the appearence of “we always know what we are doing” :smiley:

I completely agree with you General!

I know we have touched on this before but where is Walther and Cdo? Can we have Mods that dont do their job?

I hope you dont think Im stirring but its hard to Mod when 1/3 of the Mods dont even come here.

I know the boards have been slow lately, though Im sure they will pick up again.

Any thoughts guys?

Walther is MIA I guess, I haven’t heard anything about how far he is to settling in yet.

As for Cdo Jordovski, I think he might have gone AWOL. :? His last post was November the 7th.

I think a Mod should be here almost every day, not once in 3 weeks!.

There are times when you cannot be here, but then you can tell the rest of us. To dissapear without reason is frustrating, as to be a Mod you have shown a commitment to the site.

So far Walther and Commando are missing. For time to time I see SAM visting the site.
FW-190 is here daily.
Tiger and Gen. Sandworm are here at 2-3 days as I saw.

So Dani.

Is that reasonable for a Mod?

I would like my Mods to be here at least every 3 days, how else can you get a feel for what is going on?

Dani, I’m active every day! :x

Don’t be upset Tiger! I stated “as I saw”…
Also myself I am daily on the site but I didn’t post daily. We are talking now about missing moderators.

Ok. Well then we have 2 MIA Moderators. Perhaps 3. If this turns out to be like Cactus we might be on the market for 2 new recruits.

Well ill explain somethings to you all. I plan to have this forum going as long as it can. Walter and Cdo. Jor. dont do their job they will be gone. As for the rest of us that do our job to the best of our ablilities we get the retirement phase. I check the site at least once a day to make sure everything is okay. Normally just check the main forum relative to the administration if im in a hurry. If i have time I try to go thru the topics. However, I try not to step on toes. You all are the mods and expect to see you do your jobs. So alot of time I just hold back and see what you guys do. I usually never have to say anything coz the mods we have are pretty effective. Chief mods (especially Dani) has shown his worth to the site. Not knocking SAM BTW you just seem that youve been busy.

Another point…if it comes to the point that I cant be here on a regular basis I will step down. I think FW would do the same. Of course we will get the perks that come with that. In that event I will be come a honary but retired admin. I will most likely appoint a chief mod to replace me and a mod to replace him.

Firefly im happy with your enthusiasm. Your doing great so far. If we lose Walter and Cdo. Jor. “Hey we would be great with them but we will be fine without them” Any mod should always feel free to question those above him. But in the war room only. Yes we have a hierarchy but that is only in the forum. The war room is different. "We must always present the image that we know exactly what we are doing even thou we might not. Hence the war room’s purpose. We can have a democracy in here. (for the mostpart)

Also SAM and Dani + Me and FW we havent given any awards in sometime. Not say lets hand them out to everyone but we havent given one in awhile. Its there for the better posters and to make the site fun.

Another point. Fw-190 is the admin on this site. Yes I outrank him and yes im on here alot and make alot of comments. I could pull back the rains if needed but he is doing a fine job. When we were mods we saw eye to eye on many issues and I dont feel like im steping on his toes. If he ever felt like I was all he has to do is say and ill back off. I come here every day because 1 I care. 2. I want to see the effort I put into this site continue to grow. I think they are. Some problems aside.

In the end this is everyone’s site. However its our job to make sure it stays that way. To make sure its informative, realistic and attempt to show no bias. Also to make sure the site is fun. Fun and learning are the keys. These arent always easy. But we can diffentaly do it. I love it when ppl come to the site and ask hard questions about ww2. Shows that they looked over the site enough to see that most of the guys on here are half way intelligent.

So keep at it fella’s I think we are doing good. If Walter and Cdo. dont show up soon they will be gone. Crabtobe will be back someday and I was very comfortable with him as a mod. So if we have to appoint a new on then we will. However I think the days of elections are over. Walter was here alot before then became a mod and went missing.

In general im happy with the way things are but there is always room for improvement. I used to wake up everyday thinking about what could i do to improve the site. Well didnt have anything else better to do. :slight_smile: Maybe ww2admin’s suggestion about grabing a picture a week and talking about it. Also maybe we could have a quiz section in each section. Also there are not many involved but maybe we could get the WW2 teams going. Would nice to have some competition on the site.
Another one…I would absouletly love to do is find somekind of way for us to meet. I would love to meet maybe in Normandy the upcoming year. There are so many ideas we can grab. Just have to see who is interested.



Gen. Sandworm. :smiley:

Sorry for the late response.

But it brings a tear to my eye, Gen. Sandworm :lol: , Very charasmatic are we? Anyway, we even if you become an Honorary Retired Admin, we will still need a strong, governing hand like youres to point us in the right direction!