More classic Iron man

TINWALT - please, please, please, please block google from your computer and tell us about Iraq from your own experiences. You have no idea what you are talking about (as usual) yet you continue to argue with people who do (as usual). You are (as usual), posting vast amounts of crap you’ve googled to make up for this lack of personal knowledge. You have no idea about any of the Iraqis you’ve mentioned, you’d never heard of them till you googled them. You wouldn’t know the SOP for ambushes if the big book of SOPs fell on your head. The British Army is well known for being the best Army in the world, there are, as far as I know, no videos of British troops doing a Beiruit unload at 50mph as an anti-ambush measure. The American Army is well known for being cowboys, there are, as you have proven, videos of your shoddy anti-ambush drills available on the internet.

Very good you can also find on the net the photo of a SNCO hit in that riot by a petrolbomb. Very good picture of him burning.

Ah yes, would this be the case where Arrse managed to claim Pious Moron’s scalp? Good thing you can’t hear a Yorkshire (?) accent on the “Iraqi” in those photos like you would if it was a video…

But I thought I would do it for you as you may have difficulty.

24 mar 2004

Getting a bit off topic arent we.

Sandworm, as an American, how do you see the attitude of the British posters on this site, as a group, or as individuals?

Do you feel that there is anti-americanism being ‘spouted’?

In answering this please do not include my attitude to IRONMAN.

IRONMAN is “Spethul” and possibly has block shoes, therefore I am slating him and not your nation. America granted has done alot for the world.

IRONMAN you have done nothing for the world. Other than give support for eugenics!

editted to make my feelings entirely clear.

oh :shock: ,that´s deep.

Eugenics ask your grandad Erwin :lol:

What, block shoes??

I suppose if your looking from the top down you could describe them as “deep”.

What I want to know, is which leg is shorter than the other? :lol:

What, block shoes??

I suppose if your looking from the top down you could describe them as “deep”.

What I want to know, is which leg is shorter than the other? :lol:[/quote]
and are they really wired with P4 to stop them escaping from their overweight care assistants called Pamela?

Eugenics ask your grandad Erwin :lol:[/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Erwin, would you mind awfully if we could have the old avatar back? The only thing is, me and Bluffy at least have started to picture you as looking like the chap in your old one, and to have you suddenly change from a slightly wild eyed panzer-grenadier in a scarf, to a goon in an unfeasibly large hat, is disconcerting to say the least.



you want me to have the last avatar?,i don´t understand

Yes please. The thing is, we have started to think of that picture as being you, so when you change it, its bloody confusing.

also, the new one is a bit gay, I think.

Ale sorry but people change avatars all the time on tother forums. He it not allowed to change his name so you can still see who it is.

:smiley: ,ok,if you want,nice form to say that.

:lol: (???)

did you miss me guys?

Much better, the other one looked like Sid James! :?
Its dashed confusing when people change their avatars.

I keep seeing Erwin making bizarre on-topic posts and can barely work it out until I realise dani has your avatar also.

My avatar is Unique I have noticed as it is the most arrogant Avatar in existence! :lol:

Ale sorry but people change avatars all the time on tother forums. He it not allowed to change his name so you can still see who it is.

Yeah, I know, I was only asking guvnor! It was just amusing because me and Bluffcove were just discuss on msn, how you start to think of people as looking like their avatars when he changed it. Incidentally, Bluffcove does look just like his avatar in real life anyway! :lol:

Erwin, if you are bored of the old one, feel free, I was only asking. :smiley: