More classic Iron man

ooh look I posted too many times, neverm ind Ill jsut annoy IRONMAN with a pointy stick for a while.


stabby stabby pointy stabby

Ok Im bored next topic.

Most Germans are not blonde with blue-eyes, and they are average height as a people. While some Germans have blonde hair, most Germans have brown or sandy brown hair, some have black even though they are as German as a German gets. Amongst Germans, eye color varies from brown to blue to green to hazel. You are thinking of Scandanavians.[/quote]

Thankyou IRONMAN I shall endeavour to remember that my mistake not htat half my ancestry is scandinavian or anything is it!

Feckin hell Iroman is an Anthrapologist as well as an expert tactician, is there no end to this mans talent

True, sounds like the Colonel’s Rules of Gun Safety have been violated, Rule Four to be precise.

While this can be understood, (to a certain extent,) in a war fighting phase, in PSO it is inexcuseable.
I know that there are a number of incidents involving coalition members from different countries in which civilians have been hit, it does little to assist winning the hearts and minds of the locals, a vital move towards the ultimate goal of stability and peace.[/quote]

You just went into fantasy land now dude. You’ve made it clear that you want to criticize US troops more than use reason. I think it’s rather sad. Perhaps soon we’ll have video of the Brits doing something like this under fire. I suppose then you’ll say, “Oh that’s different! Can’t you hear the guy firing his MG in the background?”

it’s obvious that now that you have abandoned reason so very far that you are seeking an outlet for your dislike of the US military. It is sad that you are willing to make such a ridiculous statement to do so.

Enjoy this video of an AC-130 gunship taking out insurgents, and conciously chosing NOT to shoot a moque that a guy ran into for cover, so he would not upset the “hearts and minds” of the Iraqi people.

Listen carefully for one soldier say to the other, “Watch that mosque over there too. He went into the mosque.” “Clearing the mosque.”

Enjoy! Stick that into your anti-American hat dude. :lol:[/quote]


It appears that I was wrong.
I thought that IRONMAN had become a normal poster and was thinking before posting.
Or at least reading the posts he wanted to respond to.

What on earth has led him to assume that I have made an anti-American statement ?
For crying out loud, I mentioned a rule made by an American Col.
A USMC Col at that !
Can’t you ride daddy’s coat tails a little more and claim some allegiance to the US Marines ?

IRONMAN, I am not, nor ever have been, anti-American. You on the other hand are either paranoid, (hopefully terminally,) or have missed your medication again.
You make the most bizarre statements and get frantically defensive if anyone makes any comment whatsoever about it.

With reference to your offer to ‘enjoy the video of an AC-130 gunship taking out insurgents’, I will decline.
I, like the vast majority of soldiers who have been on a real battlefield, take no ‘enjoyment’ in watching other people die.
On your computer games the killed enemy and own troops fall nice and cleanly to the ground then conveniently disappear.
This does not happen in reality.

People lose parts of their bodies.
Men scream and shriek in pain.
Limbs lie at impossible angles and are sometimes removed by splinters or blast.
Blood flows or pumps at an alarming rate.
There can be no enjoyment in this.

While there may be a certain amount of peer pressure and odd espirit de corps which gives certain servicemen a little bravado about such things, but get them on their own and the majority will tell you that broken bodies are not something they wish to observe.

I suggest you return to your virtual world of computer ‘wargames’ and leave the real world to those who have been there or are training for it.

I am actually saddened by your post.

Well said Cuts. I’ve not even been able to play Grand Theft Auto since I got back from the sandpit, shooting someone with an RPG isn’t that much fun when you’ve seen what’s left of a 20 year old lad shot with an RPG. Ironman, I’m still waiting for an apology for the charges of cowardice and being a poor soldier that you made a few days ago in another thread. I think you now owe everyone an apology for the shit you’ve come out with and the insults you have rained down on serving soldiers because their views are not the same as your computer gaming experience

I’ve just had taken the opportunity to look back at Ironmans reply to my post’s last night regarding the Mpeg he posted of the IED ambush. Consider screen resolution before calling me a liar. As for being anti-American, I spent three months of 1991 traveling from New York to Miami then took up a post in Denver for six months followed by a year in living and working in Boston( Go Pat’s). If circumstances had been different I would have stay’d as the 18 mth’s I spent in the USA are some of my fondest momories.I think that I have seen more of your country than you have.
You use the term insurgents(enemy elements) far too easily and descibe non combatants as Mr civillian( thats you Ironman). In a terrorist action (like Iraq) the lines become blurred.
I took the Shilling in 78 and jibbed in 89, I think my eleven years trump your PC games and Google. During those years the only time I heard the term insurgent was either in training films or from my Dad ( BSM RA Korea,Malaya). We used either their designations , IRA,PIRA INLA, terr’s or other unmentionable tags.
you could try using the term resistance fighters though having no sand box experience I will accept correction from those on this site with experience of the current conflict.
Ironman PCgames and Mpegs give you the sight the first hand experience of contact so stop kidding yourself with Google info, you are a never been, never done, wannabe walt, and a tw@t of the higest order
Right I’m off to bed (0525) as I have to be on duty in 3hrs I wont bother reading your reply as you are a blathering tard

You all have already been asked to get back on topic. Do I need to start handing out formal warnings???

I guess in the heat of all the blather, I jumped you for a harmless post. Sorry for that.

Now now. You don’t have to be a soldier to have common sence, or to see that falsehoods are being posted.

However, sorry again for that post. The one I jumped you for was harmless.

Falsehoods certainly are being posted.

(edited for choice of term)

“You dont have to be a soldier to have common sense”

Yes but you have neither, Common sense or soldiering experience. If you had either you would not argue with serving soldiers about the basic principles of infantry conflict, or acceptable responses to incoming enemy fire, primarlily because you are arguing from a sanitised position distanced from everything that you mention, These guys have been there, you on the otherhand have merely watched Mpegs as an alternative to porn. It does not qualify your statements.

I have not been to war, Yet! but due to my lack of experience i adhere to what I have been taught, and to what I can be taught by verterans that have fought in conflicts, They after all are the ones thta KNOW! You dont.

Bluffcove - one warning in the bag!

Hmmm well from the point of someone who has served in N Ireland (90-91) and Iraq (2003 Telic 1) Ironman you are talking shite!
Google is, as are all sources of data, only of use if you can interpret the information correctly. You have proved yourself incapable of this, I suggest you stick to Philosophy maybe you will be capable then of debating with some authority.

I guess you last four posters didnt think i was serious.

For gods sake its not that hard to start a new topic on the war in Iraq if you want.

I shall amend my earlier post and hope that it will reamin and not get me a warning.

I presume I will now get a second warning purely for making observations about the disparity of experience in this forum (and subsequent authority with which people make their posts)

This is the 3rd time in the past couple of days. Any further posts in this topic dealing with anything besides WW2 bombers the poster will be issued a “Formal Warning”

If you want to further the dicussion or have some of the posts from here split into a certain topic…pm me. I have no problem doing this. This is not hard and i usually allows recieve your PM in a couple of hours.

Agreed, you can just pm me. I believe there were 3 out of 19 pages dealing with bombers.

Topic has been SPLIT and MOVED. The origional topic was in Best Bombers.

Right i’m gonna add fuel to the fire, this is in no way taking the piss out of the yanks but is a true story none the less.

This is a true story of a American ROTC chappie who was ‘ranger’ qualified and his actions on my last annual camp.

Our young American friend from the ROTC, let’s call him necklace(in-joke i apologise), is asleep in his basher on morning whilst out on ex with a OTC platoon when all of a sudden all hell breaks loose and the harbour is attacked.
Our brave defender of American democracy abandons his basher and moves into cover. Then hurtling over his head comes a smoke grenade landing a metre or so from him. With this grenade posing such a danger to his personal health and blank rounds in danger of ‘greasing his ass’ he decides the time has come to run away. He jumps up unleashes a whole mag on auto grabs a entrenching tool (i sh1t you not, that was all he took) and does a runner.
Later his platoon (not in the slightest p1ssed off, i assure you) upon quizzing him as to why he took off were amazed with our Ranger qualified friend’s reply which was
'Hey i ‘aint no fool n*gger, when the sh1t goes down you gotta get your ass outta there’ Obviously it is true, rangers do lead the way.

But wait there’s more,

He further covered himself with glory on camp FTX. My troop were doing their last stand on the round-robin part of the ex on the first day, the artillery stand (though what it had to do with artillery is beyond me). Again not present but close by, I was in the rear at the time guarding, well sitting on a prisoner.
Anyway our brave hero, necklace(in joke), defender of western values and democracy, was with his section being moved up to the front of our attack on the enemy’s position.
You can imagine the scene…bodies everywhere, bullets zipping by, mortar shells landing kicking up dirt…well not quite more like some blanks and smoke grenades again. But that’s what it must have been like for our ‘All American Hero’ in the best traditions of disgrace and dishonour he refused to soldier.
One of our plucky toms dis-heartned by one of our American brethren’s display of yellow tried to ever-so gently(get a fking move on you fking pr1ck or i’ll tear you a new one) suggest that he get moving towards the ungodly Welsh Liberation Army hordes (well a couple of third years) however our brave yank decided that the weight of fire and ugliness of the enemy was too much and could not go on.
A to-do followed and our brave colonial friend suddenly found somewhere in his yellow cowardly soul a spark of heroism and brandished a knife and tried to attack one his fellow soldiers whom apart from an SA80 and some blanks was unarmed. Luckily the tommies managed to overcome this giant of a man and he was dragged off by DS with the air suddenly turning blue.

The story has been changed ever-so slightly to disguise identities for OPSEC’s sake but i swear it is totally true, i was there!

And just to show i’m not completely biased here’s a true story of me doing a runner…

There was once a young lad, let’s call him the wiltshire warrior, on ex on Salisbury plain in and around Imber village. Now our young heroic lad was full of himself that weekend evidently pleased that he was in fact a couple of miles from his home and looking forward to sunday morning when his parent s would turn up with bacon butties (they never did by the way).
One of the activities of this weekend included our young wiltshire warrior going with his troop on a man-pack rebro at night, which they duly did going off at night and setting up on a wooded hilltop.
Now, our hero was put on stag alone as there were only six bods in the rebro. For twenty minutes on his 2nd stag he scannned the area using his all-singing all-dancing CWS when suddenly quarter left at twenty yards he saw a moving shape no more than a couple of feet high and a metre long making growling noises coming in his direction.
The young lad sensing danger saw that the object in fronty of him was in fact a bl00dy great big badger intent on savaging him there and then. Our lad, being of a rural disposition (rural soldiers are the best by the way) knew that badgers are bloody vicious.
Did he stand his ground and scare the badger off? Did he attempt to attack and drive it off? No, he ran just like his hero Flashman always said you should. Running about 20-25 metres our now terrified wiltshire warrior hit the ground looking frantically around with the aid of the CWS he could see nothing but to his utter horror he could hear the giant savage beast crashing through the undergrowth jaws slavering with the thought of human flesh.
Again our brave hero fled with cries of ‘oh…sh1111t! somebody help me! Get this f**king thing away from me’ Until he ran head first into one of the OTC’s finest PTIs whom as it happened was also running away from a strange badger-like character. The two lads returned to their harbour knowing that strength in numbers would be key if they were to survive the night ahead.

Could be good for a OTC remake of Dog soldiers - Badger soldiers

There was once a young lad, let’s call him the wiltshire warrior, on ex on Salisbury plain in and around Imber village.

If I was in Imber Village again, I’d probably run off too. Copehill Down is just so much nicer. Mind you, even Imber is an improvement over Knook Camp, which has mistaken itself for sanitary temporary living space.

The Badger was the (unofficial) symbol of the Inf Coy in my old OTC. So maybe you were fleeing a bunch of toffs wandering through the undergrowth going ‘rah rah rah rah rah’. I wouldn’t blame you - it’s not a pretty sight early in the morning, especially when the pashmina-wearers are missing their beauty sleep.

The Badger was the (unofficial) symbol of the Inf Coy in my old OTC. So maybe you were fleeing a bunch of toffs wandering through the undergrowth going ‘rah rah rah rah rah’. I wouldn’t blame you - it’s not a pretty sight early in the morning, especially when the pashmina-wearers are missing their beauty sleep.

No it was definitely a great big bl00dy badger. It was HUGE and it was hungry for blood, my blood to be precise.