More classic Iron man

Ironman, the British Army takes drug abuse very, very seriously. As has been said, this even extends to reservists. Anyone found with drugs in their system is going to spend an uncomfortable time in the glasshouse. Simple.

Bluffcove wrote:
Even Steroid and growth hormone abuse can lead to expulsion from the British Military due to its effect on the psychology of the user, How many musclebound GI’s would be binned if the same rules applied to your guys?

Ironman replied:
Oh bullshiot dudey. That may be so but the UK is still feeding drugs to it’s pilots and ground troops. Did you say you are a soldier in the UK? How much of that crap did you eat?

You’re talking rot, Ironman. Bluffcove is spot on.

Much appreciated, thankyou.

As Fuchs66 says, the task now is to find those responsible.[/quote]

Yes. The bastards need to be found out and strung up. I think the people of the US felt for the British in this event more than in the past because of 911. It struck a chord and made us remember those feeling of that terrible day. America hopes that the UK will find the perpetrators soon.

You know, in years past, right now I’d say, “Woe unto those bastards. Here comes the RAF.” But I can’t say that now really, because we both are already over there in Iraq and Afghanistan tearing up the territory looking for Bin Laden and insurgents. It reminds me of the day I head on the radio a message…

“We interrupt this broadcast with a special report. The United States has just bombed Lybia.”

That was when Khadafi had gotten his bunch to shoot down an American airliner over Lockerbee (spell that right?) Scotland. So we sent some B-1 bombers over there to rearange his attitude. The UK let us take off from Britain, but France would not let us fly through their airspace in route to Lybia, which pissed off people here in the US. I mean, had it been France, they could have counted on us to let them fly through our airspace.

But this is a little different. I am sure though, that f the actual perpetrators are discovered, the UK will go after them like a wolverine after meat.

So does the US. But that doesn’t stop both of our countries form giving drugs to military personel to keep them awake and alert.

The bombing by Libya of the PanAm flight over Lockerbie was in retaliation for the US raid on Libya. I can’t remember why your chaps bombed them in the first place though, I know it wasn’t just for fun :wink:

We may have our differences of opinion, Ironman, but thankyou for your kind words.

So does the US. But that doesn’t stop both of our countries form giving drugs to military personel to keep them awake and alert.[/quote]

Yes but our definition of drug abuse is much more inclusive than the US’. The drugs/medication given to service personel differ as do their effects you cant compare directly. I will try and get in contact with a couple of people I know to get information about the situation where such medication is given and how often this occurs as I presume that this may also differ between our two countries.

You’re welcome. This is what I’ve found so far about it.

"As a young man who grew up hating colonialism because of what it had done to his own country, Gaddafi entangled himself with a number of international terrorist movements, which he regarded as a part of the then-ongoing struggle against the former colonial masters of Europe. He is suspected to have supported a whole slew of them: the Basque group ETA in Spain, leftist guerrillas in Angola and Mozambique, the IRA in Northern Ireland, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in the Philippines, West Germany’s Baader-Meinhof gang, to name a few. But when his agents were accused of masterminding the 1986 La Belle disco bombing in West Berlin - which resulted in the deaths of two Americans and a Turkish woman - the US bombed Libya.

That incident is generally regarded as a turning point in his decision to keep a low profile, until the blowing up of the 1988 Pan Flight 103 over the Scottish village of Lockerbie. That terrorist act resulted in 259 deaths. Libya was accused to be responsible for it."

It was for the Libyan bombing of the Disco in Berlin

On April 5, 1986, a West Berlin discotheque frequented by U.S. servicemen was bombed by Muslim extremists from the Libyan Embassy in East Berlin, killing an American.

Strangely enough the US apparently also managed to drop a bomb on the French embassy in Libya “by mistake”

edited to add link:

Yes. I found this about it too.

Statement of Abraham D. Sofaer to the
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
March 31, 2003

“The US bombed Libya for its arranging attacks on Americans at the Rome and Vienna Airports in December 1986, and thereafter at a Berlin Discotheque.”

The reason for the original bombing raid was a terrorist bomb at a night club in West Berlin (LaBelle in Hauptstrasse, district of Friedenau), which was frequented by American soldiers. One black GI and a young Turkish woman were killed. Reagan ordered the raid on Gaddhafi’s barracks in Tripolis (Gaddhafi’s infant adopted daughter got killed in the raid) in a kneejerk reaction. Later, during the German criminal investigation and trial, it was actually proven that the attack was launched from Syria and the explosive smuggled into Germany in the diplomatic pouch of the Syrian embassy in East Berlin.
Lybia and Gaddhafi had nothing to do with this attack.


Edit: I remember this attack quite well, because my high school was not too far away from the night club.

Just a question on the side as far as I can remember in recent times US pilots have bombed “by mistake” 2 embassies

The French embassy in Tripoli
The Chinese embassy in Belgrade

Have they ever bombed the embassy of a country that is sympathetic to the US “by mistake” and if US pilots are so spot on as Eisentunte states how can they make such a “mistake”?

World renowned = renowned throughout the world. The British Army is acknowledged by just about every army that it has ever worked with to be the best trained soldiers in the world. We have THE best trained soldiers in the world - the SAS and the SBS, we have the best trained non-special forces in the world - the Royal Marines. WE HAVE THE BEST TRAINED ARMY IN THE WORLD.

Now - for your frankly rediculous assertions that British soldiers are gang-raping their way through Africa. You (as usual) are wrong and have no idea about the truth about the matter. I believe that the majority of the cases will be found to be bollocks, since most of then only came forward after they found out that there was a compensation case going. The ones that are found to be truthful will hopefully be dealt with by the law, and the pricks that did it will be put into jail. However, since the cases are still under investigation, why not wait for the results before claiming that 650 women HAVE been gang-raped. Exactly what charges were brought against American soldiers who committed atrocities in Vietnam (and other countries around the world)? We have our share of twats in the British forces, but generally they are caught and disciplined fairly quickly.

It is not a form of friendly fire - friendly fire is A-10s bombing British convoys (notice the “s” - denoting multiple incidents) despite the British vehicles flying 60 square foot British flags and having recognition marks on them. Friendly fire is F-16s bombing Canadian troops in a recognised training area despite being told not to (technically, that is also manslaughter - was the pilot prosecuted?). I did hear that Canadians now refuse to deploy anywhere with the Americans because they have been targetted by the USAF so many times - anyone know if there’s any truth in that?

As for British soldiers being drugged up - I’ve never once taken anything stronger than Pro Plus (concentrated caffeine), a freely available product. Even that can be enough to give you a dodgy result on your Compulsory Drugs Test (allegedly too much caffeine flags your result up). Certainly, no member of our forces is issued amphetimines, since they would be found on the CDt and the serviceman/womaon would be disciplined.


You can’t blame them, it was all a dirty commie/French/British/Anti-American plot that meant that pilots were issued maps 10 years out of date.

but wait that cant be true US forces are the bestest in the whoooole world how could they be so unprofessional as to have out of date maps. My theory is that the Goddamn Brit embassador stuck a big sign on the roof of each of these embassies that said “Drop your bombs here” goddamn it you goddamn Brit, US hating bastards should take the rap. Prove me wrong!!! :roll:

You are entitled to your opinion. Personally, I’d say the US Marine Corps Special Forces, US Navy Seals, and US Army Airborne are the best trained forces in the world.

They are not my assertions.

UK forces make those mistakes to bla bla bla bla

They take drugs given them by the military. MoD gave them to the UK military in Iraq1 and Iraq2 bla bla bla bla…

Bla bla bla? Bla bla bla bla bla!

In my very extensive experience of UK air operations all over the Globe I have never ever seen 1 pilot ever take anything other than an occassional sleeping pill. The governement may have bought them, but no one I have ever met has taken one.

Another blatant spout form Iron-Bru-Man. I bow to your wisdom of all things military.

Got a link for that that’s not a tabloid link? I’d like to read that.

Could you read what I wrote above??

It’s very annoying to see a lot of childish posts such as: “Your soldiers sucks, my soldiers are great!” and reply… " No! Your soldiers sucks, my soldiers are great!"

Come on fellows!! :x :x

but wait that cant be true US forces are the bestest in the whoooole world how could they be so unprofessional as to have out of date maps. My theory is that the Goddamn Brit embassador stuck a big sign on the roof of each of these embassies that said “Drop your bombs here” goddamn it you goddamn Brit, US hating bastards should take the rap. Prove me wrong!!! :roll:[/quote]


They take drugs given them by the military. The drug comapny sold them to the MoD, they were given to soldiers in Iraq1 and Iraq2 bla bla bla bla…

I never got any, must have stood in the wrong line and only got NAPS and anti-malaria tablets.

No comment as to the well trained US pilots bombing embassies of unsympathetic countries “by mistake”? Not once but twice at least in recent times!

Could you read what I wrote above??

It’s very annoying to see a lot of childish posts such as: “Your soldiers sucks, my soldiers are great!” and reply… " No! Your soldiers sucks, my soldiers are great!"

Come on fellows!! :x :x[/quote]

No doubt. But now they’re after the US for bombing Lybia. Next it will be for something else. Then something else after that. There is more fuming turd hatred coming from a few here than is piled up behind their houses.